Destiny Dominates

Chapter 334: Missing half

Sorry, the conditions for opening the wasteland are limited, and the operation has made mistakes. At present, chapter 334 has been repaired, and you can reload it.

Then ask for the next monthly ticket by the way! Although at the current update rate, it feels ashamed to open up wasteland, but please also consider the objective situation. A few days in South Korea and Japan, the wasteland was said to require 2 changes, and the result was to maintain 3 changes over the past few days. Here I am bored in the room code every day. There are few days to experience the customs and customs outside. Tired very late. Yesterday the hotel room weighed in, actually lost three pounds, okay, this is a good way to lose weight.

In short, seek monthly tickets for recommendations! The data does not go up, there is almost no new subscription in the wasteland, please help!

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