Detective from The Future

Chapter 475: Weird car

After hearing Han Bin's analysis, everyone had no objections.

Huang Qianqian curiously asked, "What about Hal? Is he suspicious."

"His situation is more complicated." Han Bin walked to the whiteboard and wrote Hal's name.

"First of all, we still have to figure out whether Hal is drunk. If Hal is not drunk, he must be the murderer."

Li Qin said, "I have seen Golden Cube's surveillance. Hal must have drunk that night, but he was not drunk and could not be judged. There was no evidence that he was drunk."

"Then let's change our thinking and analyze, assuming Hal is the murderer. Judging from the blood splashes, Hal should be Mike who was killed wearing Feng Xifan's coat, which means that Feng Xifan was present at the time."

"There is a question, Feng Xifan was so drunk at the time, how did he get to the scene?"

Bao Xing guessed, "Could it be that Mike and Hal happened to be passing by and saw Feng Xifan drunk, so the two put Feng Xifan in the car, halfway, Hal put on Feng Xifan's coat and killed Mike. "

Wang Xiao shook his head, "I checked the surveillance near the scene where Feng Xifan was drunk and did not find a black Buick."

Han Bin took the stubborn words, "Bao Xing’s guess lacks evidence. First of all, according to Feng Xifan’s drunken state, the possibility of motion sickness and vomiting is extremely high. The vomit in the green belt is the evidence, and Feng Xifan’s fingerprints were not found in the car. And vomit."

"Another Mike as the owner of the car, how could he let a drunk stranger into the car. So I think it is very unlikely that Hal will commit the crime alone."

Han Bin lighted a cigarette, took a sip, and continued to analyze, "Suppose, this is a gang committing a crime, and Hal is one of the suspects. Feng Xifan is a substitute for the death of Hal’s associates, and Hal is by Mike’s side. Internally, the two used the method of touching porcelain to kill. They killed Mike and planted the money with Feng Xifan. Then they fled the scene. I think this hypothesis is possible."

"In the third case, Hal is not the real murderer. Feng Xifan was a surrogate who was found by the murderer. The murderer put on Feng Xifan's coat, then stopped Mike's car by touching the porcelain, and brutally killed Mike. It was then that the murderer discovered that there was still a Hal in the car, but he was already drunk."

"The murderer temporarily changed his mind and fell the dagger into Hal's hands, and put his coat on Feng Xifan again, so that the murderer would have two more dead ghosts."

"After that, Hal was the first to wake up and discover the situation at the scene. Just as he said, he found Feng Xifan next to the green belt and fell the dagger into Feng Xifan's hands. Therefore, the police started the investigation. The convenience is all concentrated on Feng Xifan."

After listening to Han Bin's analysis, everyone did not speak immediately.

After a long silence, Bao Xing concluded, "In other words, there must be other suspects in this case."

Han Bin nodded, "Yes, I think the other suspect has transportation. It may be that Feng Xifan was transported to the scene of the crime by car. The next time the surveillance is conducted, the scene of Feng Xifan's drunkenness and the scene of the crime will be taken. Cars are compared, and the suspected vehicle should have been to these two places at the same time."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

"You can also talk about what you think." Han Bin said.

Bao Xing said, "Leader, I contacted the informant. He should come to the city bureau to take notes in the afternoon."

"OK, you continue to be responsible."


At noon, Han Bin took a lunch break as usual.

Reported to the squadron leader's office at two o'clock, but Ma Jingbo was not there, and he didn't know what he was doing.

After returning to the office, Han Bin made a cup of tea and stared out the window in a daze.

Everyone else has been assigned tasks, and Han Bin can be considered to be busy.

After a while, Bao Xing led a man into the house.

The man looks in his thirties, wearing a black jacket and dark blue jeans, looking a bit tired.

"Team leader, this is the reporter." Bao Xing introduced.

"Well, you are responsible for taking notes."

Bao Xing called the introducer to the side and sat down, and asked routinely, "Name, age, gender..."

"My name is Li Jiang, and I am 32 years old. Needless to say, I know that I am a man, a local son-in-law..."

Bao Xing was straight to the point, "When did you find that black Buick?"

"On the morning of the 16th, at around eight o'clock, when I was passing by, I saw blood on the side of the car, so I took a look in the car and saw a person lying on the back with a lot of blood. I called the police at that time. "

"Have you checked in the car?"

"No, no, I don't dare to do this, and I don't want to cause trouble. It's considered a citizen's duty to call the police."

Bao Xing made a note in the notebook and asked, "You never thought about it. He may be alive and can be rescued."

"I didn't think so much. I haven't started work for more than three months. I'm almost starving to death. I can control others there." Li Jiang finished speaking, but felt a little inappropriate, sighed, "If you are poor, you will be alone. I am so capable to help the world."

"After reporting the crime, why did you shut down again."

"We just started work that day, and I don't want to delay work. I happened to have two mobile phone cards, so I turned off the mobile phone card that made the alarm call. I thought that after a few days, I turned it on again and it might be fine." Li Jiang was too low. head.

"At the scene of the crime, did you find anything unusual?"

"It doesn't seem to be, it's been so many days, I can't remember it." Li Jianguo said perfunctorily.

Bao Xing asked a few more words, and Li Jiangguo didn't provide any valuable clues, so he let him leave first.

After sending him out of the office, Bao Xing asked, "Group leader, what do you think of this Li Jiang?"

"No obvious signs of lying." Han Bin said.

Huang Qianqian was holding a white porcelain cup with a girl with croissants. "I always feel that this person lacks ethics and social responsibility, and is too cold."

Wang Xiao sighed, "He is not cold, but he is overwhelmed by life. Only after he has eaten can he have the energy to speak morality and responsibility. For a person struggling with food and clothing, these things are too far away. unrealistic."

Bao Xing asked, "Brother Wang, where did you learn this set?"

Wang Xiao smiled and said, "If you see more, you will naturally become enlightened."

In the afternoon, one group's job is to check and monitor.

Han Bin also joined them. When it comes to checking the efficiency of monitoring, Han Bin can top three.

Of course, for about twenty minutes, he has to rest for a while, otherwise his eyes will not be able to stand it.

After a while, Jiang Yang stood up and shouted, "Group leader, I found a clue here."

Han Bin walked over, "What clue."

"I found a white SUV near Feng Xifan's drunk scene and the crime scene." Jiang Yang found high-definition screenshots of two cars.

Bao Xing also came over, "Big Brother, these two cars are just similar in models, you see the car logos are different, one is Hyundai, the other is Trumpchi."

Li Qin pointed to the screen, "The license plate numbers are different."

Han Bin's observational power is far superior to ordinary people. He checked it carefully and said with a certain tone, "This is the same car."

"Group leader, how did you tell?"

"The two SUV models of Hyundai and Trumpchi are similar, but the details are still different. The position of the lights and the shape of the wheel hub cannot be exactly the same." Han Bin pointed to the computer screen.

"You are looking at these two pictures. Except for the car logo and license plate, everything else is exactly the same. It should be the same car."

Everyone took a closer look.

Bao Xing was surprised, "It's really exactly the same. It's possible that one car was deliberately faked into two cars."

Han Bin pointed to the picture on the screen, "Everyone looks at this car carefully, and you must find out its whereabouts clearly."


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