Destiny Dominates

Chapter 298: Maintenance

"I think Sister Mei's prediction is too optimistic. Mobile phone side"

The personal accountant Li Mochen hired was Huang Fu Enda, and Li Mochen's decision to hire this one was actually a recommendation from Li Mei.

The position of a private accountant is extremely important. Li Mochen must find someone who can be trusted.

As an accountant, Huangfu Enda is undoubtedly very good. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a master's degree in law and a master's degree in accounting. Previously, he worked for ‘Ikabod’, one of the four major accounting firms in America. Until his departure, he had worked as a senior accountant at Ikabod Accounting Firm.

For a yellow man who is generally discriminated against in the American mall, this is a very rare achievement, not to mention that it is completed within five years.

However, it was also aware of discrimination and the ceiling above, so Huangfu Enda decisively changed jobs from Ikabode Accounting Firm.

This is also to repay the favor of Li Mochen's father. This poor family is able to stand out because of Li Chunchu's subsidy to him.

"I think the profiteering period can last for up to half a year, and the company will face increasingly brutal competition after that. It may even experience a period of low profits due to increased competition until enough losers are pushed out of the market. And with our current number of stores, it is a good result to be able to maintain a profit of 30 million gold shields after six months. Do n’t forget that if the company wants to expand its territory beyond Atlanta, it must be large-scale Hiring security personnel will also greatly increase our operating costs. However, I am still optimistic about Rising Sun ’s business strategy. The company ’s self-purchased stores can not only reduce the company ’s operating costs, but also have great prospects for appreciation. I suggest bss completed the financing as quickly as possible. With the current profit of our company, the valuation is at least 1 billion gold shield. And sufficient funds will help us complete the expansion as soon as possible, occupy the market, and seize the first move. "

After Li Mei heard his words, he lipped his lips and did not make any rebuttals. He just added: "When it comes to saving all the doors, Cadillan means that he must expand his enrollment as soon as possible. Zhang Wei also thinks he is starting to lose his strength.

Li Mochen was not surprised when he heard the words. Although Zhang Wei's ability is very good, he could only work as a security director in a company with a market value of 20 million at most.

The key is that this magical professional level is only fourteen, and even if Rising Sun does not make any expansion, it needs to hire at least ninety security teams and five or more extra-legal teams to be able to protect the current seventy. Nine stores are safe. And Zhang Wei apparently does not have enough strength and prestige, to control this number is equivalent to a magical professional in a marine battle camp.

"I will pursue this matter as soon as possible."

Li Mochen looked at Li Mei: "We have a saying in the East, from frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality is difficult. . The training of the staff is the same. You can help me tell Cardillon. "

In the corner of the sofa, Eliza not only sighed, thinking how long it would take them to make so much money if they only depended on hunting. Rising Sun's profits and assets are almost uncountable.

Then it belongs to Li Mochen's private assets, which is relatively small and simple.

The first is the 22 million short-term wealth management fund, with a daily interest rate of two ten thousandths, which expires in one and a half months. This is Li Mochen's plan to pay taxes.

Li Mochen also holds six million gold dongs in cash, ready to be donated to political institutions or charities.

Rather than contributing this money to the government, it is better to donate it in exchange for actual benefits and reputation.

Li Mochen has not yet planned to establish his own charitable fund, otherwise, he can also donate money to his foundation, and then his own clothing, food, housing, transportation, eating and drinking Lhasa can be debited from the foundation.

Then there is a 20-story Bert building, which Li Mochen bought with a shield of 12 million gold a while ago.

As for Richard Press, this company only has a plot of land worth the money. Considering that there are still 4 million in debt, the assets of the publishing house are almost negative. If no change is made, it is expected that there will be a loss of 200,000 to 500,000 gold shields next year.

In addition, Li Mochen has completed the inheritance procedures for those offshore companies of Li Chunchu.

