Detective from The Future

Chapter 941: cause of death

"We are friends! It's not normal to have a key." Tang Kaidi took it for granted.

Han Bin also has a lot of friends, but he never gives his keys to his friends.

Of course, it is also possible that the relationship between the two is relatively good, and Han Bin did not go further.

"Did the door lock be broken when you entered the door?"

Tang Kaidi thought for a while, "Because he hasn't answered the phone, I was rather anxious, so I didn't pay attention."

"Have you moved anything in the house since you came in?"

"No, I was so silly at the time. I ran over to see He Jun. I found that He Jun was out of breath. I tried to save him, but he didn't save him. I touched the **** myself." Tang Kaidi said At this point, he couldn't help taking out a paper towel and wiping it, "It's disgusting to me. I will never raise a dog again."

Han Bin asked, "Is that Alaska He Jun's?"

"Yes, it's his. That Alaska is called Lucky. He Jun loves Lucky very much. He buys the best dog food and the best clothes. They are all famous brands, and they are not cheaper than humans."

"How long has this dog He Jun been raised?"

"It's been about three years. He Jun has been raised since he was a child, so Lucky listens to him very much. He is very good. Lucky can play tricks, carry baskets, and know money. I just want to raise one just because it is so cute. Husky."

"Do you and He Jun meet often?"

Tang Kaidi nodded, "We are very good friends."

"Although the facts of the case are not particularly clear yet, judging from the situation at the scene, He Jun should have been killed. Based on your knowledge of He Jun, has he committed any crime?"

Tang Kaidi sighed, "You don't know He Jun. He is a very good person, very caring, and especially likes small animals. He doesn't think about hurting anyone, and he rarely conflicts with people. I still can't believe that who would kill him so cruelly."

People are one-sided, and selectively see the side they like.

Based on the case of Rongyuan Community, Han Bin speculated, "Have He Jun had a conflict with a person because of a dog?"

"Dog." Tang Kaidi thought for a while, "It's true, I remembered that a few days ago a man had to beat Lucky, but He Jun stopped him, and the two of them started fighting.

In the end, it was the people from the property who helped mediate, and He Juncai did not call the police. This is just a small matter, no one will kill because of this kind of thing. "

"Why did He Jun clashed with another man? I want to know the specific reason?"

"The man doesn't have eyesight, he doesn't know where he stepped on the shit, he doesn't know whether it is human **** or shit. He has to frame Lucky, saying it is Lucky's shit. He also asked He Jun to compensate him with a thousand yuan. He said that he was a pair of famous brand shoes. He Jun naturally refused to say what brand of shoes were. They are all worn out, let alone a thousand yuan, a hundred yuan is not worth, that man It's blackmail.

Seeing that He Jun wouldn't give it, the man was going to play Lucky. He also said that he was going to get Lucky out of his **** for testing. If the shoe was stomped on by Lucky, he would eat it. If it weren't for Lucky, he would eat it.

You said this is not abnormal. He Jun doesn't want to be familiar with him, so he wants to take Lucky away. The man got anxious and beat He Jun.

If it wasn't for the property company's people to say peace, He Jun would definitely call the police. "

"Then as far as you know, that man stepped on shit, is it Lucky?"

Tang Kaidi firmly said, "It's definitely not. There are so many dogs in the community, why should he call Lucky? At first glance, it is framed, and besides, people will shit. Just because the dog can't speak, he insists on the dog. It’s not about bullying the dog."

"What is the name of the man who clashed with He Jun?"

"I don't know this. But that person is also a resident of the community, you can ask the property, they should know."

Han Bin called Jiang Yang and told him to go to the property to find out the situation and find the person who was in conflict with He Jun.

"Except for this man who stepped on shit, did He Jun have conflicts with anyone else?"

"No, He Jun is very well-behaved, a very nice person, who is very enthusiastic when I meet, and no one dislikes him."

"Where does He Jun's dog usually defecate?"

"Sometimes at home, of course, if you go out for a dog walk, you may also be in the community."

"Where is the neighborhood?"

"It's on the lawn most of the time. Lucky likes to run on the lawn."

"After that dog defecated, will He Jun clean it up?" Han Bin asked.

"Should not this kind of work be done by cleaners? He Jun pays property fees. The property company can't just take money and don't do things." Tang Kaidi took it for granted.

Zhao Ming curled his lips, "The cleaner has a fixed cleaning time. Your dog shit, and the cleaner can't follow it 24 hours a day. If a kid goes to play on the lawn and steps on the shit, who is responsible? "

"That's not to blame the dogs, they don't understand this either."

Zhao Ming hummed, "Do you know that dogs don’t understand, people don’t understand. Dogs can’t clean up, but people can’t clean up. It’s okay to raise a dog, but the premise is not to hinder other people’s freedom, if someone else’s dog is there every day. Are you happy when you **** at your door?"

Tang Kaidi gave Zhao Ming a white stare, turned his head aside, and said nothing.

Han Bin continued to ask, "Do you know the contact information of the family of the deceased?"

"do not know."

"How many keys are there in He Jun's house, did you give them to others?"

Tang Kaidi hesitated for a while, "He never told me."

Han Bin handed the other party a business card, "Let's talk about this today, you can contact me if you think of it."

"Han Bin, the captain of the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade." Tang Kaidi glanced at Han Bin, showing a hint of surprise, "I can't tell, you are the captain of the second squadron at such a young age."

Han Bin turned and left lying on his side.

Zhao Ming went out of the house and shrugged his shoulders, "This stuff makes people feel uncomfortable looking at it."

Han Bin walked up to Ding Xifeng and briefly said the contents of the transcript.

Ding Xifeng listened and thought thoughtfully, "Zhang Haonan was smoked to death because of conflicts with smoking. This He Jun had eaten **** before his death, and it is probably also related to the dog. Find that and He Jun Whoever has a conflict, give him a note."

"I have sent someone to investigate."

During the conversation, forensic doctor Li Can walked over, and Han Bin clearly saw that he took off a layer of gloves from his hand, with a layer of gloves on it. In the past, even when facing the carrion, he just wore a pair of gloves.

"Captain, Korean team, I have completed the preliminary autopsy."

"] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

Li Can pointed to the dead dog on the side, "Then I will follow the order and talk about the dog's situation first. This dog ate a lot of food before he died, and it should be supported alive."

Han Bin said, "Puppies for a few months may be gluttonous and ignorant, and they will hold themselves to death. Such a big dog, as long as it is not stupid, it shouldn't be eaten to death."

Li Can continued, "According to my guess, the dog ate a lot of relatively dry and salty food at the beginning, and then gave the dog water, the food in the stomach will swell and the dog's stomach will burst."

Han Bin said, "According to your analysis, this dog should be very painful when it dies, and there should be a certain amount of time from drinking water to swelling food in its stomach. If the dog's wailing is too loud, it is impossible not to be alarmed. The neighbors around. Even the neighbors in the whole community are alarmed."

Li Can said, "It's possible."

"When was this dog's death?"

"The preliminary estimate is between 8 and 10 last night."

Han Bin asked, "Does the dog have anything to do with the victim's death?"

"It's related, it's a very big relationship." Li Can's expression was a little weird, and he stroked his thoughts, "Dog belongs to the rectum. After eating food, it can be excreted in about an hour. This dog should have a lot of it before death. Excrement.

These **** should have been planted into the mouth of the deceased, which eventually caused the deceased to block the trachea and suffocate to death. As for how much **** the deceased ate, we still need to uncover the corpse. "

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