Sunday, February 4th, in the morning, Toyacho 3-chome.

   Yamazaki, Eisuke Hondō, Ran, and Conan confirmed the location of each household based on the information on the garbage bag and the map, and then launched an investigation.

   Of course, the investigation was not a casual visit, but borrowed the name of a Maori detective agency.

   When Eisuke Hondō was negotiating with the porter, Yamazaki bought a pack of printing paper from a stationery store, then used the computer in the store to log on to the Metropolitan Police Department’s official website and downloaded an official notice to prevent thieves.

   then added the name of the Maori detective agency, and produced a copy of the police call from the Maori detective agency to volunteer to promote theft prevention. Finally, it was printed out with a color printer. The color is more important than the black and white.

   Hondō Eisuke felt very interesting, "We are kind of like salesmen with three no products."

   "Hey, what is Sanwu Products?" Lan protested dissatisfiedly, "The office is there."

   Hondō Eiyu reacted, and said with a dry smile: "Mistaken speech, mistake of speech."

   Yamazaki said amusedly: "It's true that I'm looking for a knockdown, but fortunately the uncle is not there."

   Conan draws a map, "Me and Sister Lan this one."

   Yamazaki said, "Whatever, I'll be fine here."

   Hondō Eisuke said, "The remaining part is mine."

"Remember don't ask, don't look, otherwise you will be beaten, you can only admit that you are unlucky." Yamazaki said, "It is nothing new that a salesman was beaten. "

   "Received." The two replied.

   Yamazaki said: "Finally, sometimes I call, and we meet at the restaurant over there at noon. That's it."...

  In the area selected by Conan, one of the households is the family who participated in the Mizuno Reina incident, Funamoto Tatsuto, and the couple and their child Funamoto Toshi.

  When Shui Wu Reina’s motorcycle was in a car accident, they were in a car on the road and witnessed Shui Wu Reina’s heroic feat of climbing onto the roof with a motorcycle.

   Of course, because Mizuno Reina put on makeup at the time, no one knew it was her, which is why she has not been discovered yet.

   It's just that Mizumi has disappeared, and the driver of the accident has also disappeared. The body has not been found. As long as the caring person is based on time, it is very likely that there is a connection.

   When the time comes, the appearance of the investigative bureau personnel who showed up at that time will likely be grasped. Although they will be a little blind to foreigners, it is because they are foreigners that it is easier to investigate.

   A simple association can think of the Bureau of Investigation, and then stare at the officers of the Bureau of Investigation, and slowly discover the pattern, and finally find the hospital that is stationed in turn.

   There is no way to stay in turn. After all, they are all human beings. It is too boring to guard the vegetative water for a long time.

   As for finding a dead body instead and letting the police close the case, it is not that simple. The dead body is easy to find, but the identity of the dead body is not suitable.

A body represents a dead person, and is a dead person unknown to the police. At the same time, this person must have a suitable reason, meet the conditions of the accident scene, and be able to appear at the scene of the accident reasonably, and must have superb motorcycle technology to be able to climb To the roof.

   If the conditions are not met, the police will suspect it will be regarded as another murder, which will be even more troublesome.

   Conan just wanted to inquire this time to see if the people in the black organization had visited them. ...

   Boat house, a house with a yard.

After   ran pressed the doorbell, a middle-aged woman answered the door.

   "Do you have anything to do?"

   "Hello, I'm Mori Lan from the Mori Detective Agency in Yonehua Town," Lan sent a leaflet after giving a gift. "There are more thieves recently, so please pay attention."

   "The Mori Detective Agency, ah, it's the detective Kogoro Mori." The middle-aged woman smiled, "Thank you, I am Takami Mono, the helper of this house."

   At the entrance of the room, a middle-aged man in a wheelchair with a cast on his leg, and a six or seven-year-old child appeared on the sidelines.

   Lan asked: "I take the liberty to ask, there is nothing wrong with the mansion recently, right?"

   Shigeno Takami smiled and said, "Not at all, everything is normal."

   "Yes, some," the child ran out, "there was a strange middle-aged man yesterday."

   Shigeno Takami said a little bit dumbfounded: "This is the young master Funamoto Touji, that is the young master misunderstood."

   "It's okay." Lan laughed.

   Conan asked curiously: "What's so strange?"

