Detective from The Future

Chapter 443: Close the net

Yamada Medical Examination Center.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the medical examination center closed.

Yang Zhichao walked out of the medical examination center neatly, with masks, brown sunglasses, and a khaki bag on his back.

When we reached the gate, a black car stopped, the glass in the passenger compartment opened, and a woman of about 30 years old probed, "Super, you didn't drive today."

"Yeah." Yang Zhichao nodded, a colleague from the medical examination center.

"Let's super super get in the car, sister will take you for a ride."

"No need, sister, I can go back by myself."

"Hey, what are you polite with sister? There is no taxi at this time."

"It's okay. It's very convenient for me to take the bus. When you get off the stop sign, it's my community."

"Well, let's go first."

Yang Zhichao waved his hand, "Bye."

After watching the black car leave, the smile on Yang Zhichao's face disappeared. He didn't want to have too much contact with his colleagues except during working hours.

Yang Zhichao carried the bag on his shoulders, walked along the sidewalk to the stop sign, took out a pair of headphones, put on it, and waited for the bus quietly.

After a while before the car came, Yang Zhichao looked down at his watch and stomped his feet, which was really annoying.

After another five minutes, a bus drove over. Yang Zhichao took out a coin from his bag, got on the bus and dropped it, and walked to the middle of the bus.

Take out a paper towel from the bag and wipe the seat.

The car was empty, with only four or five people sitting sparsely. If it is placed at the usual point, let alone the seats, it would be nice to be able to squeeze into the car.

There are seven stops from the medical examination center to Yang Zhichao's home, and Yang Zhichao only needs to count the stop signs and get on and off the train.

"Ding Dong..." With a sound, the car stopped beside the stop sign.

Three men got in the car. Two of them went straight to the back row after putting in coins. Another man stood in front, seeming to be chatting with the driver.

Yang Zhichao didn't care. He often took this bus. The familiar things made him feel safe.

As the bus drove forward, Yang Zhichao leaned on the glass, dozing off with half-squinted eyes.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yang Zhichao felt something was wrong, and the bus seemed to have not stopped.

Yang Zhichao raised his head and glanced outside. Where is this? Not the route of the bus.

Is it because the bus has changed lines? He watched the news some time ago, and some bus routes were adjusted because of Fei Yan.

Yang Zhichao got up and asked, "Master driver, why is this route different from before?"

"The line is changed."

"When did you change it?"

"The notice I just received today."

"Then there is no reminder, stop for a moment and I want to get off the car."

"Wait a minute, when you get to the stop sign, you can't stop half way." The driver said.

"Then what, how long will it be before the stop sign?"

"Alright, wait a moment."

Yang Zhichao sighed and glanced at the bus, looking a little embarrassed. He didn't like changes, especially the changes that were no longer planned, which made him feel insecure.

Yang Zhichao clutched the khaki bag with both hands, looked at the other passengers vigilantly, and looked out the window from time to time.

He saw a stop sign in front of him and shouted, "Master, you stop in front and I want to get off."

"Good." The driver responded.

Yang Zhichao stood up and walked to the car door to wait. The car stopped. He also breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the door to open and get out of the car.

At this time, two men also came over and seemed to get out of the car, sandwiching him one left and the other right.

Yang Zhichao was a little wary. He turned his head and looked at the left side. It was a young man who was wearing a mask and couldn't see his appearance. However, there was a heroic spirit between his brows and eyes.

Just when he turned his head and was about to look at the other side, he suddenly heard a shout, "Police, don't move!"

The two men behind Yang Zhichao moved at the same time, holding him on the left and right, and pressing him directly on the car door.

"You let me go, why should you catch me?"

"Name?" Li Hui asked.

"Yang Zhichao."

Han Bin took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Yang Zhichao directly, "You are the one who caught it. Come with us."

Ma Jingbo comforted the other passengers and escorted Yang Zhichao to Yuhua branch.

It turned out that Ma Jingbo and Zeng Ping thought carefully after talking.

There are more than a dozen villagers in Wu Duogui's family. If the control time is long, it will attract the attention of others.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, he decided to close the net in advance and implement arrest.


At almost the same time, Zeng Ping received the news.

Nanjie Village.

Zeng Ping and a group of people have already surrounded a factory building.

Previously, this factory was producing wooden doors, but later due to heavy pollution, work was stopped.

That's why Wu Duogui rented out the factory.

Wu Duogui is the owner of the factory. He knows the factory better than anyone else, and actively assisted the police in order to redeem his merits by taking out a plan of the factory.

The factory has two front and rear doors. The front door is locked from the outside, and the back door is closed from the inside. Zeng Ping studied it for a while and prepared to break through from the front.

Before the operation, Zeng Ping also borrowed a drone from Village Chief Fang. The drone has a camera to view the situation in the factory.

