Destiny Dominates

Chapter 4: Has been changed! Seeking monthly tickets ,,!

First of all, I have to say sorry to everyone. The original plan of the wasteland development has been changed to the end of the month. Although there will not be any explosion, it is also the limit of the writing speed of the wasteland. At the end of the month, Caven broke his power, sorry everyone,

Please also understand that many people familiar with land reclamation know that the previous land reclamation had a maximum of 6,000 a day and 9,000 at the time of the outbreak, but now it maintains a daily renewal volume of about 7,000 words and is working hard.

Thanks next! Due to the support of everyone at the beginning of the month, the wasteland is still classified as the fourth monthly ticket, and the recommended ticket is also maintained in the fantasy second. Here, the wasteland sincerely thanks everyone!

Let me talk about the next November update plan. This time the wasteland preparations are desperately trying to impact 230,000 words. However, at the beginning of the month, from the 2nd to the 11th, the author wanted to organize the author to travel to South Korea and Japan. The wasteland was also invited. During the update, it will be very unstable, try to write wasteland as much as possible, and try to maintain the minimum guarantee.

The last thing to say is that the recent subscription has been sluggish, and the single chapter has been booked for 1700 in 24 hours after the exemption. Now there are only 1300 left. I hope you can support and subscribe if you have the conditions. There is also a guaranteed monthly pass for next month, can you vote for the wasteland?

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