After returning to the Municipal Bureau, Ma Jingbo went to the technical department.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang were responsible for checking the surveillance at the entrance of the stadium.

Han Bin, Li Qin, and Bao Xing were responsible for making transcripts for the victims’ families.

Bao Xing came over with two cups of coffee and handed it to Han Bin. "Group leader, do you think the two groups of people are more to blame tonight, Huang Mao or Chen Yu?"

Li Qin snorted, "If you want me to say that I won't sleep at night, I'll be full."

"Haha..." Han Bin smiled, patted Bao Xing on the shoulder, and answered the question, "The coffee is good, I'm almost catching up with Qianqian."

Han Bin didn't answer directly, but he agreed with Li Qin's words that the cause of the matter was Chen Yu, and Huang Mao was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the two had a conflict that was inevitable.

To put it bluntly, it was around one o'clock in the morning at that time. Except for those who need to go to the night shift, ordinary people would not go home so late.

Moreover, the two groups of people don't look like they are on night shifts. Both parties drank alcohol, and there was a conflict in speech, which could easily cause trouble.

After a while, Li Qin's cell phone rang and stood up and said, "Group leader, it's the phone number of Li Yuan's mother. I guess she might be here. I'll pick it up."

Han Bin said, "Bao Xing also followed, first take her to recognize the body, and then come back to make a transcript."


Han Bin glanced at the watch on the wall. It was already past two in the morning.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and lay down on the window sill to look out. Today's weather is good, the moon is sparse, and there are no cars on the road, a bit less noisy day.

Before smoking a cigarette, there was a faint cry of crying outside, and it sounded like it was coming from the forensic room, and Han Bin didn't care too much.

Half an hour later, Li Qin and Bao Xing returned to the office, followed by a pair of middle-aged men and women, supporting each other and looking haggard.

Li Qin came over and whispered, "Group leader, these two are the parents of the deceased Li Yuan."

Han Bin took a look at the middle-aged couple, and they did look a bit like Li Yuan, but the two of them were emotionally unstable. One had red eyes and the other was still wiping tears.

Han Bin made a please gesture, "You two, please sit down."

"My surname is Han, and I am the group leader of the City Criminal Investigation Second Squadron. Our group is responsible for the investigation of Li Yuan's case."

"Officer Han, have you found the murderer of my daughter?" Li Yuan's mother asked.

"Because there were no witnesses, the murderer had already escaped when we rushed to the scene. We don’t know the situation of the murderer for the time being. The case is still in the investigation stage. Please two come here. One is to confirm the identity of the victim, and the other is to understand. Some of Li Yuan’s circumstances before his death."

"She is our daughter, our baby, who is so cruel..." Li Yuan's mother was heartbroken.

Li Yuan’s father grabbed Li Yuan’s mother by the shoulders, "You take a break, let me say."

"Comrade police, my name is Li Weiyi, and I am Li Yuan's father. Ask me if you want to know."

Han Bin opened his notebook and began to ask, "Does your daughter live with you?"

Li Wei sighed, "No, my daughter now rents an apartment by herself, not far from the gymnasium. She is a positive and optimistic person. She likes swimming, badminton, and running. She even participated in a marathon last year. Very good, her life has just begun, she shouldn't have left so early."

Li Yuan's mother cried, "I said long ago that she is still young and shouldn't live alone. If you stood by my side, this kind of thing wouldn't happen."

Li Wei shouted, "It's interesting to say this now. The girl is older and she wants to have her own privacy. It's not easy for me to be a father."

"Where did she rent the house?"

"Dongcheng Community, Room 704, Building 1."

Han Bin noted in the notebook, "She lives alone, or shares with others."

"She lives alone."

"Did she have anything unusual during this time?"

"Yes, some time ago, my daughter was threatened."

"You talk about the specific situation."

"My daughter graduated from 985 University and then joined a foreign company called Tovia. My daughter is studious and hardworking. She won the Advanced Employee Award in the first month of her career."

"After the resumption of work this year, the Tovia company has a place for advanced studies to study in Australia. This is a good opportunity. My mother Li Yuan and I are very supportive. As long as she has this resume, her future development will increase. The better."

"Li Yuan also wants to go to a foreign country to meet the world. She worked hard to get this place. After three rounds of competition, she finally won this place. Now she is applying for a visa and will study abroad soon. Who knows, she will be in this file. Something went wrong."

"Actually, Li Yuan received a threatening call after passing the first round of competition, but she was brave, and she did not back down. She still tried hard to compete. The person who threatened her kept calling, forcing Li Yuan to give up the opportunity to study abroad. , She was under a lot of pressure."

"Now that Li Yuan has gotten the opportunity to study abroad, we thought it was over. I didn't expect her to have an accident. If I knew this would happen, I would rather not let her compete."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "How many threats did Li Yuan at once?"

