Destiny Dominates

Chapter 285: Come forward

Twenty days later, a small video conference is playing in a small meeting room at the Sunshine Manor Hotel in Atlanta. Under the signboard with the ‘risingsun’ sign, a large group of people were standing in a long queue outside the storefront. In that glass door, there was a crowd.

"In fact, I don't need to broadcast it. I think this kind of scene has been seen countless times by all of us in the electrical retail guild."

As the curtains on both sides were pulled apart, the room was restored to light again. A man smoking a cigar sitting at the top of the long table in the conference room said, "As the video shows, twenty The time of day, Rising Sun ’s sales did not fall but rose. Especially seven days ago, they opened two new stores in the east of the city, and received 3,000 customers. The estimated sales are more than 5 million gold shields. And five days After that, their seven stores in Xicheng District will also set off a sales boom, and there are many people there. According to this trend, it is estimated that their stores will cover the entire Atlanta in a month at most. "

"It may be less than a month. The store opposite me is working on overtime and overhaul. Several employees in my store have been robbed by them. Their basic salary is very low, and the sales commission is very large."

"It's troublesome! Guys, this company is greedy like a tail-snake! They say it's half a month after opening business, but after 15 days, they say they're rewarding customers, and they will postpone the event until the end of the month , That is, there are five days of bargain activities. "

"Look, they are absorbing funds frantically and trying their best to release those backlogged demand. In this way, they have more financial resources to expand the territory. This is a good idea, but they have broken the rules. "

"Shit! My store has no customers yesterday. The key is that even if our store offers the same discount as them, it still won't attract people."

"I thought about continuing to cut prices and attract customers. But I know we can't do anything about him in this respect. Rising Sun's ten-day sales also have at least 200 million gold shields, maybe even 300 million. I inquired through special channels. Toshiba ’s Panasonic, Mitsubishi and Toshiba have re-signed a sales agreement with them, and the rebate has reached 5%. Therefore, the sales staff of Rising Sun is focusing on recommending these three. "

"There were some hot news broadcasts from several TV stations yesterday, shit! This will only make their sales even more popular. This is simply a free advertisement--"

"I said everyone, we should take action, should we just sit back and watch? I don't want to quit the industry, but if this situation continues, the seven stores in my hand will face bankruptcy for up to six months. I wo n’t be able to support it at that time.

When someone said this sentence, the entire meeting room suddenly calmed down, and everyone looked at the man at the head.

"Eight days ago, I asked someone to send a letter to Andrea Lee Wiltonstein, the owner of the Rising Sun Company, inviting him to join our electrical retail guild, but he refused. But in fact, I even invited him to join It's useless. "

The middle-aged man spread his hands in a very helpless look: "Let him stop the discount and unify the price with us? But I think even if it is so, we can hardly compete with him. Their store has a great advantage in sales model. And if we want to open a similar store, it takes two months of preparation time. At that time, their stores are already all over Atlanta. So I want to ask everyone, do you want to stop him, right? Even if it is Use some extra, illegal means? "

When hearing the words "extra" and "illegal", more than forty electrical retailers present couldn't help but swallow, but no one refuted it.


The middle-aged man smiled and said: "It must be mentioned that I have a video here. Everyone has enough knowledge about what I said, right? If one day, you report it at the police station or shirk your responsibility , This video can prove to us. Of course I will prepare the Stygian Pact afterwards to ensure that this will only be a secret between us— "

"Just say what should I do? Shelek."

Someone interrupted the middle-aged man ’s words: “We were prepared before we arrived. We only know the scope of this electrical retail guild. The members participating here have at least two million in the electrical retail industry. The above investment scale. Others in our guild can transfer, at most not doing this business, but we have no way. "

"Shelek, do I have to get to this point? I agreed to give the kid a lesson, but I also heard that Andre Lee Wiltonstein was terrible, and the Antonio of the Bloody was by him Killed. "

"I know this too, but it feels ridiculous. He is just a high school student."

"The situation is even more terrifying. Behind him is the Nathan Sports Group, and his surname is Wiltonstein."

At this time, the man named Shelek waved his hand and suppressed the voice of everyone in the room.

"Everyone, what I have to explain to you is that the Antonio of the Blood Brothers is indeed in the hands of Andrea. But in these few days, three members of the Magic Tower Committee assured me, whether it was Nathan Neither the Wiltonstein Group will interfere in the competition between us. They can also guarantee that no outside force can help the Rising Sun Company. "

"To be honest, I'm very dissatisfied. Their intentions are unpredictable. But in the end, what kind of strategy do we have to take? It must be resolved by everyone. Get him, or we can switch. If it is the first option, please raise your hands. This is the second one. As long as there are more than five people who do not raise their hands, this meeting will be over. "

Shelek glanced at the people present, and then slightly raised her lips with satisfaction: "Very well, then start raising funds for war now, I will give out 700,000 gold shields. Here I personally recommend, it is best to take One-tenth of your assets. "


Just one hour after the end of this secret meeting, Li Mochen, who was tempering his physique with the "Zhou Tianxuan Ling Lei Qiong Man" in a new private gym, received a call.

"You have raised 19 million war funds? This is a lot of money, enough to hire a medium-sized killer organization ~ ~ They are strictly guarded? No recording? That's a pity. EMM ~ There is a video throughout, in the hands of Shelek, thank you very much, Mr. Eric, this is very important information. "

"Of course, I promised you that I will buy all the properties in your name at market price. In addition, I will also give you the promised 1 million cash. But Mr. Eric, you are sure that no one is noticed, right? ? "

"Don't worry about this. If you have used the Fulu that I gave you before, you don't have to worry about the Stygian Pact. Do you also feel it right? When you signed the contract, the soul was not bound by Stygian."

"Yes, I will send two teams of magical professionals to protect you and **** you to the west coast."

When Li Mochen put down his mobile phone, Alyssa Tangerian next to her lips pumped up: "19 million war funds? Wow, this is really a big scene."

But Li Mochen spent 16 million gold shields to buy Isadora Wicks.

If she thought it was a huge sum of money more than a month ago, after experiencing the war between Li Mochen and the Dragon Witch Church, she really did not know how to evaluate it.

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