Destiny or Coincidence?
Chapter 45
Athira Patel
I'm restlessly walking here and there in my bedroom not knowing what to do because there is only half a day left before Abhi will come to pick me up. And here i am confused as hell about what to wear.
And that fit for nothing Dev went to Charitha's house to spend the time while his best friend is in need of him.
For a moment I wanted to go back in the past two days and change everything so that Dev would have been here with me instead of Charitha's house.
I shook my head to stop my trail of thoughts because i am getting tensed and my mind is not working properly.
I am happy that I have sent Dev to Charitha's house two days before for getting my stuff which i have left there on the day of Abhilash's party.
It's been four days since that party and i am still behaving like a teenager in front of him.
I have sent Dev to Charitha's house wantedly because i knew that Dev got attracted to her on the day of the party that they both stuck to each other like there was no other person in that room. It surprised me at first but I am happy to know that he is moving on from me.
And true enough, he was looking for the opportunity to meet Charitha that he immediately agreed to go and bring my stuff. I was so happy to see them together that I even cried in Abhi's arms.
Even Sahana and Karthik were very excited to see them together that they started planning triple dates making me blush in return.
I just waved them off and went to my office to work but on the same day evening Abhi asked me to go on a date with him officially which made me squeal in excitement because I was becoming nervous about our relationship and thought that he doesn't like me as girlfriend type of feeling.
I was relieved and excited for the whole day and even yesterday but today when the day came for which i was waiting eagerly, here i am freaking out about not knowing what to wear and how to get ready.
I don't even know where we are going because he said that it was a surprise and he is going to pick me up at 7.00 PM in the evening. Since it's a weekend next day, there is no need to worry about being late to office.
But presently i need a dress to wear and i am so confused to wear anything. I thought of calling Riya but she might be busy in packing because they are going to come tomorrow. I sighed and went to my wardrobe by pulling all the dresses out looking for the perfect one but i cannot find any. It's not like I don't have a dress, It's just that i don't know what to wear because my knowledge about fashion is zero. It was Riya who used to help me in this department and now Charitha and Sahana. But they both are quite busy with their new relationships that I don't want to disturb them because of my date.
The only hint I got from Abhi was that he was wearing a formal dress which in the sense we were going to some formal place and i need to wear something formal and classy. So I am confused as hell now.
The sound of ringing the doorbell brought me out of my internal debate and looked at the watch to see that it's 5.00 PM and I sighed in relief that its not Abhi. I thought it was already 7.00 PM and he came to pick me up while I was still in search of my dress.
I went outside my bedroom wondering who might be knocking the door at this hour of time and opened the door slowly by peeking out only to squeal in shock and excitement in return.
"OH MY GOD RIYA….. RISHI...." I shouted excitedly and jumped myself into Riya's awaiting arms and we both squealed together jumping up and down like small kids.
I can't imagine that I am seeing my best friend after almost two months of being away. It was like a very long time ago but in fact it was just two months. What can i say? She is like a sister to me.
"I missed you so much Tiger" I said hugging her tightly making her breath hitch due to the impact.
"Oh my god… Girl leave me… You are suffocating me here…" She said trying to take deep breaths and I immediately released her from the hug realising the fact. I smiled sheepishly looking at her and said sorry to which she laughed and hugged me again. This time I was careful to not suffocate her in my hug.
"I know that you are excited to see us but please don't suffocate my girlfriend. I have only one tiger and i cannot afford to lose her you know" commented Rishi making me turn towards him by releasing Riya.
"Rishi…. I am sorry about that. It won't happen again. But What to do? I am so excited to see you both here. Oh my gosh… I missed you idiot" I said hugging him tightly again which made him chuckle in return and returned my hug by embracing me.
"This girl is so excited to see us" commented Riya making me look at her and make a poker face.
"Woah.. I am seeing this side of Athi after a long time. What is the reason that she came out suddenly? Did it have anything to do with Abhi?" Riya said wondering by keeping her right hand near her chin and rubbing it with her finger making me blush in return.
"Oh blast… Look Riya, She is blushing… We have got a lot to make her spill" exclaimed Rishi making me groan in return. Now these two won't leave me unless I spill everything.