There is a dog at the front and rear doors, Akita in front and Labrador at the back, both of good breeds.

A white Toyota sedan was parked on the open space of the factory.

The drone surveyed above for a while, but no one was seen.

The front is a black iron fence door with an iron lock hung outside the door. Zeng Ping first found big iron pliers and cut the lock on the front door. However, because of the angle, it was impossible to see whether the lock was broken inside the factory.

Wu Duogui walked to the factory door, took a deep breath, turned his head and looked to the right side of the wall, Zeng Ping gave him an affirmative gesture.

"Boom..." Wu Duogui knocked on the factory door, "Anyone?"

"Wow..." There was a bark of dogs in the factory.

Seeing that no one responded, Wu Duogui knocked again, "Hey, is Boss Yang?"

After a while, a man's voice came from the factory, shouting: "Stop screaming."

The Akita immediately wilted.

Wu Duogui didn't dare to knock on the door.

A tall man in his thirties, wearing a coat and no mask, said, "What are you doing?"

"I am Wu Duogui, the owner of this factory. We met once when we visited the factory."

"Is Boss Yang here?"

"No, tell me something." The man lit a cigarette and took a sip.

"That's the case. The village has issued a notice that work will not be allowed to start temporarily, nor will it be allowed to use non-local workers. I will come over and tell you."

"I see, is there anything else?"

"There are several people living in the factory. When do you plan to start work, you have to tell me and I have to report it."

"I'm the only one who won't start work in a short time and won't cause you trouble. Is there anything else?"

Wu Duogui squeezed a smile, "It's gone."

The man stopped talking, just smoking a cigarette, his slender eyes fixed on Wu Duogui.

"Then I'll go first." Wu Duogui was stared at a little hairy, fearing that the other party might get into trouble, turned and left the factory.

Seeing Wu Duogui walking away, the man heaved a sigh of relief and turned and walked into the factory.

At this moment, Zeng Ping, Wang Xiao, Du Qi and others took their guns and tiptoed to the entrance of the factory.

The man was walking inward with his back to the gate, only a few meters away.

Zeng Ping removed the lock, and then gently opened the factory door, but there was still a slight noise.

"Wow..." A dog barking sounded.

Zeng Ping didn't stop doing it, and he pushed open the door, holding the gun in his hand, and rushed into the factory.

The man seemed to hear the movement and ran in without looking back.

"Police, don't move."

"We'll shoot again if we run!"

The man ignored them at all, rolled on the ground, touched his back, took out a pistol, and fired three shots at Zeng Ping.

"Boom boom!"

Then the man hid behind a lathe.

The sound of gunshots broke the tranquility of the village, and the dogs in the village were alarmed and barking sounded.

The moment the other party retaliated, Zeng Ping and the three hurriedly avoided, one sideways, one leaning over and rolling, one lying on the ground, each looking for cover.

To be honest, the three-person shootout experience is not too rich. Although he has been vigilant, no one thought that the man came to open the door with a gun.

"Bang bang bang." Zeng Ping and the three also shot back.

Neither side hit anyone.

Zeng Ping took a look outside, "You have been surrounded by the police, immediately hand in your gun and surrender."

The man smiled and shouted, "Come out, I'll give you the gun!"

"You throw the gun out first, raise your hands above your head, and walk out from behind the lathe." Zeng Ping shouted.

The man took a sip, "Bah, no courage."

"Don't be in the heart of resistance, you are already surrounded by the police, and resistance will only be a dead end!" Wang Xiao shouted.

The man did not respond.

"I'm telling you that the special police are coming here. Once the special police arrive, they will probably kill you directly." Zeng Ping shouted.

After a while, the man said helplessly, "I surrender, don't shoot."

"You throw the gun out first."

"Okay, I'll throw it." The man's voice fell, and an object was thrown behind the lathe, which fell to the ground in the distance.

At this time, it was already evening, and the sky was a bit dim. Zeng Ping took a closer look. It was not a **** at all, but an iron lump, probably an accessory on the lathe.

A figure sprang from behind the lathe and ran into the factory.

Zeng Ping did not understand the situation in the factory and was worried that the other party would escape from the back door. This suspect had a gun in his hand. Once he escaped from the factory, it would pose a huge threat to the people.

Zeng Ping didn't think much, and said decisively, "Shoot."

"Bangbang..." A burst of gunfire sounded.

Wang Xiao and Du Qi are not soft.

"Ah!" The man screamed and fell to the ground with a blood hole in his thigh.

"I'm fighting with you." The man turned around and shot Zeng Ping three times in a row.

After hitting the suspect in the leg, he was not afraid that he would run out to hurt the people. Zeng Ping and the three were not in a hurry, hiding behind the bunker and letting him shoot.

After a while, another shot was fired, "Boom!"

This time the gunfire was a little dull, and Zeng Ping hit the ground with his right hand, "Asshole!"

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