Destiny Dominates

Chapter 376: instead

Above the ring, although the battle has not really started, the players on both sides have already formed a battle formation.

Linden College, Li Mochen, Louise Linden, and Lena Adrick each held a shield in front of them.

The main occupations of the three are magic swordsmen. This profession was called the magic swordsman in ancient times. It is a versatile, melee, long-range, source, and magic. Everything can be mastered since the invention of firearms. With the help of magic, you can also master a good shot. Of course, no matter what the ability of the magic swordsman is, it is difficult to reach the top.

However, in addition to the three people, they also work part-time as a dragon master, a Titan warrior, and a magical hunter, etc., which enhances their abilities in various ways.

And after that, it was Angela of 7th-level illusionist, part-time warlock, and dragon warlock.

It must be mentioned here that warlocks basically don't study spells. They have been working hard to purify spiritual power and their own bloodline throughout their lives, relying on their own bloodline power to cast spells. They usually have fewer spells, but each of them is extremely powerful, one or two levels higher than the normal mage.

And the source of their power is diverse, some are from ancient gods, or mythical creatures that can change human form, and demons and demons from the abyss of hell; others are influenced by outsiders, or It was due to some kind of unknown big cosmic force's interference, and a blood vein mutation occurred.

And Angela ’s warlock profession is derived from her angelic lineage, and her part-time dragon warlock has further strengthened her ability to cast spells. Make Angela's long-range spells full of deterrence in the ring.

Next there is William, who is also hiding behind the three magical swordsmen, covering his body strictly.

Magic energy shadowmen are also known as rogues, assassins, etc. Whether in modern or ancient times, they are generally the same as magic energy hunters. Only when they act alone can they exert their maximum abilities.

But in the ring, the magical shadow show can't do this. Especially when his professional level is only six, it is completely a behavior of death.

In comparison, the career mix of the Saint Macon Middle School team across the board is much more reasonable. , And have a strong part-time job.

And at this time, these five people were talking quietly,

"Four casters opposite, it looks very good."

"So do you want to avoid melee?"

"I hope to be able to smash the lucky Andre's face across from him. The price of Arcadis is 20 million gold shield."

"It doesn't matter if we can win this bounty, it depends on the abilities of those guys."

"Shut up for me?"

The captain of the five, Claude Antell, snorted: "The time is running out, everyone is in the state from now on."

Behind him, the young girl Isa O'Neill carrying a giant shield, Liu Liu frowned slightly, his expression unwilling.

"Don't be capricious, O'Neill! Our current opponent is not the garbage that used to be."

At this time, Claude Antell ’s forehead began to flash with inscrutable golden lines: "The guys on the opposite side are very strong, four of the five are famous, and the full support of Nathan Sports Group It must be foolproof. Issa, you want your mother to get the best treatment right now, right? "

Issa O’Neal no longer speaks, and the golden lines on her eyebrows begin to flash.

After only a moment, her expression was different from before, her expression was indifferent, and there was a little novelty and disdain.

"Wow, this feeling is terrible, this body is like a cage."

"This time the fit is still unexpectedly poor. I'm not sure if I can use 100% of this body's combat power to a maximum of 70%."

"It would be better if I could get used to it more, I know! I know! The price is high, only 30 minutes are left, right? But actually give me five minutes, no! Three minutes is enough. Three consecutive games, also It only takes nine minutes. "

"Can we stop the discussion? Everyone, the head referee is watching us, that is a powerful 16th-level offender."

Said it was still Claude Antell: "Let's talk about the tactics, first attack and disrupt their formation. Sarah, it's up to you! A blood mad shock."

Sarah is a mad warrior among the five of them. He agreed without hesitation: "That's right, but I need enough assistance. That little girl's blast wind jurisdiction, this time there is no need to keep it, right?"

"Then that guy!"

Claude Antel continued: "Kasha, the body you manipulate belongs to Issa O’Neal. At the 7th level, she is a very powerful shield warrior, and I will entangle the lucky one with me later. Andre, is that alright? "

Issa O’Neal danced the hammer in his hands: "I am looking forward to playing with him. If he can smash his face under the public, will there be an additional reward, right?"

"Yes, if possible, this reward must of course be taken down."

Claude Antell laughed: "In 30 minutes, fight for the first game and tie them."

And shortly after this, in the second box on the stands, Alec Bruder said with a somber face after finishing a phone call: "It is a variant of the Eastern" Shenjiang ", I do n’t know if it is Which mage invented can avoid the monitoring equipment in the stadium. The middle school event is this annoying ~ ~ There are too many ways to cheat. Legendary combat awareness and control ability, in the NMOSA professional arena It's nothing. Those professional players are better than them. "

Dwight Payton turned to another assistant next to him: "Call Karl to let him find a way to suspend the game, or delay the start of the game. Since it is Divine Drop, there should be a time limit."

He believes that Linden College will be able to win the final victory, but if there is an easier way to win, then why should Li Mochen and Angela's ability be exposed?

"Useless Dwight."

Alec Blud shook his head: "Do you think they didn't expect this? Of course, they were fully prepared before this. I guess this kind of divine magic can either be suspended or they have already bought the event. Some people on the committee. Taking into account future problems, I guess the former should be the majority. "

Dwight Payton didn't say a word, looking at the CEO of the penguin betting company. He believes that the person around him can no longer be trusted at this stage.

The latter also understood what he meant, and was immediately indignant: "Hey! Dwight, what are you looking at? I did n’t stop you from telling Karl. And now, I do n’t have any reason to betray you and Andre, do you? This time, the money bet on Andre ’s winning is ten times the gap. Your Andre has many fans, but they do n’t like gambling. Besides, besides this, the bookmaker can also play in Andre ’s Fighting time, and whether to make a fuss about the details of winning a hundred rounds, we are completely unnecessary, Dwight. If you can take over the Nathan Sports Group, or even one day in charge of the Nathan Military Industrial Union, this is only good for me. "

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