Detective from The Future

Chapter 546: thought

"Comrade police, not only I am alone, but the other team members are similar." As if afraid that Han Bin and others would not believe it, Cao Jingyang continued.

"The old employee who was responsible for taking me at the beginning, he patrols like this. I patrol with him, he rests, and I also rest. I am a new employee, if he is special, he will look out of gregariousness.”

Li Hui smiled and said, "Oh, you still have reason."

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I also know it's wrong to do this, but everyone does it. If I don't do this, I will be easily excluded." Cao Jingyang said.

"Where is the old employee who brought you back?"

"It's not that the resort's efficiency is not good, it was laid off."

Li Hui slapped his slap, "Why don't you get it? It means that your leaders have a scale in their hearts. You will be lazy to steal a bit today, and you will be lazy to steal a bit tomorrow. There will always be one day you will be caught.

"I see, I will definitely change it in the future, Comrade Police, can you tell Manager Hao about this." Cao Jingyang pleaded.

Li Hui is not the person in charge of the resort. It doesn't matter whether the employees are diligent or lazy. He said, "As long as you explain well, you will tell the police everything you know, and we don't bother to take care of other things."

"Hey, don't worry, I will tell you honestly." Cao Jingyang promised.

"Before, you said that someone deliberately framed you, did you talk nonsense, or did you really suspect someone?"

Cao Jingyang said, "I have a suspect."


"His name is Chen Jialie, the waiter at the resort. There is a conflict between the two of us. I suspect that he may frame me."

"What is the contradiction between you?"

Cao Jingyang clenched his fist and said, "Chen Jialie came to the resort before me. He has been here for more than a year. He liked a girl, but that girl didn't like him. After I got to the resort, I just like that girl. When he got on, he kept jealous of me and said that sooner or later he would let me go."

"What's that girl's name and where does she work?"

"Li Xiaoqi, she is also a waiter at the resort. She is now my girlfriend. Since the two of us have been dating, that Chen Jialie has been asking me for trouble and is still suing the leader."

"In addition to suspecting that he had a motive for committing the crime, do you have any real evidence?" Han Bin asked.

Cao Jingyang shook his head, "I just learned about this, so what evidence is there."

After finishing the transcript, Zhao Ming took Cao Jingyang out.

Li Hui raised his chin, "Binzi, do you want to detain Cao Jingyang?"

Whether Cao Jingyang is detained in this situation is between the two.

"I am now in a consultant role. Please watch the specific arrangements." Han Bin checked his watch. "It's getting late. I should withdraw later."

Li Hui squeezed his eyes, "Go to dinner with my girlfriend?"


"Cut, it seems like someone didn't." Li Hui curled his lips. He was still a little unsure about whether to detain Cao Jingyang, and said, "Binzi, how do you see that Cao Jingyang's shoes are wrong? How sure are you?"

"There is a small stone stuck on Cao Jingyang's shoe, which matches the characteristics of the shoe print left on the scene. The coincidence may not be large, but it is difficult to be a real evidence." Han Bin said.

Li Hui nodded and understood what Han Bin meant. The shoe prints left on the scene are probably Cao Jingyang's. However, because the shoe prints are only one-third, it is difficult to form a chain of evidence in law and can only be used in cases. Speculation.

At this time, whether Cao Jingyang voluntarily admits it becomes particularly important. If Cao Jingyang is killed and refuses to admit it, the incomplete shoe print alone cannot be used as evidence for a verdict.

However, Cao Jingyang was quite cooperative and took the initiative to speak out about the loss of his shoes. As long as he can prove that his words are true, or there is sufficient alibi, he can be ruled out.

After comprehensive consideration, Li Hui decided not to detain Cao Jingyang for the time being.

"Binzi, before you go, arrange a task."

Han Bin was not polite with him either, and organized some language, "Now Cao Jingyang is the most suspected person, and he is investigating Cao Jingyang's surrounding relations and alibi."

"Second, since Chen Jialie has the motive of committing the crime, he should find the other party as soon as possible to record."

"Third, check the surveillance around the duty room to see if anyone has actually stolen Cao Jingyang's security shoes."

Li Hui laughed, his face was not red, he said, "The heroes see the same thing, I originally wanted to arrange it like this."

Han Bin didn't bother to pay attention to him, and patted him on the shoulder, "Old Tie, check it out, brother is going to be cool."

"Where are you going to be chic?"

Han Bin smiled, "It's up to you!"


In the evening, Han Bin threw off the light bulb Huang Qianqian and took Wang Ting to the bar for a date.

This bar is different from the bars in the city. There is no loud music, no dazzling lights, some are beautiful scenery, a gurgling stream, sitting by the bar, chatting, drinking a little wine, enjoying a kind of romance , A comfortable atmosphere.

