Detective Training Manual

Chapter 109: The sun can only shine on the surface

"Famous Detective Training Manual (

Uh... this sounds like a child.

But right, orphanage? The most are children.

But this commission... Zhou Yan hesitated.

"Um...I received a commission on "Detective Network", saying that I was looking for [Lucky Star], and the client... wouldn't it be you."

"Yes it is......"

On the other side of the phone, the child's voice was still very small, as if he was hiding in the bed, pressing his voice as hard as he could, not wanting others to hear it.

Zhou Yan frowned: "What are you doing, why did you get into trouble with these bear kids?"

At this moment, Lin Xi on the side seemed to see Zhou Yan's entanglement, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yan curled his lips: " seems to be a bear kid again."

"Hehe, what's the matter? The highest case we can come into contact with at our level now is probably looking for missing persons. As for looking for cats and dogs, there is a lot of work such as staring at third parties and taking pictures. Children naturally It's also a frequent visitor."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was a little embarrassed, feeling that this low-level detective felt like the detectives in his previous life did the same.

And on the lips, he still reminded: "I said the boss, this bear money~" As he said, he also pointed to the words "delegation: 10000" on the screen: "Can you trust them?"

Lin Xi smiled: "Don't worry, just ask the specific situation~"

"Okay~" The boss said that it was okay, and he certainly didn't care about it. Zhou Yan directly turned into the microphone: "Uh, what, I don't know what the [Lucky Star] you asked us to find is something."

He worked hard to show his friendliness to the ‘customer’.

Unexpectedly, a sentence came directly on the other end of the phone: "I have to hang up, please, come hurry up."



On the other end of the phone, there was a busy tone.

Zhou Yan's face was dumbfounded, he looked up at his boss, and found that the boss was also looking at him dumbfounded.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xi asked in confusion.

"Hang up."

"Huh?" Lin Xi was startled: "What did the other person say?"

"Say... let's go hurry up. And the voice is very small, and the phone hangs up in a hurry, as if..." Zhou Yan frowned and hesitated for a while: "It's like It's the same as what threat he is facing."

"..." Lin Xi was silent.

After a second!

"Go! Let's go over!"

Lin Xi was so direct and rushed out the door.


The taxi swiftly moved forward, and Lin Xi and Zhou Yan sat in the back row.

When getting on the bus, Lin Xi also specially asked the driver's master to drive quickly.

Zhou Yan thought for a while: "I said the boss, why are we so anxious."

Lin Xi frowned slightly: "I don't know, but you said the tone of the kid on the other side of the phone was not right. I think we have to hurry over."

"Do you think that maybe the child is really in danger?"

Lin Xi shook his head: "I don't know, but hurry over, it's always correct."

Zhou Yan tilted his head, he couldn't understand what was going on.

As soon as the little boy sent out the request, he made the call.

So what kind of danger can he be? If there is danger, he will call the police directly.

But it doesn't mean that he is not in danger... Listening to his tone on the phone, it is clear that he is under a huge threat.

But you are threatened, why are you taking the time to send a request of [Looking for Lucky Star].

Also, what exactly is the lucky star?

"Hey, the children nowadays really don't make people worry." Zhou Yan muttered in his heart.

Not much to say, the taxi drove four stops and finally stopped.

And after Zhou Yan and Lin Xi got out of the car, the [Sunshine Orphanage] was in front of them.

Uh... how do you put it, this sunshine orphanage is really sunny, and it's not the same as the dark orphanages that look like ancient castles on TV.

The front entrance is full of woodcarvings full of cartoon elements, and colorful paints are spit on the fence. Looking inside, there are flower beds, green grass, and children's toys such as swings and slides on the lawn.

The time has not yet reached noon, and the sun is shining scatteredly in the courtyard. In this environment, there is a small three-story building, which is not too big, but it looks unusually warm.

Zhou Yan stood at the entrance of the courtyard: "The orphanage it all like this?"

"What? Did you live particularly poorly when you were a kid?" Lin Xi asked, looking around.

"Um, I forgot. Anyway, I feel that under such an environment, it seems impossible that an emergency case will happen."

Just as he was talking, Lin Xi had already opened the door of the orphanage.

"Let's go in first." Lin Xi said.

Zhou Yan also followed.

Walking through the lawn, the surrounding environment gives people a very light feeling, and the faint smell of grass makes people feel refreshed.

Lin Xi walked to the door of the orphanage and knocked on the door.

Zhou Yan noticed that the door handle was deliberately made into the shape of a little elephant's was very cute.

Soon, the door was opened.

An elder sister with glasses was standing inside the door.

At the time of opening the door, Zhou Yan and Lin Xi carried out a brief ‘scan’ on the eldest sister who opened the door almost at the same time.

I’m over 40 years old. I don’t care about my skin, but I’m still healthy. I’m not fat or thin. I’m not too tall. I have clean clothes all over my body. Maybe I just changed it today. Maybe I’m a clean person.

There are a few hidden white hairs on the top of the head. At this age, it may be often tiring.

Myopia is not low. Between the eyes, there seemed to be the kind of oppression that elementary school teachers gave.

"Are you...?" The eldest sister looked at Zhou Yan and Lin Xi, wondering.

"Oh, we are..." Zhou Yangang said, suddenly, he realized something, and quickly closed his mouth again.

At this time, Lin Xi took the stubbornly incomparably cooperating: "We want to adopt a child."

Lin Xi's words were just right, so the eldest sister in the door didn't notice anything wrong.

As for why you don't just say that you are a detective.

Of course, it’s to be on the safe side, because the tense appearance of the child who issued the order is really a bit uneasy. In case there is any shady operation like'abuse of orphans' in this orphanage, then you It was embarrassing to reveal that he was a detective when he walked in.

When the eldest sister heard that she had adopted the child, she didn't seem to be so excited.

Instead, he looked up and down the two young couples suspiciously.

After a few seconds, she hesitated and stepped aside.

"come in......"

She said, in her tone, there doesn't seem to be much kindness...

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