Detective from The Future

Chapter 402: Informant

Han Bin drove from Yuhua Branch to Qingguang Town Police Station.

Along the way, Han Bin found that the more people walked out of the city, the fewer people wearing masks, especially in the village, the few people wearing masks.

Obviously, game Feiyan has not attracted enough attention.

However, according to Han Bin's understanding, the situation is getting worse. The group of people in the second group wear masks, and Han Bin also wears sunglasses, making him look even more handsome.

Forty minutes later, Han Bin and others rushed to the Qingguang Town Police Station. The policemen in the police station also wore masks, which were issued by the Municipal Bureau.

If the police catch the disease first, there is no way to protect the people.

The police chief of the Qingguang Town Police Station, Sun Weixi, was responsible for receiving Han Bin and others.

Sun Weixi also wore a mask, and shook hands with Han Bin: "Leader Han, during special periods, the mask will not be removed. Don't be surprised."

"How come?" Han Bin said disapprovingly.

"The informant has arrived at the police station, and I will take you there." Sun Weixi made a please gesture.

"What is the relationship between the informant and the missing person?"

"It's the father of the missing person."

Under the leadership of Sun Weixi, Han Bin and others entered a conference room.

Said it is a conference room, but it is actually a bungalow with a rectangular table, a few wooden chairs, a drinking fountain, and nothing more.

I was an old man on the wooden chair. He looked more than 50 years old. He was not tall and dark, with his brows frowned into a mountain character.

Seeing Sun Weixi, Han Bin and others coming in, the old man hurriedly stood up: "Officer Sun, has my son found it?"

"Not yet, Lao Tan, this is a comrade from the Criminal Investigation Team of Yuhua Branch. They are now in charge of your son's case."

"Hey, comrades of the Criminal Investigation Team, hello." Old Man Tan hurriedly got up to shake hands with Han Bin.

Han Bin waved his hand: "You sit down, you are welcome, I want to ask you a few questions."

"You say."

"What is your name?"

"My name is Tan Jianguo and my son is Tan Guyou."

"The exact time of your son's disappearance?"

"At three o'clock in the afternoon on January 22."

"When did you report the case?"

Tan Jianguo recalled: "I reported the case on the evening of January 23."

"Why didn't you report the crime in time, but waited a day to report?"

"He sent me a message that night that he went to someone else’s house for a drink. I thought he was in a bad mood and went drinking and playing cards, so he didn’t call the police in time. He didn’t go home at noon yesterday, so I was anxious. Relatives and friends inquired, but no one was found."

"Why is he in a bad mood?" Han Bin asked.

"He has an awkward relationship with his daughter-in-law and has been living apart. It's only a few years ago, and the daughter-in-law has no intention of coming back. Whoever puts it together will feel comfortable."

"Are there any characteristics in your son?"

"He has a scar on his shoulder. He was injured by a fight with someone when he was a teenager. Comrade, why are you asking about this?"

This point of Tan Jianguo's reaction is consistent with the situation described by the forensic doctor Wu Xia. With other conditions, it is basically certain that the deceased is likely to be Tan Guyou.

Han Bin tentatively asked, "Mr. Tan, how is your health?"

"Very good, what's the matter?"

"My next news may not be easy to accept. I hope you will be mentally prepared."

"What's up, what's up." Tan Jianguo showed a nervous look and stood up involuntarily.

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, and solemnly said: "Yesterday morning, we salvaged a male corpse from the Lushui River, which is somewhat similar to your son's situation."

Tan Jianguo's lips trembled, and his voice choked: "No, is it a mistake? My son was fine the day before yesterday. How could he suddenly die."

"I also hope I made a mistake."

"Where is the corpse, take me to see, I want to see people alive, and a corpse when I die."

"The corpse is temporarily stored in Yuhua Branch. You can go to recognize the corpse at any time. At the same time, I also brought a photo of the deceased, if you want..."

Before Han Bin finished speaking, Tan Jianguo interrupted him: "Give me the photo, I want to see the photo!"

"Before I look at it, I have another sentence to tell you that after the victim's death, the body was destroyed and most of his face was destroyed."

"Then I can recognize it too." Tan Jianguo showed a stubborn expression.

Han Bin nodded, took out a photo, and handed it to the other party.

Tan Jianguo slowly took the photo with trembling hands, staring at the photo tightly, and he was stunned.

After a while, Tan Jianguo weakened and collapsed feebly.

Han Bin hurriedly supported the opponent and put it on the chair.

Tan Jianguo grabbed the photo and sobbed in a low voice, with a sad and helpless look on his face.

The pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person is unbearable for ordinary people.

Although Tan Jianguo didn't cry loudly, Han Bin could see the pain of the other party. He didn't want to cry aloud, but was collapsed and desperate.

Seeing this kind of situation, Han Bin was basically sure that the deceased was probably Tan Guyou.

Han Bin is also experienced, knowing that Tan Jianguo will find it difficult to regain his sanity for a while.

Afterwards, he called Zhao Ming and Tian Li aside.

"Tian Li, please contact the technical team, ask them to contact the communications company, and check Tan Guyou's cell phone."

"Group leader, do you want me to go to the communications company myself?" Tian Li asked.

"In special times, keep everything simple and let the technical team directly contact. I believe that the branch will have corresponding measures, so don't let people go."


After a while, Tan Jianguo stopped crying, and said in a voice that was still trembling: "Comrade police, how did my son die? Why is it suddenly gone!"

"According to the results of the forensic autopsy, the victim should have been poisoned to death."

"Who is it? Who poisoned my son!" Tan Jianguo grasped the photo with both hands, revealing an angry and hideous look.

"Half of the victim's face was ruined. Are you sure it is Tan Guyou?"

"I can be sure, my son, how could I not recognize him."

"We are still in the investigation stage. I invite you to come here this time to get some information so that we can find out the murderer who poisoned the victim as soon as possible?" Han Bin said with a serious face.

Tan Jianguo questioned: "You said my son was poisoned to death, but what happened to his injuries?"

"According to our speculation, after the victim was poisoned to death, it is very likely that he was involved in a car accident, so he was injured."

"Which **** is so vicious!" Tan Jianguo's eyes were red and his teeth creaked.

Han Bin said, "Mr. Tan, this is what I want to ask, does your son have any enemies?"

"The enemy!"

Tan Jianguo showed a thoughtful look: "When you said this, I really remembered that my son had only fought with someone some time ago, and the other party even said that he would kill my son."

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