Three seconds later, Li Mochen's convoy passed the Ishbel viaduct unharmed.

"As you requested from BOSS, there is no alarm demon defense array."

On the Otto I armored vehicle, Alyssa sideways reported: "It's Li Tailai's little trouble there. He hasn't been able to fully control the power of the thorny iron hand and made a little noise.

"Very serious? Can it be finished without leaving traces?"

After Li Mochen got a positive answer from Alyssa, he didn't take this matter seriously.

This assassination team of the Dragon and Witch Church is undoubtedly very powerful. Even the legendary powerhouses are difficult to retreat under their ambush. But with his precautions and all his whereabouts, death is their only ending.

What he is more concerned about now is how to use the large sum of money from Michelle.

On the mainland of Antalya, he can already try to intervene. The 450 million donated by Michelle, and his own nearly 150 million in cash and precious metals, have given him enough confidence. The addition of the legendary Lich Linde Emers has greatly increased his confidence.

As long as Alexandra Candela ’s third offer can satisfy him, he can try to form a ship group.

Then there is the Aldrich Building, which can be used directly as a mortgage when acquiring Firefly Media. This is a high-quality asset. Even in the two years after the economic depression, the annual rent charged by the Aldrich Building was as high as 77 million golden shields. Excluding the cost of maintaining and repairing the magic array and the building itself, as well as the expenses of property and security personnel, the annual profit of this building exceeds 18 million, and the valuation of 400 million is not a problem.

So in the past few days, you can find a way to find out whether the Hunting Flag Group behind Firefly Media has the intention to sell this subsidiary.

This matter can be left to Ms. Nanette Drew, who seems to have an extremely powerful source of information, even above the CIO of their family.

Of course, he can't act too urgently, just keep paying attention, and avoid the Liqi Group from sitting on the floor.

Also, it is time for him to turn his attention to the NHSAA personal fighting game in Georgia.

After winning the Atlanta NHSAA individual championship, he has not participated in the competition for nearly a month. Instead, he has made great progress in the team competition and has won the team championship.

But then, first, the state-level NHSAA personal fighting game is about to be held. Over the next month, elite players from all over Georgia will gather in Atlanta to compete. Only the top three high school students are eligible to enter the next national competition.

But now, what really makes Li Mochen feel tricky is St. Macon High School headed by Claude Antell. Judging from the current situation, the team at Linden College is likely to overturn the ship against this high school.


Ten days later, in the gymnasium of Linden College, William Jacques flew up after taking a hard blow from his opponent, and his body fell uncontrollably under the great impact.

And just after William defeated, Louise Linden next to him was quickly trained to hit the leg with a sword under the pinch of the two next to him, and was judged to be incapacitated. Next, it was Angela and Lena ’s turn.

In less than three seconds, Li Mochen was left alone on the high platform used for team battle training, and he faced three ‘accompaniment ’s who helped them conduct simulation exercises.

There was no need to continue. Li Mochen took off the helmet and mask, and fell into meditation with a frown. William, who climbed from the ground not far away, even asked Carl Holden in disbelief: "Are you sure they are so strong? Fifteen thirteenth-level extrajudiers?"

In order to help them fight St. Macon High School, the Nathan Sports Group directly called five 13th-level extrajudicial persons to help them conduct simulated warfare exercises.

But William was deeply skeptical of the combat effectiveness of St. Marken High School, and believed that the Nathan Sports Group had exaggerated the strength of their opponents.

"I think it might be stronger."

Carl looked dignified: "According to our investigation, Macon High School now has at least two divine benefactors, mastering advanced precision jurisdictions, advanced war jurisdictions, advanced strong jurisdictions, advanced glory jurisdictions, and advanced power jurisdictions, which is enough to bring them The overall strength is improved to the extra-legal level. In addition, they also have the top equipment and the top fighting consciousness. Especially the latter, as long as they are willing, even if legendary consciousness and experience are possible, this world There are many ways to do it. We ca n’t simulate this, we can only increase the intensity of the practice simulation exercises by increasing the magic level of the sparring partner. "

"William, if there are two benefactors, this is not impossible."

Louise Linden shook his head and stopped William, who was arguing: "If they really want to attack our Linden Academy at all costs, it can be done. In this world, they can escape the NHSAA tournament committee. There are so many ways to cheat in regulation. "

Li Mochen also felt a terrible headache at this time. Now the situation is that he can kill the two sparring players in just ten seconds. Then his four companions on the stage will also be swept out of the opponent.

Next is a situation of one enemy and three-if you want to fight seriously, it is not impossible to win, but it will be very hard and costly.

In the past, the reason why Li Mochen was able to contend with high-level extrajudicial players, and to injure the 20S-class powerful forces, is entirely dependent on ‘Longwei’ and ‘Waidan’.

But now, he has no advantage in terms of strength and speed ~ ~ The equipment is also tied by his opponents, and he cannot use guns, a weapon that can threaten extrajudicial powerhouses. The only advantage he has is the fighting consciousness. The three extrajudicial persons that Karl found for him cooperated with the abnormal tacit understanding, and also mastered a set of joint combat tactics. After the three of them worked together, the fighting power increased several times, which made it more difficult for him to win.

William Jacques was stunned, and then realized the seriousness: "Is there no other way? Carl, I feel that your company's opponents are one set."

"That was because of Amer's victory and he couldn't tolerate any flaws. Any spider thread that borrowed external force ~ ~ horse traces will call our opponents to attack like a tide. How do you say it? According to Eastern , Is the difference between porcelain and pottery. The teams at St. Marken High School have no intention of going further in each individual or group fighting game. They only need to defeat you to get great benefits. "

Carl smiled bitterly: "And you guys, our Nathan Sports Group, now have a way to make your strength a step forward, but this has a lot of troubles, and you have a great future."

He actually hoped that William Jacques would take the initiative to make a little sacrifice, but as early as two days ago, Li Mochen had warned him about this matter.

"But I think if St. Macon High School is just this level, we should be able to win."

Angela scratched her face with her finger: "To say" God of Grace ", in fact, me too. It's just that for a long time, I don't like the power of the jurisdiction.

Her sentence made everyone present stunned slightly.

And Lena Adrick frowned the first time: "Miss!"

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