Destiny Dominates

Chapter 346: Offer price

"Anthony Braden was also kidnapped by them and is now in this building."

Li Mochen made the legendary lich speechless in only one sentence. Linde Emers' eyes were filled with horror, and his face was full of horror.

"Anthony Braden? Is that America's richest man? So someone asked you for help?"

Linde didn't hear Li Mochen's answer, but he was already able to make a judgment.

"If this is the case, then they must be offered a heavy reward, otherwise we will lose the gains, and I would not even recommend BOSS to you."

Since their contract was changed, Linde knew that his personal safety and interests would be bound to his master in the next few hundred years, so he consciously adjusted his position.

"I think so too, but people die for money and birds die for food. They did come up with a lot of good things this time."

Li Mochen also knows that the aliens are terrible, not because of their three half-gods and numerous legends, but because of the tens of thousands of magical professionals of the alien clan, as well as their unscrupulous means and madness.

This force has unscrupulous inferiority to the dragon and witchcraft, can care nothing about human life and social influence, but has more and stronger manpower than the dragon and witchcraft.

If necessary, they can even launch thousands of bomb attacks across the entire Amerika range.

They have done this kind of thing forty years ago, and they have successfully forced the American government to relax the control of aliens and expand the area of ​​separation.

If you offend such a force, Li Mochen may not have any life threatening, but the business of Xuri Electric Retail Company cannot do it.

Li Mochen asked himself that he still does not have enough strength to completely wipe out this race, which is close to 3 million people.

After the legendary lich heard the words, he couldn't help showing curiosity: "Can BOSS talk about it? What price did they offer?"

He knows what character his master is, can make him move, it must be very shocking.

"Only the commercial part includes the non-interest-bearing loan amount of nine billion gold shields, the unlimited supply of arms, the covenant on the mainland of Antalya, and the safety endorsement of the Rising Sun retail company. The West Coast states, led by California, They will guarantee the absolute safety of our retail store. In addition, Ms. Drew has also won the commitment to let them put pressure on Liqi Group Company to promote my Rising Sun Publishing House to buy Firefly Media. "

Li Mochen didn't think there was anything to hide, so he knew everything and said everything. This legendary lich knows many of his core secrets, but Li Mochen is also fully confident that he will die before the legendary lich speaks.

The soul contract he signed with this one is not just that simple.

"In addition, they will provide me with six sets of top-level" Magic Demon "armor, two sets of" War Demon "armor. Some high-grade Holy Oak Elixir, and a holy weapon named by me, regardless of level. In short, as long as I decide, then they will help me to get it within their ability. Then, if the stranger takes revenge on us, the forces of Anthony will all advance and retreat with us, that is, against the stranger. The unilateral joint defense treaty. "

Linde Emers shook his head: "We can still order the BOSS."

When it comes to the life of the richest man and the survival of the light and magic industry, even Li Mochen ’s conditions for issuing a 100 billion gold shield are not exaggerated. After all, the valuation of Anthony Braden ’s wealth has reached 1.9 trillion.

Of course, the vast majority of these are stocks, and Anthony Braden ca n’t actually afford so much cash unless it is given to the shares. But this will be at the expense of Anthony giving up control of some key companies, which is obviously unacceptable.

"Of course it's not enough, but before we make a price, we have to determine whether we can help—"

Li Mochen continued to observe. He found that the fourteenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth floors of the building, as well as the three-story basement and the first and second floors of the building were the most suspicious.

Then he took out the public disk again and began to count fortune-telling with Ziwei. But for a moment, Li Mochen already knew.

The richest man should be on the southeast side of the 14th floor.

However, the virtue of virtue on the tower has consumed nearly thirty strands of it. This is still under the condition that Li Mochen has mastered some of the information. If it is a situation that is ignorant, I really do n’t know how much it will be lost.

However, Li Mochen's eyes showed strong interest at this time. There is also a constant theorem about the ‘Spiritual Fortune Zijin Tower’. The great loss in divination usually means that the goal will bring him great gains.

"Linde, you said you have seen the fighting that broke out before them? Can you describe it?"

Linde Emers didn't speak, he directly put a three-dimensional picture in front of Li Mochen with magic.

"I recorded it at the time. This Void Night King is a very powerful being. She is a level 5 legendary magical warrior, but she is in control of the Void ability, you can easily distort the space, and even break the Void Wall. She was exiled to the astral world, or farther away. Her combat power can even catch up with some weaker gods. But her overall strength is actually not as good as that of Douglas Duncan at the time. The latter has eight floors Backed by the magic tower, the actual combat power surpasses most demigods. Her fighting style will also be fully restrained by Miss Herrell under your control. "

Li Mochen watched carefully, and did not continue to ask questions until the video was finished: "I want to know, can your magic tower now be put into battle? How much can it be put into?"

"Then you will be disappointed ~ ~ Linde Emers shook his head:" Under the cover of the anti-magic force field, my magic tower, which is still "Black House", can't exert much power. Actually, I was very surprised. Under normal circumstances, our necromantic home should have been discovered long before it was forcibly evicted by the magic tower array. Now, it is allowed to stay in the suburbs of Atlanta, I think this should be someone inside the magic tower committee to help. "

"So, in the suburbs of Atlanta, can I temporarily open up a small space of a half-plane nature? I need a sniper bit, which is not affected by the anti-magic field."

Li Mochen retreated second, and he was not disappointed with the legendary lich's answer, which was actually what he expected.

"Then I still need you to provide a lot of magic power in a short time."

"This can be done by then, just--"

The legendary lich looked at Li Mochen curiously. What kind of plan did he want to use to save people? Don't you want to use Herrell's body? There must be hidden dangers in this way, otherwise, it is not so complicated.

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