Destiny Dominates

Chapter 332: transaction

The legendary ‘Magic Mechanical Core’?

When Li Mochen heard these words, he gave a little anticipation.

Although this thing can't really ease his predicament in terms of talents, it can greatly increase the fighting power under his hands.

The legendary 'construct puppet', although unable to compete with the real legendary strongman, is enough to cope with most situations under the legend.

If he is willing to invest in materials and funds, there is still a lot of room for the upper limit of the 'puppet puppet' combat power.

However, when he heard that Anthony Braden would also participate in the bidding, and was bound to get it, Li Mochen's heart became cold.

Speaking of financial resources, the gap between him and this Mr. Braden is not only an order of magnitude.

But would someone like Anthony Braden be interested in this 'magic mechanical core' of ancient times?

That is the top mechanic in the American Federation, a genius who has been known all over the world since he was a boy.

Although this person's magical professional level is not very good, so far only 16th level, it is still the result of the accumulation of various top-level drugs. But as early as three years ago, this person personally killed a demigod in the dark world, which shocked the whole world.

At the time, Anthony Braden had just inherited his father's trillion-dollar assets, but everyone thought that the **** could not hold on to the industry, and sooner or later he would be eaten by the wolves who coveted him. But just two months later, Anthony Braden manipulated an exoskeleton armor that he personally forged, with a close to god-level combat power, completely subverting everyone's impression of him.

It is said that Anthony Braden's mechanical accomplishments are close to the level of the gods.

"This civilization called Moshra, Anthony has never been in contact with it before, so he wants to buy it and analyze it. I estimate that he can buy at most two sets to analyze the mechanical technology of Mosrah people."

Dacia gave the reason, and also gave Li Mochen a reassuring pill: "So you still have a lot of hope, Andrea, as long as you have enough gold shields—"

Speaking of which, he cut into the topic: "When it comes to money, I wonder if Andreas has any plans to continue financing?"

Li Mochen couldn't help but stop and looked at Dacia: "I once contacted Rockefeller Standard Investment Company about financing. There was only a maximum of 820 million, but I asked for 25%. Shares. "

"I know this. The Standard Investment Company has also consulted me on the Rising Sun Retail Company. My answer is that I cannot judge it accurately. But the truth is clearly not the case."

Dacia Rockefeller had a bright smile on his face: "I am only here on behalf of an individual. Of course, the scale of the investment will not be large. According to the current valuation of six billion gold shields, only 3% of the equity is needed. . So I personally prefer to buy from Andrea. "

Li Mochen had a weird look: "Dasya, since you mentioned this to me, it should be a certainty to convince me, right?"

After a lapse of ten days, his Rising Sun retail company is no longer at this price. After receiving 900 million yuan in financing, the commercial landscape of Rising Sun is expanding rapidly, within these ten days. They opened another 12 stores, and then Cardilon Jebson also took over 20 stores with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters at the current low prices around the east coast.

The key is that all the equity in his hands is useful. In Li Mochen's plan, the Rising Sun Retail Company will have two rounds of financing in the next time. On the one hand, in order to obtain more funds, on the one hand, it introduces a strong consortium power for the company and escorts the nationwide popularization of the company's stores.

And Li Mochen needs careful planning to maintain control of the Rising Sun retail company after the company goes public in the future.

"First of all, we are not pursuing a seat on the board of directors, nor do we intend to intervene in the operation of the Rising Sun retail company. We only require dividends, as well as the income after listing."

Dacia Rockefeller looked at Li Mochen and said verbatim: "This is actually what my father meant. He will call you later as the current government finance minister. Lawrence Rockefeller can guarantee that your company is entering Most American cities are not hindered by political forces. "

Li Mochen was moved, and at the same time he felt emotion in his heart. Do you think this is a child from the American family? He can be considered as an insight.

He heard that this guy is also a swinger, staying in Atlanta these days, are all crazy playing around, but when this person is doing business, it is still very reliable.

"I will seriously consider it, Dacia. If there is a call from Mr. Lawrence, then I will reply to you within three days at most."

The Rockefeller family, the richest man in Amerika more than 100 years ago, has now crossed political and commercial circles.

Lawrence Rockefeller is undoubtedly the most outstanding member of the Rockefeller family in the political arena. The branch represented by the father and son is also the most powerful branch of the Rockefeller family.


When Li Mochen entered the A7 auction house, the auction for the "Magic Mechanical Core" had not yet begun. It was not until twenty minutes later that Anthony Braden stepped into the venue casually, and the four sets of "Magic Mechanical Cores" were taken out by people, and they were seen by many buyers in the store.

Li Mochen only took a look at these things, and it became apparent. This is indeed a creation of the ancient times. The magic word used above is ‘Ingu’, which is a powerful language in the ancient times of America. The affinity for magical energy even surpasses the dragon language and even the Greek scriptures. It's just that there are not many people who can master them, and the demand is quite demanding.

But using this thing is indeed easy to build. There are only a few lines in total.

Then as expected by Dacia ~ ~ Anthony Braden just bought one set and left. This man only spent 120 million gold shields, and no one dared to compete with him after the offer.

Li Mochen took a fancy to the third set, but unfortunately he still failed to win the bid after raising the 300 million gold shield. These three sets of "Magic Mechanical Core" have all been sold at a high price of 400 million gold shields.


Alyssa regrets: "Amo, you should continue to increase the price just now. Your current financial resources are not unaffordable."

——After all, it is a legendary power, and even if the Michelle Group is such a large force on the east coast, there are only two to thirty legends.

The real value of constructing puppets is their loyalty and reliability to their masters.

And the newly rising forces like Li Mochen, not to mention the legendary realm, are now very difficult to hire even magic professionals with fifteen or more levels.

"It can be bought, but it is not necessary."

Li Mochen shook his head slightly, he could buy one of the "Magic Mechanical Core", but after buying this thing, he would have no more money to do other things. Before the Alliance Wings regiment starts trading on the mainland of Antalya again, his funds still need to be carefully calculated.

The following things, Li Mochen has very little interest, already planning to leave. But the next few lots. But they were all excavated from the remains of the Moshra, either related to machinery or the remnants of the magic weapon, which again evoked Li Mochen's interest. Several of these things made him feel very familiar.

Especially when a silver box was taken out by a staff member, Li Mochen's pupil contracted slightly.

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