Destiny Dominates

Chapter 278: 200000000

After the battle, Li Mochen came to the place where Bertram died, and gazed at the surroundings. He was worried that the latter would save part of his flesh and blood through occult techniques and be regenerated afterwards.

This mystery is not only in the realm of the original dome, but also in this world. The target is a red robe priest of the dragon and witch cult, which needs more precautions.

But the result was okay. Bertram was indeed dead, without any residue.

"I think we should go to the Bright Cathedral next."

Thompson Adams suggested: "Although I didn't feel any abnormality just now, just in case, it is better to look for those bishops to take a look."

He refers to the curse before Bertram's death. A dragon vein warrior of level 19, before his death, has a great chance of success.

"No need, his curse has been resolved by me."

Li Mochen seems to be breezy, but in fact it is still a bit congested. In order to dispel Bertrand's cursed spirit, he squandered all the virtue of virtue on the "Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Tower".

"But if you are not worried, you can still go to the Light Cathedral. My request is not to let the bishops know the truth, at least not to let them know the details of the battle."

Li Mochen is not afraid of being informed of his killing of Bertram, but he is worried that the professional levels and abilities of these people will be exposed and will be targeted in future battles.

Then he sucked a pair of black iron gloves on the ground in front of him into his hands.

Most of Bertram ’s equipment has been severely damaged, or was corroded when he exploded. Only this holy weapon ‘thorn iron hand’ has been completely preserved,

Li Mochen glanced at it for a moment, and then asked Dai Nian Streixi: "Dai Nian, how much is this thing worth?"

"Iron Hand of Thorns? This is expensive. He is different from the Thunder Hand in your hand. The latter is auxiliary equipment, and the Iron Hand of Thorns is the main preparation for the Druid. It is very powerful, if not this uncle Tren, as a Druid with the green dragon blood, was rejected by nature, and it should have played a greater ability. "

Dyneen Streisie hesitated a little: "Should it be 200 million to 300 million? If this thing appeared in the market, the believers of our natural goddess would take it at no cost."

"Then 200 million!"

Li Mochen made a direct decision: "I personally gave 20 million gold shields as your income, and this thorny iron hand belongs to me. Do you have any opinions?"

That is to say, he takes 90% of the profits, and others mean 10%.

A few people looked at each other at the scene, no objection, even Howard Eisenhower nodded slightly: "BOSS you are fair!"

Li Mochen, as their monarch, should have taken the big head. And the reason why they can kill Bertram, Li Mochen's shooting technique, and Calamity Pill, and the bizarre dimension anchor spell are all very important. Even in terms of contribution, it is enough to grab 70% or 80% of all proceeds.

"That's it!"

Then Li Mochen raised his hand and tossed the thorny iron hand to Li Tailai: "This thing is yours, at a price of 182 million gold shields. Starting today, your wages and bonuses will be deducted by 80%. Until you have repaid the debt. Of course, you can return it to me if you do n’t want it. "

"BOSS I understand!"

There was a red glow on Li Tailai's face, and she put these gloves in her arms.

He knew that Li Mochen's approach was to appease the others present, and he was not dissatisfied with it. As for the deduction of 80% of the salary and bonus, Li Tailai did not care.

This is a powerful dharma exclusive to Druids! Many American druids cannot be bought even if they have money. If it is possible to get this thing, he is willing to pay any price, which is enough to become the cornerstone of his future climbing legend.


Eisenhower's expression was both unpleasant and envious: "Young man, you must be thankful that you have a good boss. This guy is really generous."

He had no such luck before, and he wandered among the stunted main families in the mercenary world.

"He is very lucky! But Mr. Eye of the Sky, aren't you the same as him now, under Amohi?"

Dai Nian Streisie said with a smile: "We should actually congratulate BOSS, now there is another strong warrior right?"

She knows how great this piece of equipment has helped Li Tailai. The thorny iron hand and the holy bear transformed. This future combat power should not be inferior to her, and it will reach the 19S level.

"It is indeed worthy of congratulations. Today should be my lucky day.

Li Mochen's lips were slightly picked, and then he glanced at the people present: "By the way, it is my commitment to you. If there is a similar situation in the future, I will be generous today. In the near future, I can even provide you with holy tools. "

Li Mochen can do it. His current alchemy has made great progress. It is estimated that after three to five years, he will be able to get in touch with the field of ‘sacred objects’. With the virtue of virtue he now possesses, it is very easy to build a holy weapon.

How can he not be generous? These equipments are indeed very valuable, but they fall into the hands of his men and will eventually become a part of their own strength, which can be more cost-effective than replacing them with gold shields or putting them in the warehouse.

Asked that Jian Taoran was stingy with money, but he knew more about how to grow with money.

However, the few people present did not think so, including Dainian Streisie, they were all moved.

Next is the finishing touches, mainly to clean up some traces of fighting near the scene ~ ~ to avoid being seen by people in the future.

As for the bright world, they cannot directly return in reverse. But Sampson had already arranged staff there, responsible for finishing them.

It is expected that the 'Magic Heart' Deron, as well as the twelve extrajudicial persons, can also provide them with some equipment and seizures, worth at least five or six million gold shields upward.

However, Li Mochen gave all the follow-up matters to the two elite commanders under his command. He left directly through the ghost city and returned to the unicorn apartment.

At this time, Hairouer was still asleep and not awake, but the sky was getting clearer. And the landline in the apartment rang at the same time, Li Mochen picked up the phone, and heard the excited voice of Cadillan Jebson: "Finally ready to open, BOSS! I think we will be successful today .. Our business will surely rise like our company name. "

"I also think so."

Li Mochen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the rising sun in the east. He felt a little emotion in his heart: "I think we will be able to detonate the whole city. The glory of the Rising Sun Retail Company begins today!"

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