Detective from The Future

Chapter 549: Complacent

Han Bin feels that the other party may have a criminal record and there is no real evidence. It might not be easy to hear the truth from him.

Since you can't ask, you can only check it yourself.

Jin Haochong was first taken back for temporary detention.

Han Bin decided to start the investigation from the surrounding area of ​​Jin Haochong, and first let Du Qi check whether Jin Haochong had a criminal record.

Then, let the resort assist in investigating Jin Haorong's whereabouts and conditions.

Manager Hao learned the details from the resort staff and hurried to the location of the case.

After the meeting, Manager Hao couldn't wait to ask, "Police Officer Han, I heard that you have caught the suspect of stealing the diamond ring?"

"Yes, it's closed next door."

Manager Hao showed a grateful expression, "Great, you have helped us a lot."

"You're welcome, the responsibility lies." Han Bin made a please gesture, "Manager Hao, please sit down and talk about Jin Haochong's situation."

"According to the records of our resort, Jin Haochong came the day before yesterday morning, and he was the only one with the check-in information, and he paid in cash."

"Has he been to the resort before?"

Manager Hao said, "No previous check-in information was found."

"Has this Jin Haochong interacted with other guests?"

"It's not quite clear. The employees have their own business, and they don't always stare at a customer." Manager Hao replied, as if remembering something again, "By the way, Jin Haochong also sent an express delivery yesterday morning. "

"How big is the express?"

"I heard it is a box, it should be that big." Manager Hao gestured with his hands.

"Do you know what he mailed?"

"This is not clear."

"What about the express delivery information?"

"Because the privacy of the guests is involved, we can't look at it in detail, just write down the email number."

Li Hui said, "Just have a number, we can check it ourselves."

Manager Hao sent the serial number to Li Hui, showing a professional smile, "Police Officer Han and Police Officer Li, the leaders of our resort are very grateful to see that the police officers are working so hard. They prepared a working meal tonight, and please give me two more. I can appreciate it."

"You are welcome, this is our duty."

"It's just a working meal." Manager Hao said.

Han Bin said, "Manager Hao, we have taken care of it. Thank you for the leader of the resort for me. I will not eat any more."

Seeing the two men's resolute attitude, Manager Hao did not insist on it.

After a while, Li Hui said, "The branch sent Jin Haochong's information. He has a history of theft and has been in jail twice for theft."

Han Bin nodded, "This proves that our guess is correct. Check the package information as soon as possible, find the contact person and address to receive the package, and try to intercept the package."

Li Hui replied, "I let Du Qi and the others go to the post office."

Han Bin stood up and stretched, "Go, let's meet Jin Haochong again."


Jin Hao lowered his head and was picking his nails. He smiled when he saw Han Bin and the two come in, "Two police officers, when can you let me go?"

Li Hui said, "You think we are willing to stare at you here, we also want to let you go earlier, the key is that you don't cooperate."

Jin Hao hurriedly said, "Cooperate, I am willing to cooperate."

Han Bin knocked on the table, "Cooperation is not just what you say, it depends on your actual actions."

Jin Hao sighed, "Comrade police, you really misunderstood. It's not that I didn't cooperate, but that this case really has nothing to do with me."

Han Bin did not believe his nonsense, "How much do you know about the theft in the resort?"

Jin Haochong hesitated for a moment, "I heard other guests vaguely mentioned it during the meal and knew about it. The security of the resort is not very good, which is one of the reasons why I left."

"Comrade police, why do you suspect me?"

"Last night, you left the room and asked where you went, but you couldn't tell, and there was no alibi. It's hard not to be suspicious." Li Hui said.

"Comrade, I don't agree with what you said. There are a lot of guests and staff in the resort, and there are too many people who have gone without an alibi."

"We checked your background, you have a history of burglary." Han Bin said.

Jin Hao showed an expression of anger, took a deep breath, and seemed to be holding his anger, "Comrade, I have a criminal record, I have never denied it. But this only proves that I made a mistake before, and does not mean that I and the resort theft The case is related."

"I have changed it, and please stop looking at me with colored eyes."

"I hope you changed it." Han Bin snorted, "but your current attitude doesn't seem to have changed."

