Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 635: Born in War

A huge figure, coming out of the snow forest.

It's a giant beast over five meters tall, with two horns and long hairs, and the first time it looks like a giant yak.

But its limbs are like those of an ice bear, and each foot has a few metres of claws.

War Giant Beast!

This is definitely a lot of classically described war giants!

There have been countless marvellous beasts and trolls of war in the history of the Doraster continent, but this is the only one, known directly as the War Beast!

This giant beast was born for war.

Their bodies are a desert of surgical power, like the highest barbarian bloodline, they are naturally incapable of combining any surgical power and do not release any technical skill.

Yet they still possess terrible power.

Their bodies are naturally devoid of pain nerves, they are endowed with tremendous power, and their entire body's surgical resistance is staggering, and there is only one thing they want to do in battle: tear apart all the enemies in front of them, be they magicians or dragons.

Whether in the era of the Great Dragon War or before the Great Dragon War, their role on the battlefield is a cleaner!

But in the late years of the Great Dragon War, this war-born beast was extinguished.

And now even this war beast, its whole body, even its long hair, is transparent, like ice crystals.

“War monster"? ”

Bello's eyes were already red, and he lifted his head and looked above the great beast of war, which burst out of the snow forest with a terrible airflow.

On the back of this war beast sits a magician.

The artist was also transparent and bare-handed, but unlike the rest of the artist, his body looked extraordinary and his muscle lines were stiffer than rocks.

His hair was shaved on both sides, except for the narrow one in the middle of his skull, which was like a blade.

He had tattoos on both sides of his cheek, like an ancient rock painting, suspended on a transparent face, particularly distinct.

“Pureblood Barbarian? ”

Charlotte has also noticed the magician, and her voice has changed somewhat.

Only the oldest, purest barbarian warrior of all descent will have the same hairstyle as this ancient rock painting.

This was the ancient gift of the first barbarian kingdom, just as Bello and his higher Orcs had many unique ancient gifts.

The pureblooded barbarian kingdom actually has an amazing reproductive capacity, but they have a very cruel tradition where newborn babies are placed directly in empty caves, and only strong babies who don't eat or drink in caves and survive five days later are held back, baptized, and eventually become powerful fighters.

The power of pureblooded Barbarian Warriors is astonishing, and their strength grows with increasing bitter training. The most powerful Barbarian Warrior, pure physical strength can even compare to the banning of seven magicians!

But just because all Barbarian Warriors are close combatants, even their favorite weapon is a short-circuit weapon such as an Axe Hammer, their deaths and injuries are as severe as those of the High Orcs.

Almost in the middle and late years of the Great Dragon War, it was annihilated like a higher beast.

Think of Ming Lu as having a Barbarian bloodline, his power is already incredible, but his bloodline, surely, cannot be compared to this pureblooded Barbarian warrior.

“The great beast of war... plus this legion and the barbarian leader of pureblood... is really getting interesting..." Beloran muttered to himself.


Merale is a little unbelievable.

But the scene in front of her no longer requires her to think, and behind the war beast and the barbarian magician, more transparent ice creams emerge.

And just as war beasts and barbarians emerged, all the mad attacks on her and Belo's transparent magicians stopped waiting for the arrival of war beasts and barbarians.

This is no longer a separate team of magicians, either quantitatively or in terms of the performance of these magicians, but definitely a trained regiment!

“Hey! What exactly are you from? ”

At this time, Bello was directly impulsive and shouted at the barbarian magician on the back of the war beast, "If you want to take this from me, at least let me know what you are. ”

At the same time, there was an elusive roar in the throat of the war beast and the barbarian on his back.

The footsteps of the great beasts of war did not stop at all, treading toward Bello and Merale.

“Although clearly an army, it seems that consciousness is not very clear… Meraleh, are you ready, we are going to start fleeing… find a way to solve this war beast and savage… at least let them take some time to recover… Otherwise we should not even be able to disappear temporarily from their sight. ”

Bello turned his head slightly, looked at Merale and said softly.