"Three times, the first time was through the first round of competition, the second time was through the second round of competition, and the third time was the third round of competition soon. This person said a lot of threats and even attacked my daughter. Personal attacks are too despicable."

"Are there any recordings?"

"Yes, after my daughter said about it, I told her that if the other party called again, she would record the call. She was very obedient, did what I said, and sent me the recording." Li Wei digs. I got out of the phone and played a call recording,

A hoarse voice rang from the phone, "Hey, girl, I heard that you passed the second round of tests, yes, should I congratulate you, or should I mention you regret that you made a wrong decision."

"What wrong decision? I don't know what you are referring to?" A woman's voice sounded in the phone, probably from Li Yuan.

"You shouldn't fight for this place to study abroad, just give up, you will only put yourself on a dead end."

"Who are you and why are you threatening me?"

"No, I didn't threaten you, I was protecting you, understand?"

Li Yuan said, "You can't compete with me. Is it interesting to use this despicable method? Even if I really give up, you are a loser."

"I know who you are. Your behavior will make me despise even more. I have to strive for this place, because you are not my opponent. We all understand that from the moment you make a threatening call, you have already failed. "

The hoarse voice sounded again, "I hope you can always be so confident, and I will give you another piece of advice. You'd better be careful, be careful when you go to work, be careful when you eat, and be careful when you go home. Otherwise, you will lose more than just the work."

Then, this recording ended.

Li Weiyi played the second recording again. It was also a hoarse man's voice. He threatened Li Yuan again. Both the words and the words made Li Yuan give up the opportunity to study abroad. This time the tone of threat was even more severe.

After listening, Li Yuan's mother looked very excited, "Comrade police, have you heard that, he has been threatening my daughter, even hinting that he will kill my daughter, this caller must be the murderer."

"Have you reported to the police?"

Li Weiyi took the stubborn words, "Yes, we went to the police station to report the case, but the person used a bearer phone card, and the police could not find the identity of the owner. The policeman at the police station wanted to go to the Tovia company to find out the situation, but we After thinking about it, I rejected the proposal."

"Why do you interfere with the police investigation?"

Li Weiyi explained, "My daughter was about to enter the third round of competition at the time. As long as she wins this competition, she can get a place for further study abroad, and my daughter is very confident in this round of competition. The police went to the Torvia company to investigate. It may cause unnecessary troubles. When the time comes, we are not sure whether it will have a bad influence on the future of our daughter. Therefore, we rejected the police's proposal."

Li Yuan’s mother choked, “We thought at the time that this was probably a prank, and the purpose was to interfere with her daughter’s bid to go abroad for further study. As long as Li Yuan got the place for study abroad, it would be the most beneficial counterattack. We did not expect ... will become like this, and I never thought it would harm my daughter."

"Does your daughter know who made the threatening call?" Han Bin asked back.

Li Weiyi recalled for a moment, "I also asked her at the time if she knew who made the call. At first, she said that she didn't know it because the voice of the threatening caller was very strange, so it didn't look like someone she knew. . But when the other party made the third threatening call, my daughter guessed the identity of the other party."

"The people who are eligible to get a place to study abroad are the elites of the Tovia company. There are a total of ten in the first round of competition, four in the second round, and only two in the third round."

"The last threatening call was made the day before the third round of competition. At that time, my daughter had only one competitor. If my daughter had given up at that time, the quota for studying abroad would undoubtedly fall on that competitor. On his head."

Han Bin asked, "Do you know the name of this competitor?"

Li Wei clenched his fist and said, "I know, his name is Zhang Tianyang. I have seen her once. She is very tall, with a split head, and wearing gold glasses. She looks like a traitor. I really hate that I didn't beat him. One meal."

"Zhang Tianyang is still in the Tovia company?"

"Yes, this company's treatment is very good, and the new employees who have just joined the company also have an annual salary of 300,000. Those graduates who have rushed to join, how can he be willing to leave." Li Wei together.

"Apart from Zhang Tianyang, do you have any other suspects?" Han Bin asked.

Li Wei thought for a while, "No, my daughter has always been very good, and she will tell us about everything. I haven't heard of conflicts with other people."

"At the scene, Li Yuan only wore a bathing suit. We found no other items. Do you know what belongings she has?"

"I know."

Li Yuan’s mother said without hesitation, “My daughter also has a platinum necklace, which I gave to her. The necklace has a heart-shaped pendant with a diamond in the middle. She likes that necklace very much and she wears it wherever she goes. "

"Any other items?"

Li Wei said weakly, "A few days ago, after my daughter got a place for further study, I gave her an Apple mobile phone. It is the latest model. She likes it very much and she should bring it with her."

Li Yuan’s mother continued, “My daughter has a black leather backpack. She often wears it when she goes out. The bag is not large and convenient.”

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "Do you know that Li Yuan went to the stadium to swim?"

