Detective Training Manual

: Very important notice

   is going to be on the shelves, so it is customary to have a testimonial on the shelves.

   This book is actually a very risky attempt, the have seen this, and everyone understands it. It's such a model.

   It’s been almost three years since I wrote the book.

   And because I have to read the comments of readers, I can finally feel what readers like to watch and what they don’t like to watch.

   This is the first time I feel ‘I’m a little better’ after writing three books.

   So, please help. Even if you read the pirated version, come and order it tomorrow. For a few cents, in fact, if you eat bowl of noodles, I can order this entire book.

   There is also a matter of explosive changes on the shelves, of course it will be explosive.

   I even have the idea of ​​hitting [habitual explosion] this achievement.

  Don’t believe me. In fact, this book is more likely to explode. As long as you leave a message quickly, I will write it smoothly.

   Like it was written in Chapter 1, this book is actually a work done by us. All readers are also growing up with Zhou Yan~

   Anyway... At 0 o'clock tonight, in time for the New Year's Eve bell, we will see you or leave! !

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