Oh no… My date… Shit…
"Riya… Oh my god. I totally forgot about it. You are going to be my life saviour now" I said looking at her with puppy dog eyes making her frown in return.
"No no no… I don't like the way you are giving me those puppy dog eyes. Why do i feel that you are going to need my help in something?" Riya said raising her eyebrows by keeping her hands on the hips and staring at me for an answer.
Now these two idiots are going to tease me like anything. What have I gotten myself into??
I gulped preparing to say the news. "IamgoingonadatewithAbhiinnexttwohours" I said everything so quickly within a breath that I am doubtful they heard it correctly.
"What? I didn't get a thing about what you said Athi" said Riya by raising both of her hands in air wondering.
"I said that I am going on a date with Abhi in next two hours" I said by closing my eyes and counting the numbers waiting for their reaction.
"What???..." "NO WAY…" "OMG…" "YOU BITCH, YOU ARE DEAD…" they said shockingly listening to my words and the last word was from Riya and i already guessed her reaction would be like this.
I immediately sprinted away from her by getting inside the living room while she was shouting at me to stop but am I mad to stop when she is in her tiger form? No way…
"Please listen to me Riya… I can explain…" I tried explaining to her but she threw a pillow at my direction which is on the sofa making me duck my head in return to escape from her assault.
"You dimwit. You forgot to say this important matter to me and you call yourself a friend of mine? You are gone today girl" she exclaimed shouting by running towards me and I too circled around sofa getting away from her.
I can see that she is slowly losing her temper and is in the brick of line to accept the defeat. So I continued for some more time trying to explain to her by breaking her hard facade.
"I'm sorry Ri… It was really so sudden and i thought that you were travelling today so, I postponed it to say after you came. But you gave me a surprise by coming today itself" I explained as best as I can by taking deep breaths standing around the corner when I saw that she too stopped running because of the lack of breath.
I can see from the corner of my eye that Rishi was just standing nearby kitchen watching us with amusement. He always does this whenever his girlfriend declares a war against me. That dumb...
"You always have your way with your cunning words and make me melt dammit" she groaned by stomping her foot on the floor and landed her butt on the sofa by taking a seat there trying to catch her breath. I too slowly moved towards her and sat beside her by taking both of her hands in mine and looking at her in the eyes.
"I am sorry babe. I won't hide anything from the next time. Please" I said pleasing her giving my sincere look to which she nodded her head in agreement and hugged me tightly getting emotional. Now this is my Riya. I smiled to myself remembering all the events about our fighting and how we used to compromise immediately.
"You better not. Otherwise you will make me worried sick unnecessarily." she said sniffing which made me smile knowing how much she cares for my well being.
"I know. Sorry for that" I said repeating my sorries so that she can cool down.
"Ya ya. No need of that many sorry's. And I am happy for you Athi. I knew that you love him from the start." she said making me freeze on my spot. "Ofcourse it was just an instinct but still i was correct on that day. I had a feeling that you will be meeting him again. I don't know why, but I have seen your eyes shine with brightness when you have mentioned about him and I knew that there is more between you" she continued her explanation while I was still stuck in that word.
"Love….???" I asked lowly as if i am asking myself. But still she heard it because the next moment she released our embrace to look into my eyes searching for something or anything. I don't know exactly but I too was looking at her for answers i don't know the questions.
"Don't tell me…." she was looking at me with unbelievable eyes as if she got what I am going through and I am desperately in need of those answers.
Its like my mind is saying something and my heart is saying something and i am stuck in between not able to grasp anything.
"God Athira… You are so naive girl. How could you be so oblivious to your own feelings dammit…" She started raising her voice while by getting up from her seat and walking here and there while I was just sitting there like a statue not able to get a single word into my head. I can see and listen to every damn word she is saying but its like some movie is playing in front of me and i am just watching it for the time pass without taking it seriously.
Rishi came and hugged her tightly to control her emotions and i just sat there watching them both with a smile on my face because they look cute together. After some moments she became cool because of what Rishi said in her ear and she nodded her head in agreement.
Thank god that she became cool, otherwise i cannot handle another tantrum of this girl while i am getting late to the date.
Oh shit… I totally forgot about the date because of her ridiculous fight. Shit shit shit…
I got up immediately and started dragging Riya to my bedroom by shouting at her that i am getting late for the date and she needs to help me in getting ready.