"I know, my daughter likes sports very much, and we also support her." Li Yuan's mother responded.

"Apart from you, does anyone else know?"

Li Wei shook his head, "We haven't told anyone else. We don't know if she told outsiders. She is now older and working, and we can't fully understand her."

Han Bin asked, "Do anyone you know around use electric batons, or know where to buy electric batons?"

"No impression, Comrade Police, why do you ask?"

Han Bin explained, "Li Yuan was stunned first and then killed by the murderer. We suspect that the murderer's tool of crime was probably something like an electric baton."

Li Yuan's parents were silent for a moment, and both shook their heads.

"Boom..." At this moment, the office door rang.

"Please come in."

"Chuck..." As soon as the door rang, Li Can walked in from outside with a document in his hand, glanced at Li Yuan's parents, and then winked at Han Bin.

Han Bin understood, and followed Li Can out of the office, "Forensic Li, did the autopsy result come out?"

Li Can glanced at the office and whispered, "Yes, no traces of defensive injuries or struggles were found on the victim. It is likely that he was strangled to death after being stunned. The murder weapon was probably a belt, and it was in the victim. Men’s genetic material was found in the body."

Han Bin concluded, “In other words, the victim was stunned first, and then muscular, and then strangled to death with a belt by the murderer.”

This test result coincides with Ma Jingbo's speculation.

Previously, Ma Jingbo analyzed that the victim should have been killed by the swimming pool. In order to cover up the evidence, the murderer threw the corpse into the swimming pool. Now it seems that it was probably to destroy the genetic material left in the body of the deceased.

Li Cannu held his mouth and shook his head, "The order was wrong, he was stunned and strangled first, and then he was strengthened."

Han Bin frowned. Although he had heard of this situation, he encountered it for the first time.

"Are there other findings on the victim?"

"Not yet."

"Thank you."

"With each other." Li Can handed the autopsy report to Han Bin, stretched his waist, "Well, after finishing work, I can finally go to bed."

Han Bin showed envy, and after watching Li Can leave, he glanced at the report in his hand and sighed secretly.

Han Bin pushed the door into the office.

Li Yuan's parents both stood up and asked in unison,

"Comrade Police, any new clues?"

"Comrade police, have you found the murderer?"

"The murderer has not been found yet, but there are some new clues." Han Bin said.

"What clue, tell us, maybe we can help too." Li Wei said quickly.

Han Bin hesitated for a while, sat back in his seat, waved his hand to Li Yuan's parents, "Sit down and say."

After the murderer killed someone, he did such a bad thing.

According to common sense, after the murderer stunned the dead, there was a clear opportunity to attack her.

But the murderer chose to kill the victim first, and then go wrong.

Han Bin felt that the murderer either had some special hobbies, or had a certain obsession with the victim.

"Does Li Yuan have any problems with feelings?"

Li Wei was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Officer Han, why are you asking that?"

Han Bin said perfunctorily, "Routine inquiry to rule out the possibility of Li Yuan's love killing."

Li Yuan's mother said, "It's impossible. My daughter is now focused on work and is about to go abroad. How could she have emotional entanglements, she won't."

Li Qin said, "Li Yuan is not young anymore, she is so beautiful, there should be many people chasing her."

"That is, there are more people chasing my daughter, but she hasn't met the right one yet."

Li Qin asked, "Have Li Yuan ever fallen in love before?"

"Yes, but... it's been a long time." Li Yuan's mother closed her eyes and recalled for a while, "During the freshman year, she talked about a person. We only learned about it later. broke up."

"When I was in my junior year, there was a man who chased her. He liked her very much and chased her for a long time. I have seen that man, quite an ordinary person. I think the two of them are not suitable, so let them After breaking up, my daughter has been single since then."

"Remember the names of these two people? Or other identifying information?"

Li Wei replied, "The boyfriend of her freshman year is Lu Junjie. The young man is very energetic and belongs to their school. I can't remember the others."

"Is there any contact information?"

Li Wei tried to think about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "I can't remember, I have to go back and look for it."

"Where is the man who chased Li Yuan in the junior year?"

Li Yuan's mother patted her forehead, "I met once, Xiao Yuan told me his name, but I can't remember it for a while."

"It's too sudden and understandable." Han Bin comforted, "In this way, you can go back and take a good rest. When you remember, you can contact Officer Li again."

Li Qin heard the implication, stood up, and sent Li Yuan's parents away.

Bao Xing yawned and couldn't help asking, "Leader, what new clues did Li Forensic find?"

"After further autopsy, Li Forensic found the man's genetic material in the deceased."

Bao Xing blurted out, "Kill!"

Han Bin rolled his finger, "It's the opposite."

Bao Xing's mouth grew wide, and he encountered this situation for the first time, "Jian corpse! It has changed so much!"

Han Bin looked solemn, "This murderer may be more cruel than we thought!"

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