Destiny Dominates

Chapter 353: Defeat

PS: Thank you ‘Dragon Fighting Yuye’ book friends for becoming the third leader of this book! I opened the wasteland desperately, five more thanks!


It took less than 0.11 seconds to break free from the timing freeze. Delfinia Adrick, indeed, looked at the sky with a look of contempt and disdain, distance She has less than three hundred meters of bullets.

She temporarily let go of the ‘demigod’ not far away, turned her staff, and pointed away from the direction of the sniper bullet.

With this level of sniping, as long as she interferes a little in the space, she can shift the bullet's trajectory to the end of the world. It was only at the next moment that the alien named "Emperor of the Night" was slightly stunned, and she found that she underestimated the sniper. When the opponent turned on the gun, he had already applied the legendary 'Dimensional Anchor' spell directly to this bullet. And control at a very far distance, so that it produces a variety of wonderful changes, to contend with her spatial power, and never fall.

And just in the blink of an eye, the remaining distance of three hundred meters was swept away.

Delfinia's complexion couldn't help but look dignified. At this time, she still could not completely get rid of the solidified time sequence power and could not move her figure. Can only exhaust his own greatest strength, in front of himself, cloth layered space barriers.

At the same time, she also pulled an curved machete in front of her, her eyes cherished and valued, and the speed of the knife seemed to cut forward slowly!

Although this is a bullet with a semi-god-level power enough to match the main gun of the battleship, she has full confidence that she will divide one into two in the two meters in front of her!

But at this moment, the time sequence around her seemed to be affected by the layer of space barrier that was forcibly shattered, and even a little disorder occurred at this critical time.

Then, when the scimitar in her hand hit the bullet, the holy weapon in her hand began to disintegrate inch by inch from the blade.

Delfinia Adrick's face was stunned and horrified. The part where the other's bullet hit was the most vulnerable part of this machete. It was only recently that there was a head-to-head confrontation with a quasi-artifact more than three times, leaving some minor injuries.

Originally without damaging its power, it can be restored naturally in the years to come. But at this moment, here has become this weapon and her fatal weakness!

And at this point in Delfinia's thoughts, there was a blast of a tent in her heart. The huge power of the bullets directly shattered her source armor, and the shrapnel and explosives that shattered shattered her body!

That was the legendary sniper bullet. With the increase of various spells, the power has reached the semi-god level.

So even after she was hit by the bullet in her heart, most of her body disintegrated and died, and most of her flesh and blood turned into particle form at this moment. Even Delphinia's spirit was not spared, and was blasted into a state of ruin.

What made the ‘Void Night King’ even more shocked was that the sniper hiding in the void was still locking her, and the killing intention was more intense, making her feel cold and bitter.

There is also the 'half god' not far away, and the legendary magic swordsman, also locked her mind to her, let Delfinia Adric feel a very dangerous omen.

These people want her to die! Also has the ability to let her die here!

After realizing this, Delfinia waved his staff without hesitation, and the surrounding space was suddenly twisted, creating a huge black hole, engulfing all her residual bodies, as well as a part of the discrete flesh and blood. Go in.

"Good job!"

Anthony Braden applauded and asked the legendary magic swordsman on his side again: "Can you tell me who he is? I think I have to show him my gratitude and admiration."

Linde Emers ignored it. He followed the instructions from his ears and remotely pointed the platinum scepter in his hand to collect all the remaining flesh and blood of Delfinia Adrick. , Into a silver vial.

This time, the 'Night Night King' was seriously injured. Not only was the whole body beaten, but also a large part of the 'secret blood' was scattered outside.

This is a very valuable thing, even without the reminder of his boss, Linde Emers will try his best to collect it.

It was only after that that he suddenly threw his sleeves, and the force of tyranny directly tore the surrounding space.

Anthony Braden frowned at once: "This is a good opportunity, Mr. The guy has fled to the astral realm, you can help me get my 'Light Demon Five'."

As he spoke, he raised the energy core in his hands like a honeycomb ball.

"I only need half a minute, half a minute of transformation, can I restore my fighting power?"

However, Linde Emers's powerful hand dragged him and Dacia into the void.

When they returned to the "Death Home" magic tower, the casual armor was lifted, and his right hand was raised. Then a lot of various parts were thrown out of his cuffs.

"Are you still a legendary magic mage?"

Anthony noticed the robe on him, and the unusually rich magic power, which surprised him.

Before he really thought that this man is a legendary magic swordsman. The result is the legendary magician of level 4 and part-time legendary magician of level 2.

At this time, Anthony saw something more shocking to him. The burly black magic armor also followed them into this half plane. When the hatch opened, what came out was a young girl.

But Anthony hadn't had time to be curious about it, and his eyes were attracted by the scattered parts.

With only one glance, Anthony's face collapsed: "Don't tell me, this is my Light Magic Five?"

"I'm not sure if it is."

Linde Emers looked at him sideways: "I just performed" Magic Item Replacement "according to your position. It seems that they are working on this thing,"


Anthony sighed: "I have to express my gratitude to both of you, and you Mr. Sniper saved my life this time!"

"It's not necessary to be grateful. Your assistant to the president, Ms. Metz, has come up with many good things and has given me a lot of promises."

With the sound of this sentence ~ ~ Li Mochen carried the huge ‘Braden ’s siege hammer’ and walked in from outside the void.

"Mr. Richest, I only hope you can abide by the contract between us, and make me feel that the price of offending someone is worth it."

"you are?"

Anthony raised his eyebrows slightly, he felt familiar with this person, and seemed to have seen him recently.

Then his consciousness unearthed relevant information in his memory.

"Andre Lee Wiltonstein?"

He saw the legendary mage next to him, and was leaning slightly in the direction of Li Mochen, as a courtier.

This almost exploded the thoughts in Anthony's mind. This time, he gave him a helping hand and dispatched the demi-god power to reinvent the 'Night Night King'. Could it be the young fighting star in front of him?


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