Detective Training Manual

Chapter 107: help me!

"Famous Detective Training Manual (

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback.

Lin Xi also clicked on the message easily.

It was found to be a ‘commissioned comment. ’

The commenter's name is "Reminiscence Bianzhou". The head is a photo, which seems to be a family portrait. You can vaguely see parents, children, and an elderly grandmother. The photo is very old, and there are even traces of transparent glue on it. .

And the above comment is like this.

[Thanks to Xiyan Detective Agency.

Thanks Lin Xi.

Thanks Zhou Yan.

It was you who let me, an old man, untie a knot at this age.

When I get older, I can't help thinking about memories from a long time ago.

Sometimes, it always feels like our generation has gradually become the characters in the memories.

And the new era belongs to young people like you.

Therefore, I hope that your detective society will get better and better, and I hope your life will become more and more happier. 】

After this comment, there is a system prompt.

[Evaluation given by the client: five-star]

Zhou Yan looked at the message... "Um, is this the uncle in the morning?"

Lin Xi nodded: "It must be, because only those who have transferred the commission to the corresponding account of the detective agency are eligible for evaluation."

"Um...really, hey? It seems that there is also a suspicion of fraud. If you collude with some people, transfer money to each other, and then review the comments, that's okay."

Lin Xi frowned: "Why do you always think about these crooked ways? We are detectives. We must use our strength to attract clients, not by commenting.

But... you are right, it is indeed possible to be popular.

But don't worry too much, as long as you treat every case seriously, then our detective agency will eventually be welcomed. "

Zhou Yan noticed that when Lin Xi said these words, his brows and eyes were full of tenderness.

He could feel that this stubborn and arrogant woman was really looking forward to this detective agency in his heart.

It was because she was still thinking that one day, her father suddenly came back, standing at the door of the detective agency, looking at the golden sign, and being able to have a long-lost hug with her daughter.

I still remember that in the previous conversation, Lin Xi seemed to vowed to put her unscrupulous father on the ground and couldn't stand up.

Ha ha.

The appearance is strong, but the heart is soft and outrageous.

Zhou Yan spread his hands helplessly, and then focused on the message.

"Um... But, this old man blesses our detective agency. The sentence [I wish you more and more happiness in life], how come it sounds so awkward, as if we are already living together. "

"People are getting older, and they are not accompanied by themselves. When they see other people, they will definitely subconsciously squat together, don't mind." Lin Xi said.

"Oh, by the way, I will have a computer for you tomorrow. At that time, I will be pleased with you on this [Detective Network]. Find some simple but influential cases. It is very important to the early operation of our detective agency. The essential.

As for now... you can use this computer to get used to it. "

With that, Lin Xi got up and motioned to Zhou Yan to sit down.

Zhou Yan sat in front of the computer and studied the "Detective Network" carefully.

When I was watching it just now, I thought this thing was really convenient, but now I have studied it carefully and found that this network is even more powerful than I thought.

It seems to be connected to the police station system. The field that each detective agency is good at, how many cases it has received, and the evaluation of each case are all on it.

As for the client's piece, you can also calculate the location of your detective agency. For example, if you are in the sub-city area, you have time this afternoon and want to entrust a detective to help you find something.

Then it will be automatically pushed to the nearby detective agency.

The entrusted money and credit records will be displayed after negotiation between the two parties, which avoids acts such as repayment on credit.

Zhou Yan just murmured in front of the computer all afternoon, and gradually, it was time to get off work.

After saying goodbye to Lin Xi, he left the detective agency.

After that, Zhou Yan was on the side of the road for a while, and finally decided to take the bus.

No words all the way...

After Zhou Yan returned to Li Huan's apartment, the elevator opened...


Zhou Yan was taken aback, because he saw it, and posted a piece of paper in front of the door where he lived.

He walked over and saw on the paper:

[I'm going to the TV station for an interview. I'm afraid you are busy, so I didn't call you. I don't know when I will be busy. Wait for me tomorrow and invite you to dinner~]

The signature under the note is———【Li Huan】

Zhou Yan looked at this note and was shocked!

what? Li Huan actually wants to be interviewed by the TV station?

But... but she is a little girl, why do you want to interview her suddenly?

Could it be because of her book publishing?

Isn't it? What's your level, interviewing as soon as the book is published?

Zhou Yan shook his head, opened the door and returned to the house.

In fact, he didn’t know how much influence the book "No Life Left" had when it was published in the world before his death. The sales of this book remained the same in the detective world 100 years after Agatha’s death. No one can surpass.

Even the famous Conan Doyle is willing to bow down.

And such a **** story of an isolated island, a secret room, and a serial murder, in the hands of a girl who has not experienced the suffering of the world and still holds the yearning for all the good things in her heart, what kind of contrast will appear.

Zhou Yan didn't know.

No one even knows.

Perhaps, at this moment, there will be a counterexample to the view that Zhou Yan said before, ‘People who write mystery novels have a dark heart.’


Zhou Yan went to bed after entering the house

What he is thinking now is... he has income now, so... do you want to rent a house by yourself?

I ate soft rice here before because I was really nervous in my pocket.

But today, one case has income of several thousand yuan. In this case, it is still dependent on Li Huan's house not to leave. Wouldn't it be a real soft meal?

This is not in line with his tall image of being tall and stalwart, never asking for help when encountering difficulties, and courageously overcoming difficulties with his own strength.

Zhou Yan was lying on the bed thinking...



A soft sound.

Something happened to hit Zhou Yan's face.

"Fuck?" Zhou Yan was taken aback, turned his head, and saw a letter lying on the side of his head.

"Hey! What! It just disappeared for two days, come again!"

Zhou Yan yelled angrily, then copied the envelope and saw the mailing address and recipient on it.

Sure enough, it was still the [Sunday Bar] or [Fat Melon Harvest].

Zhou Yan really understands a bit now, why the self before rebirth put all these letters in a big cardboard box.

This thing is really annoying, it's useless, and it just falls to you.

The most important thing is that many can't avoid it.

When I first showed up, I was a little scared, but the more times I came, there was only worry.

Zhou Yan sighed depressed, and looked at the envelope, originally wanting to throw it aside.

But after hesitating, he tore it apart.

Inside this time, there is still a piece of paper.

Zhou Yan took out the letter paper, and there were only two large characters on it!

【help me】

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