Destiny Martial God

Chapter 1827: Benefactor in the previous life

Outside the Prince Consort's Mansion!

Looking at Yu Haoran who was receiving the reward for the pill tribulation, his face showed an excited look, and Sun Yaonong's eyes showed a trace of envy and sighed.

"Pills, pill tribulation, pill tribulation rewards, this is the real reason why the top pill masters' cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds!"

However, thinking that he obviously had the talent and understanding of the pill way that was not inferior to Yu Haoran, but because of his young and ignorant arrogance, he lost the foundation to impact the pill way emperor and pill way god realm, and his heart suddenly arose with endless regret.

Fortunately, some time ago, from a relic left over from the Middle Ages, he obtained a pill formula that could reshape the foundation of the pill way, and the regret was quickly replaced by excitement.

However, when he thought that the pill grade recorded in the pill formula was as high as the first-level third grade, and only Yu Haoran, who had just advanced to the pill way god realm in the entire Tianxuan Continent, could refine it, his excitement quickly calmed down.

Afterwards, Sun Yaonong began to think about how to get Yu Haoran to agree to refine the divine pill of the first-order third grade, so that he could regain the hope of impacting the realm of Dan Dao Dan Di and Dan Dao Dan Di.


If the difficulty of breaking through the realm of Wu Zun is ten times that of the realm of Wu Di, then the difficulty of breaking through the realm of Wu Di directly rises to a hundred times.

Not to mention the difficulty of the auxiliary realm breakthrough, which is not inferior to the breakthrough of the realm of Wu Di.

With the help of the large amount of milky white energy rewarded by Dan Jie, he has clearly touched the bottleneck of realm breakthrough, but the bottleneck of state of mind and physical grade is like two mountains. No matter how hard he tries to impact, the result is still motionless.

Feeling that the milky white energy washing him is getting less and less, and the hope of impacting the realm bottleneck is getting smaller and smaller, Yu Haoran finally gave up the extravagant hope of breaking through in a short time, and then used the remaining few Dan Jie rewards to consolidate the cultivation and strength that had just been improved.

After the reward of the pill tribulation completely disappeared, Yu Haoran, who had finished his work and stood up, quickly took out two pill bottles, and then waved at the nine pills floating in the air.

Then, five first-grade first-level immortality pills fell into one pill bottle, and four first-grade pseudo-immortal pills of the same grade fell into another pill bottle.

First, he poured out an immortality pill from the pill bottle. After carefully checking it, Yu Haoran found that the quality of the immortality pill was similar to what he had expected in advance, and the probability of assisting in breaking through the martial god realm reached 30%.

After putting the immortality pill back into the pill bottle, and then pouring out a pseudo-immortal pill from another pill bottle, he also carefully checked it, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Although the lack of the mysterious breath of the law made the pseudo-immortal pill lose its heaven-defying role in assisting in breaking through the martial god realm, the focus on the improvement of the internal essence energy made the pseudo-immortal pill far more effective in assisting in improving the physical grade, Yuanli and soul power than the immortality pill.

In other words, four first-grade pseudo-immortal pills are just right for him to use to break through the bottleneck of his physical body in the realm of martial god.

Of course, it is only suitable. Yu Haoran, who pays attention to improving his foundation, will not consider using pseudo-immortal pills to break through the auxiliary realm for the time being.

After happily putting away the pseudo-immortal pills, Yu Haoran walked towards the prince consort's mansion with a happy smile on his face. When he was about to part with Qin Lingfei and others in a happy mood, he suddenly heard a voice of retention.

"Yu Dan Shen, please stay!"

Turning his head to look at the silver-haired old man in a gray robe, with a gentle demeanor, kind eyes, and a medicine basket on his back, Yu Haoran's eyes immediately showed a look of surprise.

Then, he flashed in front of Sun Yaonong and saluted with a respectful expression.

"Junior Yu Haoran, meet Senior Sun!"

In his previous life, when his alchemy cultivation was stuck at the peak of the Grandmaster realm, in order to find an opportunity to break through, he and the Void Spirit Rat broke into a dangerous place at the junction of the East Region and unexpectedly encountered Sun Yaonong.

At that time, Sun Yaonong neither hated him because of his status as a poison master nor despised him because of his status as a casual cultivator.

At the same time, facing the deadly threat of the dangerous place, Sun Yaonong not only overdrew his own Yuanli and soul power to force a safe passage through the dangerous place to help him leave, but also personally instructed him in his alchemy cultivation afterwards.

If he had not been hunted down by the enemies of the Yuxu Palace and was forced to flee into the Tomb of the Demon God, he would have had a great hope of advancing to the realm of the Grandmaster of the Alchemy.

So, Sun Yaonong is not only the benefactor of his alchemy cultivation, but also the person he wants to repay after his rebirth.

The status of an alchemist at the level of the alchemy god is comparable to that of a half-step supreme being. Whether it is now or in the ancient and medieval times, they are the top and most respected beings in the world.

Yu Haoran, who has such a noble status and lofty position, not only has a respectful attitude when facing an old man who has no future, but also salutes him as a junior. This deeply moved Sun Yaonong, and at the same time, he also felt deeply guilty.

He had the opportunity to meet Yu Haoran three times, but because of selfishness and jealousy, he not only did not guide the other party's alchemy practice, but also took the initiative to avoid the possibility of meeting the other party. How could he not feel ashamed and guilty.

"Yu Danshen is polite, it should be Yaonong who salutes you." After taking a deep breath and adjusting his complicated emotions, Sun Yaonong quickly returned the salute politely.

"Senior, please don't humiliate me. How can I let you salute me?"

After shaking his head to stop Sun Yaonong from saluting, Yu Haoran took the initiative to invite him to the Prince Consort's residence.

It is said that the Prince Consort's Mansion built by Yu Haoran himself not only has a landscape like a fairyland on earth, but also has a special aura in the mansion that can enhance the foundation and potential of warriors, and greatly improve the cultivation and strength of warriors.

Therefore, facing Yu Haoran's active invitation, Sun Yaonong quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yu Danshen, Senior Sun, please stay!"

Just when Yu Haoran took Sun Yaonong to the Prince Consort's Mansion, a strong man in the three-tribulation semi-god realm rushed out of the crowd while speaking to keep him.

"Yu Danshen, his name is Zheng Jiyuan, from the Zheng family inherited from the Middle Ages."

Seeing a trace of doubt in Yu Haoran's eyes, Sun Yaonong, who knew that he didn't know the other party's origin, took the initiative to introduce.

"The Zheng family is a powerful inheritance family that exists on par with the Shang family and the Zhou family."

"Senior Zheng, what do you want?" After bowing, Yu Haoran asked calmly.

"Yu Danshen, are you interested in selling the first-grade, first-class immortality pills you just made?" Zheng Jiyuan stopped three meters away from Yu Haoran and asked respectfully with a look of desire in his eyes.

Facing Zheng Jiyuan's questioning, Yu Haoran lowered his head and pondered.

Five first-grade, first-class immortality pills, one for Wu Zhengjun's marriage proposal, one for Sun Yaonong, and one for the master he planned to find in a while. He didn't know what to do with the remaining two immortality pills for the time being.

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