She agreed looking at my panic and we both shut the bedroom door behind us and Riya started rummaging through my dresses to look for a perfect one while I was eating my nails in tension.
After five minutes she turned towards me with a beautiful dress in her hands. It was in my closet at the corner of the cover and I even forgot about this dress. It was a gift from my dad when I graduated from college.
It's a black colour off shoulder sequin knee length dress which is beautiful that it captured my heart within a second. How could I forget the gift from my dad?
"Oh my Riya… I totally forgot about this dress. You are a life saviour darling" I said squealing in excitement and kissed her cheeks in happiness that i found my dress for the evening making her chuckle with my reaction.
"I know that. Now come and sit in front of the mirror so that i can fix you up fastly" she demanded me by dragging me to the mirror. I silently obeyed her because I don't want to be late and I certainly cannot win with the tiger.
After half an hour she made me ready with little smoky eyes, eyeliner and red lipstick. My hair was left loose with soft curls at the end and completed it with silver colour earrings and a silver bracelet. I wore my dress with matching black colour widgets and looked at myself in the mirror only to gasp in shock.
Oh my god… Is it me? I look like someone else in the mirror completely. Wow… Riya has done a great job. I really look sexy in this outfit of mine.
"You look breathtaking babe. Abhilash is going to get one hell of a shock" complimented Riya by winking at me which made me blush scarlet red in return.
"Rishi…." Riya called while keeping everything in place.
"Yes darling?" He asked poking his head from the entrance of the door by looking at her. But then his eyes landed on me and he stuck like a statue for a second with his open mouth without saying anything.
"Oh my Athi… You look hot in this dress" Rishi said after a few moments making me even more red with all the blushing. Suddenly I feel very hot inside the bedroom.
"Please shut up you both" I mumbled while taking my purse and entering the living hall.
They both laughed at my reaction because they both know well enough to know that I am blushing like an idiot. But thank god that they didn't start teasing me.
"Woah woah… look at her Rishi. She is blushing. I haven't seen my best friend blush like in years" commented Riya by taking a seat next to me on the couch.
Oh i am taking back about what i said just before. They won't leave any opportunity to tease me. Idiots.
"Ya… I can totally see that she fell head over heels for him" now Rishi commented smirking at me. I glared at him and was about to shout at him when the doorbell rang making me nervous all of a sudden.
"Oh I am going to open it" announced Riya in a singsong way while going to the entrance of the main door while I am holding my breath in anticipation. I can feel my heartbeat pickup.
She opened the door widely to give him the space to enter inside. For a second I can see the surprise in his eyes looking at Riya but immediately he covered it by blinking.
"Hai Riya. What a surprise… It's nice meeting you finally" Abhi said extending his hand for Riya to shake.
She was looking at him without blinking for a few moments making Rishi go to her and keep an arm around her shoulder making her come out of her trance state. It made me chuckle seeing her reaction to Abhi because he can do that to every girl with his dashing personality. What made me even more smile is that the possessiveness of Rishi.
Guys and their possessiveness. I shook my head smiling and looking at the interaction.
"Oh sorry. Hai. Nice to meet you after listening so much about you" said Riya winking at him by shaking his hand.
"Oh that's glad to hear that she talks about me" said Abhi smiling at her genuinely.
"Oh ya. You can't even imagine" said Riya smiling in return. That girl will be the death of me. Was it necessary to say that i talk alot about him? Now he will think that I always think of him. Urghh…
"Hai Rishi, glad to meet you" Abhi said forwarding his hand towards Rishi which he took in return and shook it.
I can see that Abhi was eager to see me by the way he was fidgeting with his hands and continuously shifting his foot from one another. By seeing the Riya's smirk face, it was easy to understand that even she too saw the whole thing and was eager to know his reaction.
Oh poor boy… I have to go there to make his miserability less otherwise he will be gone in the hands or Riya. I stood from the couch smiling and going towards their direction.
When he listened to the footsteps behind him, he turned towards my side and gasped in return. His eyes were big like sockets and mouth wide open making me freeze on my spot.
Hello everyone,
Here is your double update on the same day. This chapter is not edited so there will be grammatical mistakes. please ignore it and enjoy the chapter.
Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share it if you like.
I'm restlessly walking here and there in my bedroom not knowing what to do because there is only half a day left before Abhi will come to pick me up. And here i am confused as hell about what to wear.
And that fit for nothing Dev went to Charitha's house to spend the time while his best friend is in need of him.
For a moment I wanted to go back in the past two days and change everything so that Dev would have been here with me instead of Charitha's house.
I shook my head to stop my trail of thoughts because i am getting tensed and my mind is not working properly.
I am happy that I have sent Dev to Charitha's house two days before for getting my stuff which i have left there on the day of Abhilash's party.
It's been four days since that party and i am still behaving like a teenager in front of him.
I have sent Dev to Charitha's house wantedly because i knew that Dev got attracted to her on the day of the party that they both stuck to each other like there was no other person in that room. It surprised me at first but I am happy to know that he is moving on from me.
And true enough, he was looking for the opportunity to meet Charitha that he immediately agreed to go and bring my stuff. I was so happy to see them together that I even cried in Abhi's arms.
Even Sahana and Karthik were very excited to see them together that they started planning triple dates making me blush in return.
I just waved them off and went to my office to work but on the same day evening Abhi asked me to go on a date with him officially which made me squeal in excitement because I was becoming nervous about our relationship and thought that he doesn't like me as girlfriend type of feeling.
I was relieved and excited for the whole day and even yesterday but today when the day came for which i was waiting eagerly, here i am freaking out about not knowing what to wear and how to get ready.
I don't even know where we are going because he said that it was a surprise and he is going to pick me up at 7.00 PM in the evening. Since it's a weekend next day, there is no need to worry about being late to office.
But presently i need a dress to wear and i am so confused to wear anything. I thought of calling Riya but she might be busy in packing because they are going to come tomorrow. I sighed and went to my wardrobe by pulling all the dresses out looking for the perfect one but i cannot find any. It's not like I don't have a dress, It's just that i don't know what to wear because my knowledge about fashion is zero. It was Riya who used to help me in this department and now Charitha and Sahana. But they both are quite busy with their new relationships that I don't want to disturb them because of my date.
The only hint I got from Abhi was that he was wearing a formal dress which in the sense we were going to some formal place and i need to wear something formal and classy. So I am confused as hell now.
The sound of ringing the doorbell brought me out of my internal debate and looked at the watch to see that it's 5.00 PM and I sighed in relief that its not Abhi. I thought it was already 7.00 PM and he came to pick me up while I was still in search of my dress.
I went outside my bedroom wondering who might be knocking the door at this hour of time and opened the door slowly by peeking out only to squeal in shock and excitement in return.
"OH MY GOD RIYA….. RISHI...." I shouted excitedly and jumped myself into Riya's awaiting arms and we both squealed together jumping up and down like small kids.
I can't imagine that I am seeing my best friend after almost two months of being away. It was like a very long time ago but in fact it was just two months. What can i say? She is like a sister to me.
"I missed you so much Tiger" I said hugging her tightly making her breath hitch due to the impact.
"Oh my god… Girl leave me… You are suffocating me here…" She said trying to take deep breaths and I immediately released her from the hug realising the fact. I smiled sheepishly looking at her and said sorry to which she laughed and hugged me again. This time I was careful to not suffocate her in my hug.
"I know that you are excited to see us but please don't suffocate my girlfriend. I have only one tiger and i cannot afford to lose her you know" commented Rishi making me turn towards him by releasing Riya.
"Rishi…. I am sorry about that. It won't happen again. But What to do? I am so excited to see you both here. Oh my gosh… I missed you idiot" I said hugging him tightly again which made him chuckle in return and returned my hug by embracing me.
"This girl is so excited to see us" commented Riya making me look at her and make a poker face.
"Woah.. I am seeing this side of Athi after a long time. What is the reason that she came out suddenly? Did it have anything to do with Abhi?" Riya said wondering by keeping her right hand near her chin and rubbing it with her finger making me blush in return.
"Oh blast… Look Riya, She is blushing… We have got a lot to make her spill" exclaimed Rishi making me groan in return. Now these two won't leave me unless I spill everything.
Oh no… My date… Shit…
"Riya… Oh my god. I totally forgot about it. You are going to be my life saviour now" I said looking at her with puppy dog eyes making her frown in return.
