Detective from The Future

Chapter 424: Split action

Han Bin thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Zhang Jinlong, I asked about it a long time ago when I came. Before the shutdown last year, you were not responsible for opening the factory every day."

Zhao Ming stared at him and scolded, "I dare to lie. I really think our police are so cheating."

Zhang Jinlong was so scared that he sweated profusely and hurriedly changed his words: "And my eldest brother, my eldest brother is in the factory, and I sometimes go to other places to discuss business, and the factory is usually watched by him.

"Why lied before!"

"I don't want to pull my eldest brother in. We have nothing to do with this BMW." Zhang Jinlong sat on the ground with a helpless look on his face: "Comrade police, I am more wronged than Dou E."

Subsequently, Zhao Ming called Zhang Jinlong's eldest brother, Zhang Jinlin in.

Zhang Jinlin is more than 40 years old. He has dark skin and is not tall. He looks honest, and is wearing a navy blue down jacket.

Han Bin said straightforwardly: "Your name is Zhang Jinlin?"


"You also work at Fulong Feed Factory?"

"Yes, fight tiger brothers, father and son soldiers, help my brother."

"Do you have the key to Fulong Feed Factory?"

Zhang Jinlin nodded: "Yes, keep it at home, I didn't hold it."

Han Bin took out his phone and showed him the picture: "Do you know this white BMW?"

Zhang Jinlin took a look: "I don't know, why stopped in our factory, King Long, which car is this?"

Zhang Jinlong immediately called Qu: "I don't know. The police asked me as soon as he came. Who knew that dog X left the car in our factory, brother, you didn't lend the factory keys to outsiders, right?"

"I..." Zhang Jinlin hesitated and gritted his teeth: "No, I haven't borrowed it."

Han Bin stared at Zhang Jinlin and asked, "There is no trace of the lock of the factory building, and only your brother has the key. Tell me, how did the BMW enter the factory and flew in?"

"I...I..." Zhang Jinlin stopped talking.

Feeling that the other party should conceal something, Han Bin said coldly: "Copy it and bring it back to the game."

Zhang Jinlin took a step back and hurriedly waved his hands: "Don't, comrade police, don't catch me. Others have used the key, not only our brother has it."

"Who used it?"

Zhang Jinlong stared at his eyes and shouted: "Brother, you gave someone else the key to the factory!"

Zhang Jinlin lowered his head, feeling ashamed of his brother’s trust, and sighed: “Before, I didn’t give the key to anyone else. I opened the door every morning. No matter it was windy or rainy, I never delayed my brother’s business. What's the difference between my own, I am dedicated to helping Jinlong get the factory right."

"Later, it was cold. The temperature in the factory was low. The machine was very cold. It had to be warmed up before the work started. I had to come an hour in advance every day. I couldn't handle this cold weather. "

"The old Liu in the factory was responsible for preparing the materials, and he had to come early. Later, I and him together, everyone should take turns to open the door. I put the key on a table high above the door and pressed it with a brick. Outsiders can’t see it at all. Who of us comes early will open the door."

"Hey, I didn't expect that someone would park the car in the factory. This car is really not ours, and it has nothing to do with my brother."

After Zhang Jinlin finished speaking, he couldn't help sighing again.

"Brother, if you can't get up, you can tell me, it's a big deal if I change a worker, why don't you tell me." Zhang Jinlong shook his head, showing a helpless look.

"Comrade police, what the **** is going on, whose car is that? We really didn't steal it."

"Why didn't your factory have surveillance installed?" Han Bin asked.

"I was settled before, and it was at the gate of the factory. Later, I was smashed by someone." Zhang Jinlong gritted his teeth with a hesitant appearance: "It's useless...The surveillance video was delivered to the police station, but there was no news later. Up."

"When I was drinking, I heard from others that the more you settle for this thing, the more worried the thief will be. I think there must be money in your factory, so it is better to be upset."

"Hey, afterwards, nothing happened in the factory, you say blame it."

"You don't even have a monitor. You may not know if the thief goes. You can only say that there is nothing to steal in your factory." Zhao Ming smiled.

"Who knows." Zhang Jinlong looked at Han Bin, then looked at Zeng Ping and said:

"Comrade police, I was really wronged. This car has nothing to do with me. If there is a problem with this car, I can't put it in my own factory. I am not stupid, do you think?"

Han Bin changed his words: "Where were you on January 31st?"

"I'm at home, our village won't let out."

"Who can prove it?"

"My wife, my son, and my eldest brother, second brother, and fourth brother, we all drink and play cards together at home. Our family knows the basics and we have never been to other places, nor do we meet with outsiders."

"Yes, comrade police, I came to Laowujia at 8 o'clock that morning. We stewed half a lamb and I can cook. I take the spoon and they give me a hand. We drank a little at noon and started fighting in the afternoon. Mahjong, I have been eating dinner before leaving." Zhang Jinlin on the side said.

