Destiny Dominates

Chapter 207: Rolling

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At the moment when the legendary lich's body shattered, Li Mochen manipulated the body of 'Hairore', wrapped in a burning black flame, and attacked the depths of the magic tower. He knew that what he smashed was not the real body of the lich, but a magical mystery that the opponent used to replace death.

The real legendary lich is reorganizing itself inside the magic tower! It may take less than a second for the opponent to construct an extremely powerful 'fortification' with the help of the magic tower's energy pool and magic array.

This is undoubtedly a very powerful lich, good at space-time and plastic energy spells. If it were not for the self-denial, use the energy of the entire magic tower for the protection of the purple robe youth. So even with Li Mochen's fighting consciousness, Hairouer's demigod body is very difficult to kill and kill in a short time.

But now

With a low, inaudible ‘click’ sound, the alloy gate, which was seven meters high and covered with countless magic patterns, shattered into **** in front of ‘Hairol’!

Under the impact of the black scorching fire, this alloy gate and the magic array in the tower were already overwhelmed, and the dragon claws bombarded by ‘Hayur’ were even unbearably heavy!

The whole process took less than one-thirtieth of a second. Not only did the tower gate shatter, but the defensive array inside the magic tower, which was strong enough to resist more than ten rounds of annihilation magic cannon under the infusion of energy, was also She's punctured a huge hole!

The ‘Hairol’ controlled by Li Mochen not only possesses a semi-dragon power, but her ‘her’ skill is also amazing. The ten sharp nails that stretched out were even sharper and stronger than the holy daggers. They had been oscillating slightly, causing waves of magical energy ripples and destroying the surrounding structures. Sometimes it will also draw some wonderful and mysterious and mysterious trajectories, penetrate the weakness and defects of the magic and magic array in a very precise way.


At this time, three powerful breaths had hit the rear of ‘Hairol’, which was the twenty-fifth level bone dragon raised by the legendary lich in this half plane.

Only one step away, you can step into the existence of legend. But ‘Hairol’ did n’t even look at these bone dragons, and her forehead burst into a powerful dragon power again, making the three-skull dragons almost stiff.

The body of ‘Hairol’, under the control of Li Mochen, continued to attack with momentum like a broken bamboo! level one! Second floor! the third floor!

Layers of magical arrays shattered and disintegrated, and a gargoyle and metal puppet that tried to stop it were smashed into powder residue! After only one tenth of a second, ‘Hairol’ was already on the fifth floor of the magic tower.


The magic altar in the center of the sixth floor, the soul fire in Linde Emers' eyes, was shaking wildly. He decisively gave up the twenty-two legendary spell "Heavenly Lock" he was preparing and turned to a platinum scepter on the ground.

At this moment, the six magical energy pools in the magic tower were madly evacuated. All residual formations inside the magic tower are excited to the maximum state. Below the sixth layer, a layer of sturdy protective cover is formed. Those metal puppets up to the 20th level also have a sudden increase in breath at this moment, and the magic source has been strengthened to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, the top of Linde Emers's platinum scepter had a powerful magic power.


This is the first spell that the legendary lich casts after returning to the top of the magic tower. Instant layers of magic arrays are generated around 'Heirou', not only suppressing her power, but also blocking her Of magic.

They were extremely powerful seal formations, and with the help of the four forces of earth, water, wind and fire, and the power of time and space, they tried to seal her to the top of this magic tower.

It was only at this time that Li Mochen suddenly turned into a flame flash in place, directly across the space, and entered the sixth floor. Leaving the layered seal array, and the almost indestructible magic shield, behind them.

Speaking of cognition of time and space, he is only stronger than his opponent! In addition to the powerful physical body and the natural control of the fire spells, the black dragons of the dragon family also have a talent that is inferior to the shadow dragon in terms of time and space.

The opponent fully extracts the energy of the magic pool and fully stimulates the movement of the magic array. Although the six-layer defense is strengthened to the limit, the barrier of space and time can be relaxed accordingly.

When facing the legendary lich again, Li Mochen could clearly sense the strong emotional fluctuations in the other party's spirit. He was indifferent, his hands covered with pure black dragon scales, bombarded to the top of the altar with the flames condensed to the extreme.

Linde Emers put the platinum scepter in front of him again: "Escape from the Star Realm!"

Instant layers of magic lines are constantly generated under his feet. However, this time, Linde Emers's spell had a small accident. The generation of a discordant symbol also made the nearly completed magic array fall apart under the conflict of magic energy.

The body of the legendary lich could not help stiffness, the soul fire in his eyes also conveyed a clear confusion.

For a legendary lich mage, this kind of error should not have happened! Then he looked at the opposite side if he understood: "The God of Disaster? Are you?"

At this very moment, its body was bombarded by the dragon claws of ‘Hairol’, and the violent ‘disaster’ also destroyed all the body of the lich in an instant.

Only a few of Linde Emers ’s remains, including the vestment, the crown, and the platinum scepter, remained almost intact. Li Mochen took one of his brains into his hands, and then realized that he should make a space magic tool for Hairouer. He has no place to put these things right now, and in the current state of Heluoer, he can't perform the immortal technique such as the 'Silver Seal of Qiankun'.

Li Mochen simply discarded most of them on the sixth floor of the magic tower, leaving only the platinum scepter and a magic seal.

If he admits it correctly, the platinum scepter in his hand is mostly the legendary lich's life box, and this third-level holy weapon level staff is in hand, which will also help him in the next battle.

As for the magic ring ~ ~ has a very close relationship with the magic tower where he is located. Li Mochen took this thing in his hand and could clearly sense all the magic arrays in the tower, as well as the six magic pools and the status of all metal puppets. This is the key artifact that controls this half plane, and the magic tower, which he must control.

In this magic tower, what he valued most is the magic pool with a lot of pure magic energy, which is almost equivalent to the Wai Dan, and can be directly used as a magic power. With the help of this magical seal, even if it is thousands of miles away, a part of the energy in the magic pool can be extracted.

After that, Li Mochen turned his gaze to the young man in purple robe.

While he was fighting the legendary lich, this person had escaped using space spells. With the legendary twenty-two level of the gate of Hecate (Note 1), he forcibly got rid of the space constraint imposed by Li Mochen and has fled thousands of miles away.

However, if this is the case, this person can't escape Li Mochen's pursuit, and he has no plans to let this person go.

Note 1: Hecate, the Greek goddess of the road, the three-phase goddess of opportunity, the goddess of magic, the queen of ghosts and the goddess of hell, is a very powerful Titan goddess.

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