"Although I have made mistakes before, I still have the right to travel. I can't fix this case on me just because the resort where I live has a theft. This is unfair. I hope you can respect me." Jin Hao Rushed.

"No one disrespects you. It's because you have a problem with your own approach. You have been perfunctory and never answered directly. How can we trust you?" Han Bin asked back.

"I didn't answer, but I don't know it myself."

Han Bin changed his conversation, "Well, let me ask you something you know. Did you send express delivery yesterday morning?"

Jin Haochong's face changed slightly, and he swallowed, "It's not illegal to send express."

"This is your attitude. I ask, you say, who said you broke the law. Why do you have to be emotional when communicating with the police." Han Bin said.

Jin Hao lowered his head and began to pick his nails again.

"What did you express?"

Jin Haochong hesitated for a moment, and said perfunctorily, "Some personal items."

"What item?" Li Hui sarcastically said, "I just mailed it yesterday, so I can't remember it."

"It's just a mess, nothing to say."

"You haven't figured out how to say it yet." Li Hui raised his eyebrows, then patted the table vigorously, "Say, what is it?"

Jin Haochong said, "It's because my laptop is broken, so I will mail it back and let someone fix it for me."

"Aren't you afraid that it will be worse on the road?" Han Bin asked back.

"An old computer is really going to break, so just get a new one."

"Who did you mail to?"

"a friend."

"What is your name."

"Wang Jiaxian."

"What's his mobile phone number?"

Jin Hao wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, "I can't remember."

"Then how did you write it up?"

Jin Haochong bowed his head again and said nothing.

Han Bin said coldly, "When I ask you, don't tell me. When you find conclusive evidence, it's too late for you to tell me."

Jin Haochong still did not answer.

As time passed by, Han Bin sat smoking a cigarette, thinking about what to eat at noon...

"Tingling bell..." Li Hui's cell phone rang, he glanced at Jin Hao and left the room to answer the call.

After a while, Li Hui opened the door and beckoned Han Bin out.

Han Bin left the house and closed the door, "Any new clues?"

Li Hui smiled and said, "The express has been intercepted. Watches, belts, necklaces, LV bags and cash are all inside. See what this kid has to say."

"That said, this case is also solved."

Li Hui pretended to be mysterious, "It was solved, but the case is not over yet, Jin Haochong should have accomplices."

Han Bin thought for a moment, "The receiver of the express?"

Li Hui asked, "Guess who that person is?"

Han Bin didn't bother to guess, "Stop selling it, just say it quickly."

"The recipient is Ye Zhunhuai. Du Qi checked his files. He has a daughter named Ye Ping!" Li Hui smiled, pretending to be high-pitched, "I thought this woman was suspicious, Wen Guanghui's She knows the best, and it's the bar she proposed to go to."

Han Bin touched his chin, "In this way, I will continue the interrogation. You take people to the police, don't let Ye Ping take the opportunity to escape."

"Don't worry, you can't run." Li Hui pressed a word, and then led people away.

Han Bin called the policeman Xiao Wu to interrogate Jin Haochong with him.

Policeman Xiao Wu, whose full name is Wu Donglai, is mostly used as a human-shaped camera.

Han Bin returned to the interrogation room, sat on the table next to him, raised his chin at Jin Hao, "What does Ye Zhunhuai have to do with you?"

Jin Hao shivered, then lowered his head silently.

"Okay, look up. It's useless to lower your head this time. Not only did we find the recipient, but the contents of the courier were also intercepted. It was the stolen goods in the burglary case. Your charge has been taken seriously. "

"Bang!" Wu Dong slapped the table and scolded, "Look up!"

Jin Hao raised his head slowly, looking at Han Bin with a complicated expression.

"Let you take the initiative to confess, you won't listen. Now the evidence is as strong as a mountain, you still wrestle, want to sit through the prison?"

"Comrade police, we didn't twist it, I..." Jin Hao rushed to speak but stopped.

Han Bin said indifferently, "It's okay, you don't want to say it, let's just wait, I don't care. When my colleague catches your accomplice. If you don't say it, they will say it too. You are not the first time you have committed an offence Now, the policy for commutation should be very clear."