As if afraid that Han Bin would not believe him, Zhang Jinlong added: "Comrade Police, if you do not believe me, you can call my second and fourth brothers. My nephew was there that day, and you can prove it."

Zeng Ping and Han Bin said two sentences in a low voice, and then asked Zhao Ming, Tian Li, Sun Xiaopeng and others to inquire separately to see if the testimonies of Zhang Jinlong and others were the same.

Han Bin called Ma Jingbo and reported on the arrests here. At the same time, he also asked about the progress of the technical team's investigation.

It is known that the technical team is collecting fingerprints, but no valuable clues have been found yet.

Han Bin asked Zhang Jinlong and Zhang Jinlin’s fingerprints and DNA to be collected. Later, they can be compared with the fingerprints and DNA on the BMW car. If the fingerprints and DNA of the two are found on the car, it means that the two have been in contact. A BMW car, the previous statement was also lying.

There are many relatives in Zhang Jinlong's family. In order to make a clear investigation earlier, Han Bin and Zeng Ping also started taking notes.

After finishing the transcripts of Zhang Jinlong's family and Zhang's brothers, the testimony was compared again, and there was no discrepancy in principle.

Except for some subtle differences and descriptive differences, there is basically no difference, and the confession is likely to be true.

The brothers Zhang Jinlong and Zhang Jinlin did not have time to commit the crime.

The fingerprints on the car have not been compared, and the suspicions of the two brothers cannot be completely ruled out.

Subsequently, Zeng Ping led the people away from Zhang Jinlong's home, and did not impose the two brothers.

However, after Zeng Ping discussed with Ma Jingbo, Du Qi was still left behind and let him stay in Cheng'an Village to watch.

When Du Qi is an outsider from the village, it is almost impossible for one person to complete this task.

Ma Jingbo found Director Yu of the Qingguang Town Police Station and asked him to send two auxiliary policemen to assist Du Qi.

Subsequently, Han Bin and others returned to the Yuhua branch.

The white BMW was also taken back to the branch office, and further investigations are needed, and the car may even be disassembled.


Han Bin left home at around five o'clock in the morning, arrived at the branch office around six o'clock, and arrived at Cheng'an Village around seven o'clock. It was only ten o'clock when they returned to the branch office, and many people had just started work at this time.

This day's work has just begun.

Because everyone got up early, many people did not eat breakfast. After returning to the second group office, Ma Jingbo let everyone rest for half an hour.

Suddenly, the room was filled with the taste of instant noodles, braised beef, chicken stewed with mushrooms, and pork ribs with green onions.

Han Bin also ate a bowl of chicken stewed mushroom noodles and a cup of green tea. After that, he was about to lie down on the table and rest for another ten minutes.

Just when ten minutes were approaching, Ruben walked in with a report in his hand.

When everyone looked at him with expectant gazes, Lu Wen spread his hands: "The fingerprints collected on the car have been compared. There are Zhao Xiaoshan himself and Ning Yuerong’s. However, the Zhang brothers’ The fingerprints did not match successfully."

Hearing the news, everyone in the room was a little discouraged.

"However, I also found some other substances in the car, which may be helpful to the investigation of the case."

"What substance?"


"That said, Zhao Xiaoshan was probably stunned, and then transported from the white BMW to other places." Li Hui analyzed.

"Then I don't know." Ruben put the report on the table, greeted the two captains, and left the second group office.

Ma Jingbo took the report and looked through it: "The car is found, but the people are gone, hum."

"If you don't know, unless you do nothing, Zhao Xiaoshan is a big living person. If you want to transfer him from a white BMW to other places, you will definitely leave some clues. This is also an investigation direction." Han Bin proposed.

Zeng Ping nodded: "That's right, the GPS positioning system of the BMW car must have the driving track of the BMW car. If Zhao Xiaoshan is to be removed from the BMW car, the car will definitely stop. Just find a few parking places. Maybe you can find the transportation that took Zhao Xiaoshan away."

Ma Jingbo said: "This is a way, but it is not easy to investigate. The suspect will definitely step on it in advance and find a suitable place to transfer Zhao Xiaoshan."

"Captain Ma, or leave this task to me, I will take someone to investigate." Zeng Ping offered himself.

From the very beginning of the investigation, Zeng Ping has been tracking the whereabouts of Zhao Xiaoshan and the suspect. He still feels that this is the fastest and most direct way to catch the suspect.

"Okay." Ma Jingbo replied, then glanced at the others, and arranged the tasks of the other team members together.

"Han Bin, you continue to comb Zhao Xiaoshan's mobile phone call records to see if you can find clues to the suspect."

"Zhao Ming and Tian Li are responsible for contacting the families of other victims." Ma Jingbo touched his chin. Based on his experience, it is difficult to trace the murderer in a short period of time based on the current clues and evidence.

It is best to investigate more victims and find more clues and cross-comparison of evidence to determine the identity of the suspect in time.

Ma Jingbo has a feeling that this is probably a gang committing a crime.

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