Destiny Martial God

Chapter 1642: The Uninhibited Qin Lingfei

Ancient God Trial Field!

Coming to the Tianxuan Continent, recreating the glorious days when the ancient gods ruled all living things, this is the dream of countless gods in the Ancient God Trial Field, and the goal they strive for all their lives.

Therefore, after hearing the order of the Nine Gods to come to the Tianxuan Continent, even Shen Han, who has achieved the realm of gods, was still extremely excited and immediately accepted the order.

"Subordinates have received the order!"

But then thinking of the various restrictions on the Martial God and the Supreme Powers in the Tianxuan Continent, Shen Han frowned slightly and reminded.

"Your Highness, before coming to the Tianxuan Continent, there is one thing I have to tell you in advance, that is, although the perfect law of heaven has fallen into a deep sleep, the artificially manipulated heaven consciousness still has a strong control over the Tianxuan Continent."

"In the short term, I am afraid that our subordinates in the realm of martial gods will not be able to accompany the people of the God's Palace to fight in the Tianxuan Continent."

After hearing Shen Han's reminder, the Nine Gods also couldn't help frowning, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Even though his soul had gone through the trials of the endless abyss and was already capable of impacting the supreme realm of the supreme existence, his sealed divine body could only maintain the cultivation of the peak of the first rank of the Martial Emperor.

Even though his talent and potential were exceptional, and his divine blood and holy wings could greatly enhance his strength, he could only exert the strength of the peak of the sixth rank of the Martial Emperor at most.

To conquer the Tianxuan Continent with the strength of the peak of the sixth rank of the Martial Emperor was undoubtedly like an old man hanging himself - he was tired of living!

"Your Highness, the Son of God, don't worry too much!"

Seeing the tightly frowned brows of the Ninth Son of God, Shen Han quickly comforted him and explained further.

"The current Tianxuan Continent is different from the continents in the ancient, medieval and recent periods. Restricted by the environment of heaven and earth and the incomplete rules of heaven, the entire continent not only has no powerful gods in the realm of martial gods, but even pseudo-gods in the realm of demigods are rare."

"At the same time, the martial gods and supreme beings who survived in the ancient, medieval and recent periods are either sleeping in their own secret realms or hiding in the endless void. For the time being, they will not threaten or affect the battles of His Highness the Son of God."

After hearing Shen Han's further explanation, Jiu Shenzi's eyes gradually showed excitement.


In the practice room in the Prince Consort's mansion!

Perhaps because of the complete break with the tower spirit, his emotions fluctuated violently in a short period of time. With the help of the pure soul power contained in the three hundred soul fires, his soul power successfully advanced to the realm of martial emperor, and his state of mind also successfully broke through the realm of martial emperor.

Now, as long as he successfully integrates the dual laws of life and death into his body and soul, he can directly impact the cultivation of the Martial Emperor realm and become a truly powerful person.

However, thinking of Qian Tianyu's deep accumulation to improve his cultivation to the peak of the second rank of the Martial Emperor, and thinking of Zhu Tianmo Emperor's deep accumulation, he has the strength to directly impact the peak of the fifth rank of the Martial Emperor, Yu Haoran immediately extinguished the idea of ​​integrating the power of the main law and directly breaking through the Martial Emperor realm.

Then, he used dozens of soul fires of the Martial Honor realm to simply consolidate the realm of breakthrough, and then stood up and left the practice room.

While walking towards the wind pavilion in the courtyard, he used his divine thoughts to notify Qin Lingfei and others.

Because he will use the large amount of soul fires harvested in the White Bone City to improve the cultivation and strength of his close friends.

"Prince consort, are you okay?"

After the violent storm, although Qin Lingfei was extremely satisfied, as a pillow person, she could still feel the sadness and regret left in Yu Haoran's heart.

This kind of sadness and regret was the first time she had seen such a feeling in the two years since they met, fell in love and stayed together.

She was always worried. Since Yu Haoran entered the practice room for retreat, she had been guarding the window sill of the bedroom in the courtyard, paying attention to the situation in the practice room.

So, when she saw Yu Haoran leave the practice room and received his divine notification, Qin Lingfei was the first to appear beside him, and asked with a trace of worry in her eyes.

The beloved woman became the object of venting regret and sadness, which made Yu Haoran, whose mind was completely calm, suddenly feel deeply guilty.

So, he directly held Qin Lingfei's jade hand and said with an apologetic face.

"Lingfei, I'm sorry, I made you worry!"

"Prince consort, what are you talking about!"

Shaking her head, Qin Lingfei directly hugged Yu Haoran's waist and comforted him tenderly.

"You and I are a couple who will live together till death. No matter how much you are wronged or how unfair you are, Lingfei will be willing to bear it with you."


In response to Qin Lingfei's hug, Yu Haoran was deeply moved and felt fortunate that he had his lover, relatives, and friends around him.

"Oh, it seems that we came at the wrong time!"

Just when Yu Haoran and Qin Lingfei were hugging each other and confessing their hearts, a teasing voice suddenly came from outside the pavilion.

"Sister Shuiqin, seeing how much love I have with my husband, do you feel very envious, jealous, and hateful?"

Qin Lingfei, who had experienced the joy of love, had long lost her girlish shyness. Although her thickness of face could not be compared with Yu Haoran, it was not comparable to that of Zhongli Shuiqin, who had never experienced anything.

So, Qin Lingfei did not feel the slightest bit of shyness towards Zhongli Shuiqin's teasing, but turned around and smiled and said playfully.

"At this moment, do you also want to hug Zhengjun tightly, do you want to be sent to the bridal chamber as soon as possible, and then have sex!"

Zhongli Shuiqin, who still has the mentality of a young girl, has never been teased so nakedly. Her face turned red instantly, and she turned around and planned to leave the villa, leaving the villa that made her heart flutter.

"Miss Shuiqin, please stay!"

Qin Lingfei's boldness and outspokenness also surprised Yu Haoran, which caused him to forget to stop her teasing while he was stunned.

So, when he saw Zhongli Shuiqin shyly intending to leave the villa, he quickly spoke to keep her.

At the same time, he glared at Qin Lingfei with a stern face, and then called Jian Wuhen and Yu Siqi who came later to enter the wind pavilion.

"Brother, what happened some time ago?" Wu Zhengjun, who was standing behind Zhongli Shuiqin, asked with worry in his eyes.

On that day, Yu Haoran roared to the sky with grief and anger, and the terrifying aura that emerged from his body was also noticed by Wu Zhengjun, who had been practicing in the Prince Consort's mansion.

But when he stood up and rushed out of the mansion, he saw Yu Haoran holding Qin Lingfei and rushing into the bedroom of the mansion's courtyard, so he never had time to interrogate him.

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