Jin Haochong hesitated for a while, "Comrade police, I said...I will tell you all, I am willing to cooperate with the police, and I want to reduce my sentence."

Han Bin asked, "So, you admit that you robbed the house?"

Jin Haochong denied, "No, no, I didn't burglary, I have changed it, and I won't do that stupid thing anymore."

Wu Donglai scolded, "Jin Haochong, what is your attitude? You think it's fun to be a policeman. You have already taken the stolen goods and got it, so you dare to be tough."

"Comrade police, you didn't understand what I meant. I admit that I sent the courier, and I put the contents in it, but I didn't burglary. The person with the surname Wen asked me to steal it. "

Han Bin frowned, "Wen's full name?"

"Wen Guanghui is the person who reported the theft. The watch and cash belonged to him. He invited me to take it from the house. I understand the law. I don't dare to steal in the house now. I don't want to go to jail anymore."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, "How did Wen Guanghui contact you?"

"We've seen one side, the other time we call, by the way, it's the recipient's number."

"Do you know Ye Ping?" Han Bin said.

"Ye Ping?" Jin Hao thought for a moment, "I don't know, what's the matter?"

Han Bin pinched his forehead. If what Jin Haochong said is true, then the case is a little different from what Li Hui guessed. This case is probably an oolong.

Wen Guanghui was the mastermind in planning this Oolong theft. As for whether Ye Ping participated in the case, it is still unknown.

Han Bin took out his cell phone and immediately notified Li Hui, asking him to control Ye Ping and Wen Guanghui together.


Outside the small building where Wen Guanghui lives.

Li Hui hung up his cell phone, "Fortunately, Binzi reminded him in time, and almost missed a fish."

Zhao Ming asked in a low voice, "Brother Hui, what's the matter?"

"That old boy Wen Guanghui also participated in the case."

"Huh?" Zhao Ming was stunned for a moment. "He stole himself? Is it to blackmail the resort?"

"Let's arrest people first, you will feel at ease when you catch them, and you will be interrogated together at that time." Li Hui said.

"Group leader, how do we catch it?" Tian Li said.

Li Hui glanced at his watch, "Don't worry, it's noon right away, and don't do it when they are out for dinner."


Approaching noon, Wen Guanghui and Ye Ping walked out of the small building.

Wen Guanghui hugged Ye Ping's shoulders, "Sister, what do you want to eat?"

"Eat something cheap." Ye Ping sighed.

"What's cheap to eat, we came out to play, so I have to eat something good."

Ye Ping glared at him, "The property has been stolen, you still have the mood to eat."

Wen Guanghui patted his chest, "Brother has money, so don't take it to heart. I know you love that LV bag. It's okay. When you celebrate your birthday, your husband will give it to you."

Ye Ping feels better, "I hate it, who promised to marry you."

"If you don't agree, LV's bag will not be delivered."

Ye Ping pouted, "Huh, I don't have any sincerity."

Wen Guanghui kissed her, "I'm joking with you, I won't give it to you, to whom."

"If you hate it, you know to bully others." Ye Ping said coquettishly.

Wen Guanghui laughed and put his arms around Ye Ping's waist, "Go, don't hesitate to say what you want to eat, brother treat."

Ye Ping was puzzled, "Old Wen, you don't have money anymore."

"I don’t have any money anymore, but I lost my things at the resort, and I can’t be hungry. I’ll sue you, the resort is also responsible for the things being stolen. I eat him to save him face. Go around." Wen Guanghui showed a ruthless look.

"Otherwise, I will let the entire restaurant know that there has been a theft in the resort, depending on their business."

Ye Ping showed a look of surprise, and stopped to look at the other party, "Isn't that eating the king's meal?"


Ye Ping hugged Wen Guanghui's shoulders, "I am not afraid if you are there!"

"That's right, Brother Wen, I am your heaven, and you are my land." Wen Guanghui showed a smirk, "When I'm full and full, I'm plowing your fertile field, Brother Wen."

Ye Ping hit Brother Wen's chest with his fist, "Hey, you are necrotic, you say this again."

"Haha..." Brother Wen smiled even more proudly.

At this moment, several people came from all around.

Li Hui shouted, "Police, don't move!"

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