Detective from The Future

Chapter 538: Reunion

Yesterday, I climbed the mountain in the morning and soaked in the hot spring in the afternoon. I slept very well.

Han Bin woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning, and went to the living room after washing. Sister Wang Ting had not left the house.

Han Bin lay on the sofa and swiped his phone for half an hour before Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian came out of the bedroom.

Han Bin yawned and stood up and said, "Good morning, two beauties."

"Good morning." Wang Ting followed and yawned.

Huang Qianqian rubbed her belly and glanced at the watch on the wall, "Let's go to dinner, I'm all hungry, what if there is no breakfast for a while?"

Wang Ting said, "It deserves it, who told you to have a bad meal last night."

Huang Qianqian sighed, "The buffet the night before yesterday was too much. I thought about eating less last night, otherwise I would gain weight after a few days of rest. How can I face the fathers and villagers of the police station."

Han Bin glanced out the window, "Go downstairs, the shuttle bus is coming."

Han Bin and Wang Ting walked out holding hands.

Huang Qianqian has gotten used to it these past two days, and hopped to the front of the two.

The three of them took the shuttle bus to the restaurant, but saw a few familiar guests, including Ma Fangfang, who had lost the diamond ring.

Breakfast is also a buffet, but it is a bit different from the evening dishes. Most of them are breakfast foods, and the variety is also very rich.

There are bread, bacon, sausage, fried eggs, fried rice, fried noodles, fried dough sticks, soy milk, noodles, fruits, buns, etc. The drinks are also very rich, such as milk, coffee, yogurt, chicken soup, soy milk and so on.

Han Bin made some bacon, sausage, ham, fried potatoes, fried eggs, fried rice, a cup of milk and a cup of coffee.

Wang Ting also came over with a plate, and gave Han Bin a bun, "Eat more, or we won't be able to eat it back."

Huang Qianqian bared her little tiger teeth, "Brother-in-law, it's all up to you!"

Han Bin patted his chest, "Wrap it on me, it's not a problem."

The three of them had come out to play, they were not in a hurry to eat, they talked and laughed very lively.

Wang Ting took a fork and inserted a potato from Han Bin's plate. "I saw Ma Fangfang just now. Did you say she found her diamond ring?"

Han Bin took a sip of coffee and went smoothly, "It shouldn't be there."

Huang Qianqian asked, "Brother-in-law, did the police chief Huang contact you?"


"Then how did you know?"

Han Bin said calmly, "Look at her holding a spoon and poking the dinner plate over there, you know that the diamond ring is probably not found."

Huang Qianqian looked into the distance, "Really, I don't seem to be very happy."

Wang Ting wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin, "Can you find her diamond ring?"

Han Bin smiled, "Is it possible to find her diamond ring? It doesn't matter if I say. But if you like diamond rings, I can buy them for you."

Wang Ting looked at her tender little hands, "I have money myself, so why do I want you to buy them."

Huang Qianqian nodded and agreed, "Yeah, I am a woman in the new era. I can live a good life without relying on men."

Han Bin asked, "Can the meaning be the same? Only the old girl who can't marry will buy herself a diamond ring."


Han Bin felt two cold eyes looking at him, and suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Han Bin grabbed Wang Ting's little hand, and hurriedly remedied, "Tingting, your hands are so beautiful, I have been worrying about what kind of ring I can buy to match it."

Wang Ting withdrew her little hand and hummed, "Hurry up and eat your meal."

Huang Qianqian still looked at the two of them with cold eyes, and muttered, "I knew that this way, I would not come with you, I knew Xiuxiuxiu, I hate it."

Huang Qianqian spoke with a spoon while poking the bowl of chicken soup, as if expressing her dissatisfaction.

Han Bin saw Huang Qianqian's careful thoughts, but he didn't care. Wang Ting was happy. As for Huang Qianqian...see if you dare to make light bulbs next time!

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, the phone rang, and Han Bin took out his phone and took a look. The name of Li Hui was displayed on the screen.


"Binzi, what are you doing?"

"How about eating? Why do you think of calling me."

"I miss you."

Han Bin sighed, "Can you play well?"

"As a good brother, I haven't seen you for so long, true thoughts."

Han Bin smiled, "Vina saw your true face clearly and dumped you."

Li Hui yelled in a special loud voice, "Bah, baah, can you hope that I can order it, we are all getting married soon, so good."

"Okay, don't show affection in front of me. If you have something to say, I'm eating right now."

Li Hui said in a curious tone, "Why don't you have to go to work today?"

"I am off today."

"Yeah, that's right, let's have dinner together at noon."

Han Bin smiled and said, "Okay, come here, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Really, I'm not alone." Li Hui smiled.

Han Bin joked, "I knew you weren't alone. This is nothing."

"Brother Bin, and me."

"Ms. Han, and me..."

