Destiny Dominates

Chapter 288: Alchemy

On the 39th floor of the Unicorn Apartment, a large alchemy room, a magic smelting furnace with a height of three meters and a diameter of five meters, is flashing crimson luster. The surprisingly high temperature inside, even the thick furnace wall, could not be completely isolated, causing the temperature in this alchemy chamber to rise sharply. The magic energy array around the smelting furnace is also in a state of full load, and there are constantly almost substantive magic energy flowing in those lines.

And Li Mochen was solemn, wearing a pair of working glasses with anti-glare and magnifying functions, with his right hand pressing a crystal underneath him, and his left hand pinching the spirit formula, while manipulating the magic array and magic melting furnace At the same time, with his own magic power, he carefully crafted the things in the furnace.

He has great self-confidence in this sacrifice, and believes that it is stable. And the source of this confidence comes from this brand new magic melting furnace in front of him.

Since the Nathan Sports Group was outside the Unicorn Apartment, he also purchased a venue as his private gym. If you keep those fitness rooms in this apartment, functional rooms like practice rooms are not necessary.

This apartment needs to be renovated due to Herrell. Therefore, under his strong request, Nathan Sports Group and the decoration company expanded the original alchemy room and installed a brand new medium-sized magic melting furnace, the model is the latest ‘Star Refining’. It can attract the power of the stars. The inside is equipped with a low-power electric arc furnace device, plus six pairs of high-order fire element crystal nuclei, and the engraved magic energy smelting array on the outside, making this 'star refining' furnace The temperature can easily cross 4500 degrees Celsius.

Of course, Li Mochen's biggest source of confidence is still the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda". Twenty days later, the colorful aura on this pagoda has increased to about fifty ray, and the powerful merit of the ‘Star Refining’ furnace can save him the greatest amount of merit.

Sure enough, after an hour, with Li Mochen's wishing technique unfolding, the magical tide that overflowed in the furnace suddenly stabilized and began to pulsate regularly.

It is followed by cooling and cooling. If it is in the boundary of the original dome, this is a very troublesome process, which is related to the final characterization of the magic instrument. It is at this stage that most of the embryos are scrapped.

However, the high-tech equipment equipped in the 'Star Refining' furnace can control and measure the temperature. Li Mochen was already very skilled after many attempts, and after only ten minutes, the contents of the furnace had returned to normal temperature.

When Li Mochen opened the furnace door and flicked his hand, there was suddenly one red and one blue, and two things in the shape of red pills flew into his hand at the same time.

The one on the left has a sky-blue texture like Peicui, and the one on the right has a crimson-red touch like crystals, independent of each other, but inextricably linked.

Both of them are brand-new Wai Dan refined by Li Mochen, and he was named 'Shuangyuan'.

Different from the one he temporarily refined to remove the 'iron thorn' Amon Bertram 20 days ago, these two Waidans named 'Shuangyuan' correspond to the two in his body. The Yuan Gongfa "Zhou Tianyuanchen Two Instruments Without Phases" and "Eighty Eight Constellation Meditation Ideas", on the one hand, are true Yuan mana and magic power on the one hand, which avoids the conversion loss after switching the power body.

In addition to this, in addition to the four-line attributes of soil, wind, wood, and thunder, ‘Shuangyuan’ Waidan also possesses two powerful forces of extreme cold and extreme heat, respectively.

This is related to their original owner, which is a pair of seventeen twin war bears with Bimeng blood.

Li Mochen had already had a fifteen-level Wai Dan, and he did not intend to refine it again in the near future. But when he was in the Cardinals Club, he saw that the pair of twins and bears and beast crystals that had been taken out of the body for less than four hours were still very excited. For this, they spent four million gold shields.

However, this price is worth it. This pair of fifteen-level 'dual source' Waidan after purification and purification not only means more than double the mana of the true element, but also corresponds to his power body, reducing the loss after the nature conversion. To maintain maximum output under any circumstances. Especially the extreme cold and extreme heat, two talents derived from the twin bears, can exert great lethality in his hands.

And this thing just started, Li Mochen felt the real magic of the body faintly agitated.

This is a sign of his cultivation, which can be completed at any time. However, Li Mochen didn't mean it, so he suppressed it in a moment.

If things like Waidan are pure enough, it can indeed help the master to upgrade to the level of cultivation, but the external troubles of this method are also greater, several times or even tens of times greater than drugs.

In addition, Li Mochen intends to stagnate in this state for a period of time, used to refine and polish the flesh.

After the pair of "Shuangyuan" Wai Dan was cast, Li Mochen's face was all relaxed. Next, he has to refine some things, including a pair of Qiankun prayers, two magic instruments, and the enhancement of the "Sun Moon Star Zhou Tianxing Doujian Sword", "Ice Blood Stone Bracelet" and so on. Compared with the "Shuangyuan" Waidan, the difficulty of these things is not worth mentioning.

The only thing that is more difficult is the pair of "King Kun Qian Cao".

It is actually not difficult to make a pair of Qiankun Nahuas. Li Mochen can do it easily, but the space inside the Nahuas must be connectable.

Li Mochen's vision is that there are about 20 cubic meters of space inside, which are then held by the body and the avatar. When the distance between the two is within a kilometer, the space inside the Nakai can be connected, and the contents inside can also be inverted with each other.

This is a bit of a test of his ability on the Rune Array. The key is that the part outside the ‘Quan Kun Najie’ must also use magic words and magic energy arrays. Li Mochen had racked his brains for this, and it took more than a month to complete the design.

The second is the two magical instruments, both of which are native to the boundary of the original vault. One is the defensive ‘stand-in spirit puppet’, which can help him absorb any external force up to its limit. In times of crisis, there is still the power to die.

This thing Li Mochen couldn't be refined before, but after coming to this world, with the help of the two emperors of the Arctic and Antarctic, he had the power to control life and death. In this respect, his ability is better than before, and he has the ability to refine this thing.

The other is the "Three Clear Thunder Seals", which can add Taiqing Shenyu, Yuqing Shenlei, and Shangqing Shenlei to any Taoism and swords to increase their power. You can also use thunder and lightning to suppress the spiritual power within a thousand kilometers of the surrounding area. In this world, it is magic energy.

When Li Mochen asked Tao Jian as a sword, he had a 'Three Clear Thunder Seals', which helped him a lot during the period from Yuanshen Realm to Mahayana Realm.

However, this Bao Li Mo Chen did not copy it as it was ~ ~ It made some targeted transformations on the basis of the original, mainly to replace the two runes, and at the cost of weakening the power, increase the blessing of Leifa The speed of the gun matches the rate of fire of his pistol and automatic rifle.

As for ‘Sun Moon Star Week Star Fighting Excalibur’ and ‘Ice Bloodstone Bracelet’, one is based on the method of sacrificial swords in the realm of the original vault. It uses fifteen kinds of gold heroes to strengthen the material of the sword body. After completion, it should be able to increase the toughness and sharpness of all three hundred and sixty star fighting swords by one level.

Li Mochen's ideal is to incorporate the 'law', also known as the 'mystery' and 'truth' in the West, into the sword body. This can hurt legends and even demigods.

As for the ‘Ice Bloodstone Bracelet’, it ’s even simpler, just using better materials for suppressing your desires, and then changing the nest for the deep cold princess, so that this mutated ice element can be better nourished.

This is not difficult, but from now on, the name "Ice Bloodstone Bracelet" has to be changed to another name. It should be called "Hangxin Bracelet". The main material of this bracelet will be replaced with a chilling iron.


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