When I saw the middle-aged man in the glass mirror, Yves Khadwin's eyes suddenly showed a hint of joy. He then lowered his head, met the king's courtesy with ancient courtiers, and knelt on the ground.

"My Excellency the Mayor!"

"I've heard about your affairs. Was it being used as a gun?"

Seeing Khadwin's expression of silence, the man could not help shaking his head slightly: "You don't need to tell me his name Khadwin, I'm not interested either. The most important thing now is how to solve the problem. The Magic Tower Committee I have received Andre Lee Wiltonstein ’s application for a temporary division of the boundary. The target is your Sherwood Manor, the Platinum Building, and the time is three hours. "

Yves Khadwin breathed slightly, his face instantly ugly, and he couldn't help looking up at the middle-aged man in the mirror with a begging look.

"I'm sorry, next month is the election season in Atlanta. My outgoing mayor may not be able to help you too much. I can only drag the approval time of the Magic Tower Committee up to two days later. It ’s impossible, Cardin. That means your war will continue in Atlanta. Given that both of you have more than one senior extrajudicial person, it ’s impossible for the FBI or the police Accept. It ’s impossible for us to force the lucky Andrea to stop, right? "

"Of course, these are all my own brews. But the Lord Mayor"

Khadvin breathed heavily: "Is there no other way? Such as reinforcements in combat power?"

"Strengthening aid?"

The middle-aged man gazed at Cadiwen meaningfully.

"I know this requirement is excessive, but there is no other way for the time being. The Cardinals currently have only five 17-level mercenaries who can accept orders, but they all rejected my employment not long ago."

Yves Khadwin once again prostrate the body: "But if it is the home of Hanover, the uncrowned king of Georgia, there will be a way to help me resolve this dilemma."

"This is not just too much. Cardin? The Hanover family has never been involved in wars between families since entering the political arena. Andre ’s situation is not as simple as you think. You think his Behind, are there only a few sponsors? "

The middle-aged man seemed to have a headache and tapped his forehead with his fingers: "If Mr. Kadeven is willing to donate 70% of your group's shares to Hanover, then I can try to convince my family."

At this time, Cadiwen's breath obviously became heavy.

The middle-aged man smiled sarcastically, and then changed his tone: "Isn't it necessary to go to this step, isn't it? You still have a way to do it, Caddy. After all, he is Wilton Stein! He has Atlanta, even Georgia ’s most distinguished line of blood, this does not damage your dignity. If you want to make it clear, then make this call, she is the only person who can help you at present. However, after this incident, Cadiwan, I hope You can devote your loyalty to the Hanover family with a more sincere attitude. If a similar situation occurs again, please take care of yourself "

Just after this, the figure of the middle-aged man disappeared from the glass mirror, and then a cloud of water began to condense, and a line of phone numbers condensed on the glass window.

Yves Khadwin stayed in place, his face turning blue and white. But then, he picked up his mobile phone without hesitation.


At eight o'clock in the morning, Li Mochen went to Richard Publishing Company to inspect according to the scheduled itinerary. This was an industry he had just bought a few days ago, and he spent 6.5 million gold shields, and then took on 4 million gold shields for this.

Although it is a loss-making business in terms of the publishing company ’s assets and operations, Li Mochen relied on Dwight Payton ’s **** and took advantage of the relationship of several sponsors. Barely repelled many competitors and successfully won this publishing company.

However, before the formal acquisition, Li Mochen had made up his mind to comprehensively sort out the company's financial situation. After the completion of the acquisition, this determination has become more firm.

This is because the accounting firm commissioned by Li Mochen, the audit report finally submitted to him is simply shocking. The loss of 5 million gold shields per year is no wonder that the Landau family with a history of more than 100 years will endure the pain.

This family, which relies on the chemical and processing industries based in Atlanta, was severely hit by the economic crisis three years ago. Recently, it is dumping various non-performing assets on a large scale in order to improve its business conditions. This Richard publishing company, which is only worth the money, is one of them.

It was only when Li Mochen set off from the Unicorn Apartment that there were more guests beside him. And the one headed is Edmon Bedman, the agent director of the FBI Atlanta City Security Group. According to the latter, in the next forty-eight hours, this man will follow him.

The name used by the FBI was that the FBI received a report from the informant. There was a big list of rewards for Li Mochen in the underground world. Some people took out a full 20 million gold shield for his life.

The FBI considered Li Mochen's current public influence, so he specially dispatched a powerful group of extrajudicial persons to provide him with 24-hour personal protection.

However, Li Mochen knew that this man came over to monitor.

"Is this really good, Bedman?"

Li Mochen and the agent supervisor are barely old acquaintances, so their words are very casual.

"Magic wolf Fenrir is about to overthrow the entire city. There are not ten or seven celebrities who died in his hands recently. When will you be arrested? Look, now I do n’t A body armor, dare not go out. "

Li Mochen is telling the truth. At this time, his whole body is indeed covered with silver armor.

That is another product of the Nathan Sports Group. The model name is "Star Swallower" which is a product released by the Nathan Military Group in the light calendar 3958. It is also the product of this group's first combination of technology and magic energy, with a grade of 16S.

However, this piece of Li Mochen's body is a product of Nathan Sports Laboratory's transformation and strengthening on the original basis, which not only greatly reduced the threshold for the use of this armor, but also increased the armor's protection ability to 17S. Then Nathan gave this product to him as a reward when the sales of the lucky bracelet exceeded 250,000.

Although this is a product from forty years ago ~ www.readwn.com ~ the ability of this "star swallower" to absorb the power of stars, it is particularly suitable for Li Mochen. The Nathan Sports Laboratory guarantees its high-tech content and magic array, not inferior to any equipment today.

This armor cannot be used in cold weapon fighting games, but it can be used as a sponsor after sealing some abilities without any problems.

As for the unblocking of the armor, Li Mochen can complete it himself.

In addition, Li Mochen also armed himself to his teeth. Inside the gun pocket on his chest are two 16S-class pistols with a capacity of 50 rounds of virtual bullets, one is 'Red Burn', the other is 'Han Xing', and the back is also a Nassen movement The laboratory's 16S-level magical energy sword 'Agares'.

Then he also carried the ring "Andrea's Emerald Angel" and the glove called "Hand of Thunder".

Although these equipments are slightly inferior to his split incarnations, they can also increase his current combat power by two to three times.


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