Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2081: The sorrow of the sleeping beauty

   May 25, Sunday, morning, Kurokawa Hospital, the ward of Mizuno Reina.

   Mizumi's face turned very bad, "That day, I suddenly received a call from my father to meet me privately."

   "When I arrived, I found that it was an abandoned house."

   "For a long time, we met in public, so I didn't worry about having a secret gun, but I didn't notice that day."

   "The time of the private meeting happened to be about the end of the matter. When I closed the Internet, I didn't think about it. No, I should say I didn't think about it at all."

   "Then, when I saw my father, and he spoke, I was stunned."

   "He asked me why I was so eager to meet him, or in such a deserted house with no one, not in a crowded public place."

   "I don't understand, it was obviously he who asked me, how did I ask him."

   "After hearing my question, my father's face changed on the spot."

   "At that time, I didn't know that Belmode had the ability to pretend to be someone else. Naturally, I didn't know that it was Belmode that borrowed our identities and asked each other out."

   "Father doesn't know what Belmode can do, but he knows that he has won the trick, he understands that the organization is testing, and his life and I will witness the results of the testing."

   "Father called the contact person quickly and asked them to suspend the operation, but it was too late and the operation started, but they had not found anything in the cargo, and they had not found the Shanxian Auto's vehicle containing illegal items."

   "Father looked at me immediately, I knew what he was looking for, it was a tracker or something."

   "I believed I wouldn't have it on my body at the time, but in the end I actually found it, right under the button inside my collar."

   Mizuno Reina pointed to the middle of the nape of the neck while tears came out again.

   "It's here. I don't even know that there are buttons on the clothes. I don't even know when they were put."

   "I was completely frightened, I didn't know what to do at all, I just felt like a disaster was imminent."

   "And this feeling will soon come true."

   "Father took my hand and wanted to take me away, but there was the sound of a car. It was outside, very close."

   "I didn't know what my father thought at the time. I didn't know why my father didn't choose to run away, but made another cruel choice."

   "When he took out a silent pistol at me, I was completely stunned."

   Shui Wu Reina pointed to the scars on her arms and legs, "Here, here, here, here, I was shot four times in a row. At that time, I fell on the ground and looked at my father. I don't understand why."

   "Listen, we were in the game, so I told you that I forced a confession against you. Remember to live well in the future for your own sake."

   "That's what he said. I didn't understand what he was saying at the time. I wanted to talk, but I was pinched."

   "Then, I watched my father bit his own wrist, put his wrist in my mouth, and burned my teeth."

   Looking at Mizuno Reina's tears streaming down her face, Yamazaki sighed. This kind of pain is really not something ordinary people can bear. You can imagine Mizuno Reina's pressure and suffering deep down in her heart.

   The hatred of that organization and the blood-line affection to Hondō Eiyu are the driving force behind Mizuno Reina's life.

   Yamazaki sighed: "Don't force it, I don't need to know these things."

   Mizumi wiped his tears without mercy, "I want you to know that if one day I can't come back, and Yingyou learns the wrong truth from others, I hope you can tell him the true truth."

   "I believe what you say, Yingyou will believe it."

   Yamazaki nodded, "I will."

   Shui Wushui wiped the seemingly endless tears, and continued to recall: "Then my father grabbed my hand and put the gun in my hand, and the gun was placed on his chin."

   "He used my finger to pull the trigger and shot himself."

   "I couldn't resist at all, and everything happened so fast. When my father fell, when gin and vodka came in, I realized that I killed my father."

   Mizumi covered his mouth and cried out in grief, "I still remember, the touch at that moment was extremely cold."

   "He was right in front of me at the time, and his blood came out like that, sprayed on my body."

   "And on his wrist, my body is full of his blood...uh..."

   Yamazaki opened his mouth and swallowed the words of comfort. Sometimes there are things that are tortured in my heart, and it might be better to say it.

   Mizuno Rei Nai choked, "I don't know what my father thinks to make this choice, but I must be for me."

   "The muzzle is on his chin. The blood there can cover up the blood in his mouth."

   "Bite yourself and shoot me, just to create an illusion. He forced a confession to me, and I bit him and shot him."

   "At that time, how did he think so much...why...why did he think so...why..."

   cried for a moment, and Shui Wu Reina continued: "I'm really useless. At that time, I saw the gin and I was so afraid that I didn't even cry. I remember that I was trembling constantly."