"No no no… I don't like the way you are giving me those puppy dog eyes. Why do i feel that you are going to need my help in something?" Riya said raising her eyebrows by keeping her hands on the hips and staring at me for an answer.
Now these two idiots are going to tease me like anything. What have I gotten myself into??
I gulped preparing to say the news. "IamgoingonadatewithAbhiinnexttwohours" I said everything so quickly within a breath that I am doubtful they heard it correctly.
"What? I didn't get a thing about what you said Athi" said Riya by raising both of her hands in air wondering.
"I said that I am going on a date with Abhi in next two hours" I said by closing my eyes and counting the numbers waiting for their reaction.
"What???..." "NO WAY…" "OMG…" "YOU BITCH, YOU ARE DEAD…" they said shockingly listening to my words and the last word was from Riya and i already guessed her reaction would be like this.
I immediately sprinted away from her by getting inside the living room while she was shouting at me to stop but am I mad to stop when she is in her tiger form? No way…
"Please listen to me Riya… I can explain…" I tried explaining to her but she threw a pillow at my direction which is on the sofa making me duck my head in return to escape from her assault.
"You dimwit. You forgot to say this important matter to me and you call yourself a friend of mine? You are gone today girl" she exclaimed shouting by running towards me and I too circled around sofa getting away from her.
I can see that she is slowly losing her temper and is in the brick of line to accept the defeat. So I continued for some more time trying to explain to her by breaking her hard facade.
"I'm sorry Ri… It was really so sudden and i thought that you were travelling today so, I postponed it to say after you came. But you gave me a surprise by coming today itself" I explained as best as I can by taking deep breaths standing around the corner when I saw that she too stopped running because of the lack of breath.
I can see from the corner of my eye that Rishi was just standing nearby kitchen watching us with amusement. He always does this whenever his girlfriend declares a war against me. That dumb...
"You always have your way with your cunning words and make me melt dammit" she groaned by stomping her foot on the floor and landed her butt on the sofa by taking a seat there trying to catch her breath. I too slowly moved towards her and sat beside her by taking both of her hands in mine and looking at her in the eyes.
"I am sorry babe. I won't hide anything from the next time. Please" I said pleasing her giving my sincere look to which she nodded her head in agreement and hugged me tightly getting emotional. Now this is my Riya. I smiled to myself remembering all the events about our fighting and how we used to compromise immediately.
"You better not. Otherwise you will make me worried sick unnecessarily." she said sniffing which made me smile knowing how much she cares for my well being.
"I know. Sorry for that" I said repeating my sorries so that she can cool down.
"Ya ya. No need of that many sorry's. And I am happy for you Athi. I knew that you love him from the start." she said making me freeze on my spot. "Ofcourse it was just an instinct but still i was correct on that day. I had a feeling that you will be meeting him again. I don't know why, but I have seen your eyes shine with brightness when you have mentioned about him and I knew that there is more between you" she continued her explanation while I was still stuck in that word.
"Love….???" I asked lowly as if i am asking myself. But still she heard it because the next moment she released our embrace to look into my eyes searching for something or anything. I don't know exactly but I too was looking at her for answers i don't know the questions.
"Don't tell me…." she was looking at me with unbelievable eyes as if she got what I am going through and I am desperately in need of those answers.
Its like my mind is saying something and my heart is saying something and i am stuck in between not able to grasp anything.
"God Athira… You are so naive girl. How could you be so oblivious to your own feelings dammit…" She started raising her voice while by getting up from her seat and walking here and there while I was just sitting there like a statue not able to get a single word into my head. I can see and listen to every damn word she is saying but its like some movie is playing in front of me and i am just watching it for the time pass without taking it seriously.
Rishi came and hugged her tightly to control her emotions and i just sat there watching them both with a smile on my face because they look cute together. After some moments she became cool because of what Rishi said in her ear and she nodded her head in agreement.
Thank god that she became cool, otherwise i cannot handle another tantrum of this girl while i am getting late to the date.
Oh shit… I totally forgot about the date because of her ridiculous fight. Shit shit shit…
I got up immediately and started dragging Riya to my bedroom by shouting at her that i am getting late for the date and she needs to help me in getting ready.