Han Bin was stunned for a moment, these two voices sound too familiar, Zhao Ming and Tian Li...

Han Bin immediately noticed that something was wrong, "Where are you?"

"Laishan Hot Spring Resort."

Li Hui smiled, looking like a tricky trick. "In other words, you kid will enjoy it very much. The environment of this resort is beautiful. I grew up so big and haven't taken a hot spring."

"Is there a new case at the resort?"

"The burglary, we are investigating. I won't tell you anymore. See you at lunch." After Li Hui finished speaking, he hung up his cell phone.

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded, "This kid... actually does something about me."

"What's wrong?" Wang Ting asked curiously.

"My former colleagues in the Yuhua branch, they came to the resort to investigate the case. It is estimated that they heard about me from Chief Huang and asked me to have dinner at noon," said Han Bin.

Wang Ting wondered, "Isn't it said that the theft is under the control of the police station?"

"I heard him say that there was another burglary, which is of a more serious nature and is usually the responsibility of the criminal investigation team."

"Brother-in-law, are they all your colleagues in Yuhua branch?"

Han Bin replied, "Yes, we are all in a group, and we are also a group of foodies."

Wang Ting smiled, "It's easy to talk about food, then invite them to the buffet."

Han Bin nodded. He and Li Hui have a very good relationship. They are also veterans who have worked with him. It doesn't hurt to invite them to dinner.


Near noon, Li Hui, Zhao Ming and Tian Li were sitting in a shuttle bus.

Li Hui's eyes looked around, and they were not enough, "Huh, the scenery in this place is really good, see if there is a hot spring?"

"Pretty is beautiful, this place shouldn't be cheap," Tian Li said.

Zhao Mingxian said diligently, "Sister Tian, ​​if you like it, I will bring you to play another day."

Li Hui curled his lips, Bah, you are greedy for her body.

After thinking about it, Li Hui did not dare to say anything.

As the leader of the second group, Li Hui is not afraid of other people in the group, only Tian Li is a little afraid.

Perhaps it was because I was used to being beaten before.

In other words, there is a dog and a lion in the animal yard. The dog has grown up and the lion is still very young.

The lion cub is very naughty and often harass the sleeping dog, and is often beaten by the dog.

The lion cub grows very fast, and in just a year, he is taller and stronger than a dog.

But they will still be chased and bitten by dogs.

The breeder thinks that maybe the lion is still young and doesn't know how to compete. When he becomes an adult, he will show the lion king's prestige, and he may bully the dog in turn.

A few years later, the lion had grown into adulthood, and he was tall and strong, a full head taller than the dog. The big mouth and the yawn were scary.

However, the lion is still very docile in front of the dog, and is often chased and bitten by the dog as before.

Seeing this scene, the tourists were shocked.

This dog is so fierce that even lions dare to bite!

Are dogs better than lions?

This is certainly impossible.

Are lions really afraid of dogs?


They have their own ways of getting along, they are already familiar with each other, and they don't want to change, that's enough.

The shuttle bus stopped near the restaurant, and Han Bin was already waiting for them at the door of the restaurant.

When the four met, it was another greeting.

They are all old acquaintances, and there are not so many polites. Han Bin led the three into the restaurant.

"Today I have a treat and opened up to eat."

"Tsk tsk, Brother Bin, the quality of this cafeteria is pretty good, this time it will cost you money." Zhao Ming praised.

Han Bin patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I invite you to dinner, can you go to the bad place."

"That's, what's the relationship between us? I didn't care about eating in the morning. Today is really the right time." Li Hui rubbed his hands, his eyes were indeed wandering around.

"Binzi, you should not be alone."

Han Bin said with no anger, "Go, your kid has cheated me once, and if you get a cheap one, you still sell well."

Li Hui laughed, "It's because you have a lot of heart and mind, who can be blamed. I mean it literally, who made you think about it."

Han Bin didn't bother to pay attention to him, and pointed in the direction of Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian, "I came with my girlfriend and sister-in-law."

Li Hui touched his chin, "It's okay, you'll get out of the order as long as we've been apart. Didn't you tell us something about it?"

Han Bin pretended to think, "Don't tell me, I haven't thought about it here before. I left the Yuhua branch and ran into Wang Ting the first day I went to the municipal bureau. I was single for so long, maybe it was you. The kid will do me."

Li Hui took a look. Even though he was at a distance, he could still see that Wang Ting was a beautiful woman. He hummed, "Fang, what's the matter with you, that's for you to meet better. I found such a beautiful girlfriend, Your kid is still complaining, hesi."

Tian Li complained weakly, "Two team leaders, know that you two have a good relationship. Don't show off your affection anymore. I'm almost hungry."

"Puff......" Zhao Ming couldn't help but smile, and subconsciously moved away from the two.

Han Bin "..."

Li Hui "..."

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