   "Gin asked me what was going on, so I said, that man suddenly got into trouble and used a gun to force me to confess you."

   "Vodka asked me, what did I say."

   "I said, I don't understand you, and I can't tell you anything at all, so the man shot and asked him a question."

   "In a hurry, I tempted him to come over, then bit his gun hand, took the opportunity to grab the gun, and shot him against his jaw."

   "I said the same thing as the scene, so Gin believed it and let vodka take me away."

   Yamazaki sighed in his heart that he was wrong, this set of rhetoric was simply hard to believe.

   Even if she wanted to ask Shui Wu Rennai, she would take her away and ask her slowly instead of using a gun at the scene.

   Mizumi wiped away tears and said, "I was taken away with my head covered and taken to a base."

   "I don't know where it is. I only know that it's somewhere in Chiba Prefecture, underground."

   Yamazaki's heart moved, guessing that it was the base of Cape Futtsu, Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture.

   Water without mercy wiped away the tears, "I heard later that people with gin and vodka waited there for a full two hours, until they came to us."

   "It's just a person, who saw an ambush, couldn't escape, and committed suicide."

   "The gin and vodka caused people to burn the abandoned house, dispose of his body and my father's body."

   Mizumi's fist was clenched tightly, his hands were white, and he couldn't cry again.

   "I, I heard that their bodies were taken away and sold...Dad..."

   Shui Wu Rina curled up, buried his head in his arms, and cried loudly.

   Yamazaki couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "By the way."

   Yamazaki thought about it in his heart. In this matter, Ethan is also at fault. His fighting spirit is insufficient. If he decides to fight for it, there may be a turnaround and he can escape from that trap.

   It's just that I can't blame Ethan, if he decides to work hard, there will be several consequences.

   First, all escaped, second, all died, and third, all were arrested.

  Fourth is the death of Shui Wuyou, and Ethan of the main hall is alive, and the fifth is that Ethan of the main hall is arrested alone.

   Sixth, Ison, the main hall, died, and Shui Wuren lived, and seventh, Shui Wuren was arrested alone.

   Although in theory, Shui Wu Reina has a two-seventh chance of being able to go away, in reality it is very slim. After all, it was a trap set by others.

   Water without mercy is likely to die, more likely to be caught.

   A woman, especially a beautiful woman was arrested, and the consequences are really disastrous.

   In that situation, you can only imagine it, you will be waiting for hell, you can't survive, you can't die.

  Compared with Shui Wu Ren Nai, who can only recite the regulations and only accepts general punishment to extract confessions, senior agent Bentang Ethan must know the cruel consequences of being caught by the enemy.

   Therefore, for the sake of my daughter, I gave up my life and came to death.

   No matter how flawed his plan was, he filled those holes with his life.

   Bentang Ethan deceived the organization Then he is the enemy, and the persecuted Shui Wuqing is naturally not the enemy.

   There is no evidence for her death. As long as Shui Wulian doesn't say anything, then she is the victim because of the organization.

   In this way, she will have life.

   At this time, Shui Wu Reina was a little better, wiped away tears and continued: "I stayed in the base room for a week, and then I was taken away with my head covered."

   "Although I haven't gotten out of bed, I know that there are many people in there by sound, and by the light and the echo of the corridor, I know that it should be underground."

   "At that time, I knew that I was facing a huge organization."

   "Because the place I stay will definitely not be the nest of the organization, at most it is a stronghold base."

   "With their caution, they will not rashly take me back to the nest."

   "It is not the old nest, there are many people, which means that they have many people."

   "The facilities and walls of the room seem to be years old, which means this organization has existed for a long time."

   "It doesn't show fame like this, it makes people feel more mysterious, and more people feel scared, fear because of the unknown."

   "However, this also makes people more cautious."

   "I know that every carelessness of mine may evaporate me."

   "I don't want to die yet. Even if I die, I have to kill this organization first. Even if I drag him to **** with him, then I will face my father."

   At this point, Shui Wu Reina became murderous, his eyes wide open, his teeth gnashing, his fists clenched, and a blood-drinking fight to smash the tissues into pieces.

   Yamazaki didn't speak, it would be nice if it were that simple. ...

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