And just as Bello spoke, the red light in Bello's eyes diminished slightly, but in the icy soil beneath the feet of the great beasts of war, suddenly rose countless tiny lines of blood.

It's like there's a demonic red flower blooming.

Countless bloodshed fell on the great beast of war and blew its body straight out.

The body of the war beast also seemed to have a demonic red flower growing, and its body had a severe convulsion.


It's going to fall right in the eye, but breathlessly, it's still jumping forcefully at this moment.

The frozen soil beneath its feet instantly recessed, revealing countless cracks.

Its vast body, covering the sky like the sun, appeared blazing over the heads of Bello and Merale, crushing like a hill!

Bello's colour has not changed slightly.

He just flashed back a few meters.


The great beast of war finally couldn't control his body and fell before him.

As if precisely calculated, everything is under the control of this impulsive teenager, just as the war beast fell, the barbarian surgeon above leaned forward, the barbarian surgeon in front of the empty air, suddenly cracked, a bubble exploded, suddenly a blood light appeared.

A ray of blood, like octopus, directly covers the barbarian's face.

A ray of blood, clearly penetrating the barbarian's surgeon's brain.

“Now! ”

Merale's heart, which had long stopped breathing, contracted dramatically and overwhelmed every corner of her body with a lot of blood.

Her body was pushed like it could not help itself, and in a loud whistle, her body also took off high, with both hands stretching out crystal-like claws.


Ten claws penetrated the barbarian's body.

With her hands crossed, the barbarian's body was about to turn into a bunch of flying pieces.


But at this moment, the barbarian magician seemed to breathe in a fierce breath.

Countless muscles in his face and in his body twist and burst with astonishing force!

A line of blood penetrating his face, hard born by an amazing explosive power, directly pushed out, erupted!

At the same time, the heart of Merale was terrified, and the entire body was overshadowed by the breath of death.

Her ten claws, like being trapped by steel, can't even pull them out for a moment!

Ka-cha! ”

A violent breaking sound sounded.

The barbarian magician, who instantly erupted with horror, broke a horn of the great beast of war.

The horns of war beasts do not differ from ordinary horns, the only difference being that they are up to one metre long and extremely thick.

This horn is in the barbarian's hand, like an ultra-thick wide knife.

That's his weapon!

His movements were not slightly dragged with water, and after breaking this horn, he simply and crudely stabbed it towards Merale's chest.

I'm dying...

Is that how you're going to die?

Merale's brain blanked.


A crackling sound rang beside her, followed by a storm gushing over her.

The image foreseen in her mind did not appear and her body was not perforated.

Bello was right beside her, with his dark red fingernails on his hands, cutting off the horn in the barbarian's hand.

But Merale had no time to cheer and rejoice.

Because the Barbarian Magician still has one hand.

There is also a horn in the head of the war beast.


The movement was so smooth that it felt like it was a water-to-drain thing, as if it had been practiced countless times, as if it had been expected that Bello would appear in this position, and the barbarian broke another horn and stabbed it out.

Stabbed Bello in the body.

Huge horns almost completely occupy Bello's chest, and fountain-like blood gushes from behind Bello's body.

But even so, at this moment, Bello's hands held Merale.

His power seemed to have gathered entirely in his hands.


Merale's hands spiked out of the barbarian's body, and she and Bello's body fell upside down.

“Bello! ”

A scream ripped open his heart and lungs, sounding all over the lake.

Many shadowy, lantern-like eyes lit up in a snowy forest by the lake.

“Can't let these cursed ghosts get that thing... are we going to do it? ”

Behind the eyes of this giant wolf, a tall figure made a gentle noise.

“Wait a while…” someone replied.

“Still waiting? ”

“Such a crazy magician... his companion beside him... his girlfriend, will not be very mediocre... I feel her mutation... this is a critical moment, so let's wait a little longer. ”

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