March 24, Saturday, evening, at Dr. A's house.

   Looking at Conan who was ranting on the TV, Hui Yuan was so angry that he wanted to smash the TV. If it can be done, erase the entire satellite broadcasting system.

   has been asking him to be careful, careful and then careful. He promised very well every time, but in the end, this is the answer, standing in the spotlight and showing it to audiences all over the country and even the whole world.

   This is for fear that the organization cannot find you, so you stand up and advertise?

   Dr. Aka wanted to persuade, "That..."

   Huihara's evil eyes were vicious, "You don't have to say good things for him, if you dare to say, you will start cooking by yourself tomorrow."

   "Ah, no," Dr. A Li immediately changed direction, "I mean to say Xiao Ai, don't be angry."

   "Hmph, I'm not angry at all." Huihara gritted his teeth and left.

   Dr. Ari was sweating profusely, this must be unclear, and then he watched sympathetically at Conan who was walking into the villa on the TV. ...

   Okutama, and outside the villa of Takerui Chuan.

   When the police departments of Conan, Mori, and Nakamori attracted reporters firepower, Yamazaki took the main hall Eisuke, Ran, and Yuanzi into the villa first, relying on Yuanzi's identity.

   The people on the wall around the villa, the policemen all know the garden. They have all dealt with the thief Kidd more than once, but in other words, they are all defeated by the thief Kidd.

   But in order to prevent the strange thief Kidd from entering the garden, the police officers just let them into the villa, and then stood at the entrance, waiting for the Zhongsen Police Department to come, and hand them over to the Zhongsen Police Department for processing.

   Out of the reporter's sight, the Nakamori Police Department was not polite to everyone, but did not do it personally, just let everyone check for themselves, and pull their faces up.

   Maori protested: "Hello, I'm the guest invited by Mr. Jichuan."

   Zhongsen Police Department shouted: "No matter who you are, if you fail the inspection anyway, I won't let you in."

   This is a middle-aged man with a moustache and a little old gentleman with a hunchback. It is the owner of this villa, Kawan Takerui and his father-in-law Haruhito Shinhara.

   greeted Chuan Wulai, "Hello, Mr. Mori, I am Chuan Wulai, this is my father Haruhito Kamahara."

"Good two, I am Kogoro Mouri. I am very happy to have your trust. I will definitely prevent the thief Kidd from stealing your paintings." At the end of his speech, Maori looked at the Nakamori Police Department. The meaning is self-explanatory. Yu, this group of policemen from Zhongsen Police Department is unreliable.

  Nakamori Police Department was itchy with anger, "Damn, what do you mean!"

   Maori ignored him, "These two are interns in our firm."

   Yamazaki leaned forward and said: "Good for you two, I am Yamazaki."

   Hondō Eiyu reacted, "Ah, good two, I am Hondō Eiyu." He bowed like a conditioned reflex.

   "Hello," and Chuan Wulai said hello.

  Mouri continued to introduce: "This kid is the Conan you named Mr. Jikawa."

   Conan pretended to be innocent and said: "Good two, I'm Edogawa Conan, leave it to me, Kaito Kidd."

  Nakamori Police Department has a toothache, and the tone is bigger than the other.

   and Rai Chuanmu laughed and said, "Then please."

   Maori continued, "This is Xiao Nv Lan and her classmates."

  Lan leaned back and said: "Hello, I am Mao Lilan, I take the liberty to come here to interrupt, I'm causing you trouble."

   and Rai Kawatake laughed and said, "It's okay."

Yuanzi leaned proudly and said: "Hello, I am Suzuki Sonoko of the Suzuki Foundation. I came to see Lord Kidd. Besides, my uncle Suzuki Jiyoshiro asked me to see your paintings. If you feel good, please help him. Buy it directly, 10% higher than the previous auction price."

  Kamihara Haruhito was very happy, "It turned out to be Miss Sonoko, then I would like to take care of it."

   Yuanzi said, "The premise is that it was not stolen by Lord Kidd."

   Central Mori Police Department, Maori, and Conan squeeze out triangular eyes together. Is this looking down on us?

   Lan awkwardly explained: "Sorry, Yuanzi is a fan of Kaito Kidd."

   and Kawatake Rai nodded, "I can see it."

   "Everyone, please come in." Haruhito Kamihara said, "Nakamori Police Department, I think the blame kid Kidd should not be among them, so please avoid the inspection."

Yamazaki suggested: "If you don't worry about the police department, try using a metal detector. Kidd should have a lot of gadgets on him. Although he doesn't have to carry them, he is not Kidd anymore without those things. ."

   "Well..." The Nakamori Police Department pondered for a while and agreed.

   The Central Mori Police Department monitored the Maori Seven with a portable metal detector, mobile phones, wallets, belts, keys, Conan, watches and bow ties.