Han Bin leaned on the stage, holding a glass of cocktail in his hand, his eyes a little empty.

Wang Ting tilted her head and leaned on Han Bin's shoulder, "Why did you think of asking me to come to the bar?"

"Isn't this to throw off that little light bulb." Han Bin smiled.

"Hehe." Wang Ting chuckled lightly, "Let Qianqian hear her, she must be impatient."

"Just kidding." Han Bin touched Wang Ting's long black hair. "I have time this afternoon. I chatted with guests from several resorts. They said the atmosphere here is good, so I want to bring you to experience it. Now, how do you feel?"

"Very good, poetic and picturesque, I also like to stay in such an environment, it makes people feel very comfortable, and the whole person relaxes." Wang Ting said.

Han Bin asked, "How did you spend this afternoon?"

Wang Ting blinked her eyes, "Qianqian and I did a beauty and skin beautification, do you see any changes?"

For this kind of problem, Han Bin has a heartfelt resistance.

He had a girlfriend before, and he often liked to ask him, do you think I have changed today?

At that time, Han Bin was relatively young, and he took this question as the same thing, and answered truthfully, without seeing any changes.

The ex-girlfriend was pouting upset.

It took Han Bin a long time to find out that the other party had cut the hair curtain.

Suddenly there was a feeling of ghosts.

How many men will pay attention to the hair curtain being one centimeter long and one centimeter short?

After experiencing in society for a period of time, Han Bin is much more mature than before, and he is more comfortable answering such questions.

Han Bin touched Wang Ting's little hand and said with a smile, "It's tender and slippery, and mosquitoes fall on it."

"Hate, how can it be so exaggerated as you said."

Han Bin hugged her willow waist and took a kiss. "It's not an exaggeration at all."

Wang Tingqiao blushed, a little embarrassed, and said, "There is someone nearby."

"Why don't we change to a place where no one is." Han Bin winked.

"Too lazy to care about you."

Han Bin took a sip of a cocktail and asked, "Tomorrow, where do you want to go?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I originally planned to study with Qianqian at night. How did you think you would invite me here?"

"It sounds reluctant to listen to you."

"Why, I thought you would investigate the case very late, but I didn't expect you to have time to accompany me."

"The investigation is indeed important, but it is more important to accompany you."

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Ting's mouth, obviously still very satisfied with the answer, "By the way, how is the investigation of the case?"

"It's okay, it's a little bit eye-catching, if you're lucky, maybe the case will be solved tomorrow."

"so smart."

Han Bin said with a proud face, "That is, it doesn't depend on who picked the boyfriend."

The two were tired and crooked in the bar for a while, and only returned to the room after ten o'clock...


Ma Fangfang's room.

There is soft music in the room.

Ma Fangfang was packing clothes, Zheng Rong was standing at the bathroom door blowing her hair, and Li Lan was sitting on the sofa chasing drama.

Zheng Rong finished blowing her hair and sat on the sofa, "Sisters, time flies so fast, we are leaving in the blink of an eye."

Li Lan echoed, "Yes, I always feel that it has only been a couple of days since the good times are always short."

"Well, I think it is a thrilling time." Ma Fangfang showed a bitter smile.

"Okay, isn't it just that thing? It's all over, so don't worry about it," Zheng Rong said.

"Fangfang, do you still contact the police before we leave?" Li Lan asked.

Ma Fangfang hummed, "Is there anything to contact? If they have clues, they would have contacted me long ago. Moreover, the resort must have contacted the police. If the police have clues to solve the case, how could they easily agree to compensation?"

"Fangfang, you think it through." Zheng Rong smiled.

Ma Fangfang replied, "It's 30,000 yuan, why don't I take it seriously, I have thought of all the possibilities. As long as the police have clues to solve the case, the resort will not easily mention compensation. They are shrewd."

Zheng Rong asked, "When did the resort say to transfer the money to you?"

"The manager Hao said that before noon tomorrow, the compensation of 30,000 yuan will be transferred to my account."

Li Lan smiled, "If he doesn't transfer the money, we won't check out, isn't it just a trouble, who is afraid of whom?"

"Their such a big resort, things are really going to be a big deal, and the loss is more than 20,000 to 30,000."

Ma Fangfang nodded. She also felt that Li Lan's words made sense, but she was a little unsure if the money was not in her hands.

Zheng Rong waved her arm and shouted, "Sisters, tomorrow is the last day of the resort. I want to go hiking in the morning, whoever wants to go together."

"Climbing the mountain again, I'm exhausted, I don't want to go." Li Lan shook his head.

Ma Fangfang shrugged, "I'm not going either. The shoes I wear this time are a bit hard, and my heels were worn out the last time I went climbing."

Zheng Rong sighed, showing an aggrieved look, "Well then, I will go alone. I hope I can meet a handsome guy and envy you all."

The three girls are laughing again...

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