She agreed looking at my panic and we both shut the bedroom door behind us and Riya started rummaging through my dresses to look for a perfect one while I was eating my nails in tension.
After five minutes she turned towards me with a beautiful dress in her hands. It was in my closet at the corner of the cover and I even forgot about this dress. It was a gift from my dad when I graduated from college.
It's a black colour off shoulder sequin knee length dress which is beautiful that it captured my heart within a second. How could I forget the gift from my dad?
"Oh my Riya… I totally forgot about this dress. You are a life saviour darling" I said squealing in excitement and kissed her cheeks in happiness that i found my dress for the evening making her chuckle with my reaction.
"I know that. Now come and sit in front of the mirror so that i can fix you up fastly" she demanded me by dragging me to the mirror. I silently obeyed her because I don't want to be late and I certainly cannot win with the tiger.
After half an hour she made me ready with little smoky eyes, eyeliner and red lipstick. My hair was left loose with soft curls at the end and completed it with silver colour earrings and a silver bracelet. I wore my dress with matching black colour widgets and looked at myself in the mirror only to gasp in shock.
Oh my god… Is it me? I look like someone else in the mirror completely. Wow… Riya has done a great job. I really look sexy in this outfit of mine.
"You look breathtaking babe. Abhilash is going to get one hell of a shock" complimented Riya by winking at me which made me blush scarlet red in return.
"Rishi…." Riya called while keeping everything in place.
"Yes darling?" He asked poking his head from the entrance of the door by looking at her. But then his eyes landed on me and he stuck like a statue for a second with his open mouth without saying anything.
"Oh my Athi… You look hot in this dress" Rishi said after a few moments making me even more red with all the blushing. Suddenly I feel very hot inside the bedroom.
"Please shut up you both" I mumbled while taking my purse and entering the living hall.
They both laughed at my reaction because they both know well enough to know that I am blushing like an idiot. But thank god that they didn't start teasing me.
"Woah woah… look at her Rishi. She is blushing. I haven't seen my best friend blush like in years" commented Riya by taking a seat next to me on the couch.
Oh i am taking back about what i said just before. They won't leave any opportunity to tease me. Idiots.
"Ya… I can totally see that she fell head over heels for him" now Rishi commented smirking at me. I glared at him and was about to shout at him when the doorbell rang making me nervous all of a sudden.
"Oh I am going to open it" announced Riya in a singsong way while going to the entrance of the main door while I am holding my breath in anticipation. I can feel my heartbeat pickup.
She opened the door widely to give him the space to enter inside. For a second I can see the surprise in his eyes looking at Riya but immediately he covered it by blinking.
"Hai Riya. What a surprise… It's nice meeting you finally" Abhi said extending his hand for Riya to shake.
She was looking at him without blinking for a few moments making Rishi go to her and keep an arm around her shoulder making her come out of her trance state. It made me chuckle seeing her reaction to Abhi because he can do that to every girl with his dashing personality. What made me even more smile is that the possessiveness of Rishi.
Guys and their possessiveness. I shook my head smiling and looking at the interaction.
"Oh sorry. Hai. Nice to meet you after listening so much about you" said Riya winking at him by shaking his hand.
"Oh that's glad to hear that she talks about me" said Abhi smiling at her genuinely.
"Oh ya. You can't even imagine" said Riya smiling in return. That girl will be the death of me. Was it necessary to say that i talk alot about him? Now he will think that I always think of him. Urghh…
"Hai Rishi, glad to meet you" Abhi said forwarding his hand towards Rishi which he took in return and shook it.
I can see that Abhi was eager to see me by the way he was fidgeting with his hands and continuously shifting his foot from one another. By seeing the Riya's smirk face, it was easy to understand that even she too saw the whole thing and was eager to know his reaction.
Oh poor boy… I have to go there to make his miserability less otherwise he will be gone in the hands or Riya. I stood from the couch smiling and going towards their direction.
When he listened to the footsteps behind him, he turned towards my side and gasped in return. His eyes were big like sockets and mouth wide open making me freeze on my spot.
Hello everyone,
Here is your double update on the same day. This chapter is not edited so there will be grammatical mistakes. please ignore it and enjoy the chapter.
Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share it if you like.
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