   And Conan was fortunate to himself that he only brought Conan’s cell phone, not Shinichi Kudo’s cell phone. It would be difficult to explain if he brought both phones. ...

After   , Takerui Kagawa took Mori and others to the studio. It was a classroom-like studio with a painting covered with cloth on the easel in the middle.

   Outside the window is Okutama Mountain Range, but it is two hundred steps away. Under the window is a team of police, but there is no one guarding the room.

   Hondō Eiyu asked, "Mr. Yoshikawa, why is there no police guard here?"

   Conan said angrily: "Because Kidd will change clothes, someone guarded is to give him a chance to come in, and it's safer to be unguarded."

   "That's it." Hondō Eiyu was a little embarrassed.

   Maori turned off the topic, "This is blocking the famous painting "Qing Lan", can you let me pay my respects first?"

   and Rai Kawatake laughed and said, "No, Mr. Mori, I don't like to show unfinished works to others by nature."

   Sonoko asked, "But, isn't it just a signature?"

   and Takerui Kagawa said, "No, I still have a little bit to modify."

   Yamazaki was a little puzzled, "Mr. Jikawa, have you been painting in this room?"

  Lan smiled and said, "By the way, there are many plaster statues here, just like art classrooms in schools."

   Kagawa Takeru said, "I have an art class here once a week."

   Yamazaki asked: "Aren't you afraid that your students will peek at your paintings?"

Takera Kagawa said: "There is no such thing. I have always been here. I have never shown a painting to anyone. Even the monitor over there was installed under my supervision today, so I am not special to Mr. Mori. treat."

   "I didn't mean that." Yamazaki said, "It's just weird."

   Maori rounded the field and said: "Okay, OK, let's check the camera angle of the monitor."...

   Temporary monitoring room.

   There is no problem with the shooting angle. I can see the whole room, so I waited.

  Kamihara Haruhito treats everyone with enthusiasm, as if the garden has decided to buy the painting.

   Yamazaki listened to everyone while thinking about it. He was a little bit puzzled about the incident today, because Wurai said that no one had ever seen the painting.

   Combining his three previous works and the fact that the kai thief Kidd pirates the painting, Yamazaki feels a bit unspeakable, in short, there is a problem in it. ...

   Around 7:30 in the evening, Kagawa Takeshi asked the Nakamori Police Department to shut down the surveillance system because he wanted to check the paintings and he was the only one who could enter.

   Zhongsen Police Department asked back: "It must be like this?"

   and Kawatake Rai nodded and said, "Yes."

  Nakamori Police Department said: "Then give me a check first."

   and Kawatake Rai stunned, "Huh?"

  Nakamori Police Department said: "Let me confirm first, you are not Kidd's makeup."

   and Rai Chuanmu smiled bitterly: "It must be like this?"

   Zhongsen Police Department insisted: "Of course, otherwise you have to let me in with you, I can stand on the back of the painting."

   And Rai Chuanwu said helplessly: "Then you check it, please be lighter."

   "I will try my best," Nakamori Police Department smirked, "Then it would be rude." He squeezed the face of Takerui Kagawa, and then he let go.

   Yuanzi said empathetically: "It's really ruthless to It hurts to look at it."

   Ran and Hondō Eisuke nodded together, feeling the same.

   and Rai Chuanmu grinned in pain, "I can go now, right?"

  Nakamori Police Department nodded and said, "Yes, I will send you in, please hurry up."

   and Takeshikawa Rai rubbed his face and said, "I know, it only takes about ten minutes."

   Everyone, together with the Nakamori Police Department, sent Takerui Kagawa into the studio, and then the Nakamori Police Department asked someone to shut down the surveillance system.

   About ten minutes later, Kagawa Takeshi used the walkie-talkie to make the Nakamori Police Department reopen the surveillance system.

   When Kawatake Rai came out, Haruhito Kamahara asked to go in and look at the painting, so as not to be stolen by the thief Kidd.

  Nakamori Police Department said: "That would be the best. If you agree with Mr. Yoshikawa, we will go together. We will keep looking at your paintings until the last moment."

   Maori said, "Yes, there are so many people around, even if Kidd comes, he can't get it."

   and Chuan Mulai refused, "Really no need."

   Yamazaki asked, "With all due respect, do you really care about your paintings? Or, do you actually want Kidd to steal your paintings?"

   "It's rude, how can you say this kind of painting," Maori reprimanded, "How can a painter want people to steal his paintings!"

   Hondō Eisuke said: "It's not right, if it's a failed work, or insurance money or something."

   "Idiot, what are you talking about." Maori knocked Eiyou Hondō one note, but he didn't make it hard, obviously agreeing with Eiyu Hondō's words.

  Kamihara Haruhito said angrily: ""Aolan" is Wu Lai's painstaking work. He would never want it to be taken away, right, Wu Lai?"

   and Kawatake Rai hadn’t spoken yet, the power went out suddenly. ...

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