Previously under the names of these four offshore companies, they owned a total of two warehouse centers in Atlanta, a sub-leased factory, and two five-story buildings; then three houses and two buildings throughout Europe and Amerika , Five stores; and two small terminals located in the ports of Brazil and Savannah, the total value should be between 190 million and 230 million gold shields.

And two weeks ago, Li Mochen bought Craig Community Bank, Building 34, Anfaq Street, Blood Protection Company and Building 22, Anfak Street, and Amway, which has 15 stores Laundry chain.

It is worth mentioning that the first three industries. In total, Li Mochen spent only six million gold bucks in cash at the French auction. Of course, he actually spent more. In addition to the money spent on laundering money, there are several members of the court who have done some work.

Then came the current assets. Li Mochen now has a total of 180 million gold shields of cash, 22 million gold shields of bricks, and 40 million gold shields of stocks and securities, with a market value of about 100 million. Various magic materials. Most of them are left by Li Chunchu.

The deputy head of the Sacred Blood Hunting Corps was right, the mainland of Antalya was indeed extremely profitable.

However, for this part of the black assets, Li Mochen dare not allow Huang Fu Enda to contact Li Mei for the time being, so he can only estimate in his heart that the value is between 560 million and 650 million.

"Bss your current finances are very healthy, or even too healthy."

Huang Fu Enda looked puzzled: "There is no problem in acquiring those shares of Mr. Mottdall, even if you only earn your endorsement income from bss, it will be enough for the major banks to generously give money. If bss can trust me, I can help you Negotiations with banks to lower the annual interest rate to below 8. "

"Kamo's goal is not just the Georgia Post, he also intends to firefly media."

Alyssa Tangerian said calmly: "Not long ago, a close friend of Amo suggested to him that if he was going to win the Georgia Post, he would simply buy Firefly Media."

She did not say that the so-called close friend is Angela Medici

Huangfu Enda couldn't help shrinking his pupils: "As far as I know, the share structure of Firefly Media is very concentrated? Liqi Group also has a very powerful force."

When Li Mei heard this, she felt her heart flutter, and sighed. Has Mo's ambition grown to this extent?

Li Mochen felt helpless, he just wanted to publish a comic, how come to this point?

"The problem is that Liqi Group has no patience to run it."

Alyssa Tangerian said what he heard: "The hunting flag group company based on the dark world and the new continent has amazing financial resources, but the recent war in Antalya has left them no time to care. All three hunting groups have been beaten by people. In order to raise funds for the war, they have successively sold assets in the market, and it seems that they intend to sell Firefly Media. Of course, the time may be a few months later. "

Huang Fu Enda could not help pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "The situation is not clear after a few months ~ ~ But if it is now. I personally recommend bss to give up, if we want to buy fireflies, we must prepare at least 400 million Jindun ’s cash. After all, Liqi Group spent only 120 million yuan in the acquisition of Southern Television Limited. But your current main business, bss, is still the Rising Sun Company, and ca n’t afford so much money for the time being. It ’s not enough to buy it and then use this part of the equity as a mortgage. Unless you are willing to mortgage the shares of Rising Sun, it will put you at a disadvantage in asset management. In addition, Firefly Media itself is at a loss. If bss takes over, it will be a heavy burden if the situation cannot be reversed. "

This firefly media is completely a media company of the Liqi Group. It has two fashion magazines, one sports magazine, and also owns `` Atlanta Daily Telecommunications '' and `` Southern Cable TV Station ''. In the past two years, it has continued to expand its influence in the southern states, but the losses have also been large, and it is difficult to know the details of the financial reports.

However, the influence of the Firefly Media Company is still there. The "Atlanta Daily Telecommunications" alone has 170,000 subscriptions and 400,000 sales. The number of paying subscribers of ‘Southern Cable Television’ reached 3.5 million. Firefly Media ’s big loss is here. Without enough money to buy wonderful programs, it is difficult to retain the group of paying users. The previous Hunting Flag Group was completely smashing with money.

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