Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 490: intelligence

After returning to the hotel, Li Mochen took out the 'Crimson Dragon Armor' for the first time and observed the changes in this mythological weapon.

The situation of the armor surprised and delighted him. If he had enough time, he would not use the blood souls of the four deities. The curse of the 'Crimson Dragon Armor' will also be washed away by the power of the virtual priest within a year.

However, this means that Li Mochen needs to maintain a high exposure rate throughout the year, and must participate in such competitions as much as possible. In addition, in time, it seems too late.

The good news is that once the blood sacrifices of the four demi-gods are completed, this ‘scarlet dragon armor’ can be unblocked in advance without waiting for his magic class to enter the legend. The power possessed by this 'Crimson Dragon Armor' will also enter the heyday stage directly by the blood sacrifice.

There is also the virtual priesthood of 'Crimson Dragon Armor', as he expected to have the nature of 'Law of Law' and 'God of Belief', people's worship can enhance his strength, within 500 kilometers around 'Crimson Dragon Armor' The battles and wars can also make its strength stronger.

Li Mochen speculated that the Barbarossa Emperor must have killed a **** of war in the Middle Ages and seized the latter's power.

It was at this time that ‘Clark Banfield’ called. This is the intelligence director newly hired by Li Mochen. A legendary fourth-level magic hunter, formerly served as assistant intelligence director at the FBI, with a level of D2. It was introduced by Dwight Payton, and then Ms. Nanette Drew, Major General Michael Wood and Anthony are highly recommended.

Anthony Braden is also highly coveted by this person, but unfortunately several of his institutions already have suitable CIOs and cannot make room for ‘Clark Banfield.

And Li Mochen paid a salary of 150 million yuan for this person, and 300 million gold shield for the ‘Settlement Fee’, and hired this as the chief information officer of the Rising Sun Group Corporation. This person happened to be in an embarrassing position within the FBI due to the departure of the FBI director six months ago. Looking at Li Mochen's salary double that of the top legendary profession, this person readily accepted Li Mochen's appointment.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Jamie Burt is still working at the Rising Sun Retail Company, but is no longer the top intelligence director under Li Mochen.

It is expected that this person will not be able to stay in the electrical appliance retail company for a long time, and this resume in the sun will make him have a broader prospect.

"BOSS, the information has been further confirmed. I got a battle plan from within the Dragon and Witch Church."

"The time for their hands-on should be ten days later, and they are now dispatching troops. It is expected that there will be a total of 20,000 armed men who will wage a full-scale guerrilla war against the Rising Sun Group. Their target is mainly Florida. Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, etc. Only New York State and the surrounding areas of New York State have been spared by them. There is a special unknown connection between Michelle and the Dragon Witch Church. "

"Then California and Oregon do n’t have to worry about it. Light and Magic Industries are very strong here, and the Dragon and Witch religion is temporarily unwilling to offend Anthony. In fact, we only have 40 stores here and the remaining two Hundreds are still in the decoration stage, and the pressure of defense is relatively light. "

Li Mochen was very satisfied with the ability of the new intelligence director, and thought to himself that he had spent so much money. Less than four weeks after Clark Banfield's employment, he has received such critical intelligence, which is much stronger than Jamiri.

"Ten days later? I wo n’t wait until this time, in short, continue to pay attention to their movements, and give your full support to Major Wood as much as you can. Then I still want to know, where are the demigod dragon lich? You temporarily Only to find De La Rosa? Make sure it is on the Bone Eater Plateau? Can't you provide its specific coordinates? It doesn't matter, as long as it has a general orientation. "

"Thank you, and Jennifer's whereabouts. In the dark world, you must continue to work hard, Clark, I await your good news."

"By the way, I recently obtained the authority to command some of the Freemasonry Armed Forces. As a well-informed former FBI assistant intelligence director, Clark, can you give me some advice? That is, I can mobilize Freemasonry in Georgia This part of the power to fight the dragon and the witchcraft? Is it best to appoint an acting commander? Beres Andorra? Is it reliable? There is hatred with the dragon and witchcraft, understand. If this is the case, it is worth using, then this Please-- "

After finishing the call, Li Mochen went directly to his office. With the help of Alyssa, he drafted more than a dozen documents in the shortest time, and then loaded them into the corresponding envelopes, sealed with special magic sealing wax.

Three of these documents are stamped with the ring of seals worn by his hands-that is a unique token of the Freemasonry's "Secretary", which symbolizes his identity and authority.

According to his intelligence director, when fighting forces such as the Dragon and Witch Church, Li Mochen could not only mobilize the armed forces belonging to him under the Freemasonry, but also apply for certain financial support from the General Association and the branch.

When these documents were drafted one by one, it was close to twelve in the evening, and the space in front of Li Mochen suddenly began to distort. The figure of Delfinia Edric appeared on his side on time.

"Are you ready? Start now?"

"Of course, but before that, please help me send these files to the coordinate location I gave you."

Li Mochen holds no less than twenty magical methods for transferring these important documents ~ ~ but he does not have one, which can guarantee that these documents will not be intercepted.

However, he seemed to be reluctant to look at Delfinia.

"Each letter gives you a half-million gold shield. This is the highest price I can give you. Otherwise, I can only ask Ms. Christie Bled to take the shot. She won't mind helping me."

Delfinia took the envelopes, and she tried to ask in a calm tone: "I watched TV shows that tonight, did you earn at least one billion gold shields?"

"Let's talk less. According to the data from various sources, there are three billion gold shields."

Li Mochen knew that this might unbalance the ideology of King Xu Ye, but honestly said: "It is expected that if I join the professional league, I will be able to earn more than tens of billions of dong in this year alone. There are still too many restrictions on the endorsement contracts signed. "

The key is that the set of 'Crimson Dragon Armor' can also receive enough force of faith.

Delfinia's breath was really heavy, and her face was a bit gray.

But then, Li Mochen smiled slightly again: "Yes, I still have about 5 billion extra funds for charity every year. You know, many rich people use this method to avoid taxes. But I myself, yes Sincerely use these funds for charity. At present, one of my projects is the placement and rescue of strangers ~ "

Delfinia Edric immediately moved slightly, and she had a heart to ask, but she was instinctively afraid to do so. I feel that if I ask, I might fall into the mud ditch and not get out.

This guy in front of her, but her enemy.

So then Delfinia faced the staff with a face, and then took Li Mochen across the space and went to their predetermined location.


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