   Funamoto Touji said: "He is obviously a man, but he has a scent on his body. It is the kind of high-end perfume used by mother.

   Lan squeezed out her small eyes, a little dumbfounded, what's the situation? Even Henry, the friend of women, uses men’s perfume. Is this a man who likes to be a woman?

   Lan thought of a middle-aged man's jacket full of ladies' clothes, she couldn't help but shudder, she felt like a chill.

   Shigeno Takami said: "That's just a personal hobby. People who use such expensive perfumes won't be thief."

   "Yes, yeah." Lan stiffly agreed.

  A man who uses a woman's perfume is still a man made of a woman who uses a woman's perfume!

   Conan's face changed drastically with his head down. He thought of one of the organizers-Belmode.

   Conan asked loudly, unconsciously, "Hey, what did that guy tell you?"

   Funamoto Touji said: "He also asked a lot of questions, all about the last motorcycle accident."

   Conan blurted out and asked: "Did you tell him?"

   "Of course not, I don't think he looks like a policeman, so I didn't say anything." Touji Funamoto responded, "Wait, how did you know about the car accident?" He said and looked at Conan carefully.

   Lan asked suspiciously: "What car accident?"

   Conan’s sweat fell, and he was anxious because of the leak.

Takami Mono said, "Oh, it was the last time I mentioned the accident to the motorcycle rider in Tsugawa Greenland Park. The man drove the motorcycle to the roof of the driving car on the road, and finally got into the accident and fell into the car. In Jinchuan, even the remains have not been found yet."

   Lan recalled: "That was the incident. I remember there was a report in the newspaper at the time, but I couldn't even determine my identity later."

   Shigeno Takami said: "The young master and the old couple were present at the time and were also asked by the police for questioning. Several times."

   Lan questioned: "Conan, why do you know that when you talk about a car accident, you know it?"

   "That, that..."

   "Ah, you were there at the time, and you were the kid next to the two foreigners."

   Before Conan thought about filling the hole, Touji Funamoto made the hole bigger again.

   "Foreigner?" Lan was even more puzzled.

   Conan thought of a shield, "Ah, it's Mr. Judy and her friend, Sister Lan, we were passing by at the time and we saw it too, but Mr. Judy and the others were not convenient to go to the police station, so they left first."

   "Oh, it turned out to be Teacher Judy." Lan recognized this answer, and then explained to Takami Mono, "That's the English teacher at our school. It's a foreigner."

   "That's it." Takami Mono laughed.

   Conan asked Touji Funamoto, "What else did that person say?"

   Funamoto Touji shook his head and said, "No, he saw that I didn't answer the just smiled and left, and left without saying anything."

   Lan asked, "Conan, do you care about something?"

   "Huh? No, I just ask casually." Conan said quickly.

   Lan saluted the ship master at the entrance and Takami Mono at the door: "Sorry, we won't bother if we have said so many irrelevant things."

   "Okay, please go slowly." Takami Mono said. ...

After   , Conan hesitated whether to tell Ran, not to tell Yamazaki and Eisuke Hondō about what Touji Funamoto said.

   Whether it’s Yamazaki or Eiyu Hondō, it’s possible to think deeply, and it’s hard to say what problems will be discovered at that time.

   Forget about Yamazaki, although the relationship between friends, allies, and neutrality is vague, at least it is not an enemy.

   And Eisuke Hondō may be the enemy.

   It's just that Conan couldn't find an excuse to come round the field. Why couldn't he tell? This question couldn't be answered satisfactorily. The more he even said, the more confused Lan was.

   However, as Lan continued to take Conan to hand out flyers, Conan kept thinking about it, and finally forgot the question.

  Waiting until noon, Conan and Ran went to the restaurant to meet Yamazaki and Eisuke Hondō to exchange information. When they thought about this problem, they were so anxious.

   However, when the three exchanged information, Lan did not mention that, because Lan felt cold when he thought of the man in women's clothing, and didn't even want to think about that person, let alone talk about it.

   Conan didn't know Lan's thoughts, but no matter what, he was relieved.

   After the three exchanged information, there was no problem.

   Lan asked: "Do you want to check?"

   Yamazaki said, "Ask this hall."

   "No." Hondō Eiyu said weakly. ...

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