Destiny Dominates

Chapter 366: test


In a confined space in the Nathan Sports Lab, Li Mochen violently punched and slammed heavily on a force gauge in front. Then the pointer on the side meter directly crossed the limit of three hundred, and finally pointed to three hundred and seventy-five tons.

Li Mochen ’s excitement is beyond words. He feels that his body now has a power limit of at least 750 tons at level 7!

Just three days ago, with the help of three legendary mages, he successfully integrated the power talent of Lord Ironclaw Bimon. The process of mastering the 'Silent Jurisprudence' is also very smooth.

This made the blood and flesh in Li Mochen's body, his DNA, and even his root essence, once again undergo a drastic change. Not only has his power greatly increased, but his talent ceiling has also been greatly improved.

This is all thanks to the magical achievements of this world. In the realm of the original vault, Li Mochen never dared to expect such a powerful physical body.

Of course, this increase in talent is also related to the fact that the blood lines of Li Mochen's Dragon Clan and Titan were purified to a near-extreme level not long ago, and is the main reason.

"Three hundred and seventy-five tons! This is really shocking, and the standard for melees today is only four hundred tons."

In the observation room, Charlotte, the director of the Nathan Sports Laboratory, also exclaimed and was excited: "In terms of power, he has exceeded the data of the two monsters on the West Coast. Amo is one year younger than them. Two magical professional levels, and fighting skills above those two guys. "

"I'm also surprised at this."

Dwight Payton's eyes also flashed a different color: "Don't they have been tested before? His physique talent is not the best, just a demon bone."

"I can't give a reasonable explanation for this, but the current talent detection has never been a 100% accurate example. Humans are still small, and their understanding of the world is still at a very low level. I guess he is now, very It may be that he already has the pure blood of the dragon and the Titans. It is likely that after promotion to the eighth level, he will obtain the root talent of these two bloodlines, but this still needs to be verified. "

Charlotte explained to Dwight: "The next is the speed test. There are three items in total, one is the speed of the sword, the other is the speed of running at full strength, and the other is the limit dodge speed in complex environments, including Jump sideways, etc. "

As a result, the ultimate sword speed tested by Li Mochen was 2,200 kilometers per hour, which was close to double the speed of sound. In spite of the loss of source power, it can run to 1,400 kilometers per hour, exceeding the speed of sound.

Li Mochen had some reservations, but not many. The cooperation with the Nathan Group and Dwight Payton gave him initial trust in this area.

Then the ultimate dodge speed could not be tested, and Charlotte provided Li Mochen with three hundred red gold bee colonies. Crafted by legendary mechanical alchemists, each has an extra-legal flying speed.

But Li Mochen's figure can be as phantom as possible, only at a speed of 700 kilometers per hour, he can be among the bees, so that the leaves are not touched.

Then there is the test of 'Silent Jurisdiction', which once again shocked everyone in the observation room.

Under the suppression of Li Mochen's "Silent Domain", the eight 7th-level magic wizards summoned by the Nathan Group failed to display even the simplest zero-level "lighting technique".

Then replaced with eight 9th-level magic wizards, using the first-level fireball technique, it took up to 23 seconds. This is enough for Li Mochen's sword to cut off their heads hundreds of times.

"It's just the elementary 'Silent Jurisdiction'. Can he achieve this level?"

Carl's pupils contracted: "Amota, is this the root of the 'Silent Jurisdiction' already?"

He knew that the same ‘jurisdiction’, exerted in the hands of different people, would have different effects. If you cultivate it yourself, then there is no problem. However, if it is awakened from the bloodline, or given by the gods, or like Li Mochen, the fusion of the part of the ‘scepter of silence’ to obtain the power of the jurisdiction, then it is a test of personal talent and ability.

Dwight Payton looked thoughtfully at the laboratory director here: "What do you think? Charlotte."

"The main point of the" Silent Jurisprudence "is to prevent the flow of all things. He really has mastered this" mystery ". If he can control the ice jurisdiction, he may later be able to freeze time and space with the power of the jurisdiction."

Charlotte ’s eyes were unbelievable: “St. Macon High School is no longer a problem. If they ca n’t exert their divine grace, then the ability of the Miss Medici can finish them. As for the two guys on the West Coast , I think Amo ’s winning percentage is now 100%, and he has no chance of losing! Of course, it ’s hard to say whether they have hidden strength or use non-special methods in the event. "


At the same time, in a Norfolk Aegis extended car traveling on Russell Avenue in Atlanta, Ferguson Media owner Mandevin Ferguson sat in the back seat, looking at a document in his eyes.

At this time, in front of the car, a TV hanging from the roof of the car was broadcasting a program of "Coast Cable Station" about the fighting of cold weapons.

"So Nantes, you insist that Andre's fighting ability should not exceed 9S right? Even after the Atlanta Individual Semifinals, his opponents in the ring have been very accurate in 100 rounds. Lost? This even includes the champion of Savannah? "

"Yes, I admit that this guy may have some strength. But after Cardio Rod, he did not encounter any strong opponents. In addition, I think his equipment is also a big factor. If you take a closer look, you will find that all the things on him are top-level, far exceeding his opponents. Therefore, Andre Lee Wiltonstein is very strong, not just relying on his luck. "

"Please pay attention to everyone, his game, the traces of manipulation outside the field are too heavy ~ ~ Two of his opponents James Lanster, Cardio Rod, were involved in the drug ban afterwards. This is by no means a coincidence, there is a powerful force in manipulating the game. I think his real strength is at most around 7S. The defeat of James and Cardio is the result of the drug being out of control, "

"I'm sorry, I don't think so. In the past two months, neither the NHSAA tournament committee nor the gaming supervision committee have found any questions about Andrea! This is a genius, which is on our east coast. Monster, an arrogant man of heaven. I think instead of continuing to question Andre ’s ability, we would rather guess who is on the East Coast who can break Andre ’s “rule of law”. ”

"No, the investigation report of the Race Committee and Gaming Regulatory Committee just shows that this guy has a very strong force behind them. But they dare not publish Andre's test data so far? Isn't this doubtful?"

"Dear everyone, please stop? The topic of our discussion is not Andre. It is the team fight between Linden Middle School and St. Marken Middle School a few days later. The strength of Linden Middle School, Presumably, as everyone knows, three seven-level professionals, and a talented fifth-level magic shadow player, are invincible in Atlanta. However, St. Macon Middle School ’s record is even more glorious, after the round of 16. The opponents have No one can hold it for 20 seconds. According to the current schedule, they will join the top 16 in Georgia. "

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