Destiny Dominates

Chapter 334: Purify

Isadora explained: "But when I catch up with your car, they just give up."

Li Mochen frowned slightly, and then continued to look out of the window while falling into meditation.

"Amo, my suggestion is to just look at it, which has little to do with us."

Alyssa interjected and suggested: "That Dacia reached a good agreement with us, but this is their own business, and the Rockefeller family is also capable of solving it."

Li Mochen thought the same way. He had no intention of intervening, just after thinking about what would happen to the situation in Atlanta.

It is foreseeable that this city, which is not very peaceful, will only be more submerged and turbulent, no matter whether this matter is caused by the magic wolf Fenrir.


After returning to the Unicorn Apartment, Li Mochen entered a closed state again.

The first thing he took out was the blood of the legendary dragon and the legendary Titan warrior. The method of using these things is very simple. Put them directly into a set of "Zhou Tianxing Ling Formation" prepared by Li Mochen, wash them with star power, and then integrate them into the body.

These so-called "secret blood" in the West, which contains the original master's spiritual will and soul brand, is much more difficult to handle than the three energy crystals that Li Mochen obtained before.

A month ago, Li Mochen was absolutely afraid to do this, but now, he has further digested the remnants of the power of the life fountain, making the wounds on his own soul heal a lot on the basis of the original.

The success of the first round of financing of the Rising Sun retail company, the accumulation of wealth of more than 1 billion golden shields, and the vigorous growth of its own power have also caused the two souls to gradually merge.

Although the original parents' death knot has not yet been solved, Li Mochen has been able to suppress the original owner's desire in many situations without being rejected by the latter.

Li Mochen has confidence to fight against the spiritual will in these 'secret blood' and erase the brand mark inside.

But the most important thing is the experience of purifying and scouring the three energy crystals before, which gave Li Mochen confidence. The existence of the "Shenxiao Spiritual Fortune Purple Tower" is enough to support him. Therefore, such a formation was specially arranged to refine these ‘secret blood’.

The result did not exceed Li Mochen's expectations, when he summoned three emperors and emperors. Manipulation of the condensed Zhou Tianxing force forcibly washed away, and the imprints of ideas in the essence and blood are signs of collapse and collapse.

After weakening them to a certain degree, Li Mochen swallowed it into the body, completely defeated the spiritual will contained therein, and then fully integrated the blood power into his body.

At this time, every blood and every cell in Li Mochen's body began to violently metamorphose, and they were cheering and wailing in the extreme pain caused by the metamorphosis.

Li Mochen's face was twisted, and his face was cold and sweating. At this time, he was forced to endure the pain, silently contemplating the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" in his mind, and made a wish with all his heart.

The wish he made this time is to "perfectly absorb the secret blood, without leaving any residual and impurities of the original owner's ideas"!

The next moment ~ ~ As Li Mochen's body was filled with energy and blood, and his spirits swelled, his entire pores were suddenly forced out of a large number of black blood spots, and there was a strong fluctuation of soul power His eyebrows broke out, making the indoor wind whirl, and it also caused Li Mochen more extreme pain.

It wasn't until the fifth pair of secret blood was integrated into the body by him that this kind of pain, which was more than a hundred times more painful than Ling Chi, slowly disappeared. However, the rate of transformation of his body gradually slowed down.

And when the seventh pair of blood was completely refined by him, Li Mochen felt comfortable and energetic, as if there were unending powers in his body.

At this time, Li Mochen sensed that part of his body 'sperm blood', which had been stained with a hint of pale gold.

On the surface, the blood is still bright red, but if you look closely with the subtle sensing ability, you will find that the inner core of these blood has some light golden lines.

What Li Mochen did not know at this time was that at the same time as his blood changed, there were two old men in a secret laboratory in the North District of Atlanta, who were watching a very special glass jar.

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