Detective Training Manual

Chapter 112: Lucky Star!

"Famous Detective Training Manual (

Lin Xi is a female creature with strong mobility, and Zhou Yan yelled ‘Who! 'Meanwhile.

She quickly rushed out of the door of the orphanage.

Because the window was open at the time, and Zhou Yan was facing the stairs, the greatest possibility of this little stone was that someone stood in the courtyard and threw it on Zhou Yan through the window.

However, Lin Xi was still a step slower. After she rushed out the door, all she saw was the sun, grass, and swing outside.

No one was seen anyway.

She still gambled and ran to the head along the side of the orphanage building, but there was still no one.

Well, it seems that I don't know where to go anymore.

Lin Xi returned to the hall and saw Zhou Yan still squatting on the ground, staring at the little note in a daze.

She leaned over: "What's up there?"

Zhou Yan handed the small note to Lin Xi: "Stickman, the handwriting should have been drawn by a child."

Lin Xi took the note and frowned.

"Emmm...this picture is too bad."

She muttered to herself, but since a child painted it, she can't ask for too much, but...what does he mean to draw a villain?

Also, is this stone-throwing person the thirteenth child?

In this gap that Lin Xi pondered, Zhou Yan also opened the detective's notes.

[Looking up at the abyss: means the 13th person is behind you? 】

"Yeah." Zhou Yan nodded: "Looking at it now, it is very likely that the thirteenth child threw himself with a stone. But why do the people in the orphanage conceal the existence of the thirteenth child?"

[Ye Yu Sheng Lan: This fantasy won't come true, will it? 】

Zhou Yan frowned: "I'd rather not commission this time, and I don't want this kind of thing to come true."

[The little black house of the pavilion owner: Is there an attic? The image means that a person climbs a ladder into a square. 】

It seems that the delay in this note hasn't been too long, and the people in the book have already begun to discuss what this little note means.

But this brother still thinks too much, because this painting is obviously a stickman, but the person who painted it is definitely not very old, so the painter is very rough.

But even so, it is still a stickman, and it does not represent anything else.

[Mu Zichen Jiu Ri: You should think of "stickers" as children, after all, it is impossible for staff to make suspicious behaviors.

Does it represent someone, or a story about someone. 】

Zhou Yan pondered for a moment: "Does the stickman represent someone? But... this painting has no characteristics at all. How can I determine who it represents?

As for whether it represents someone's story... it's even harder to guess.

Hey, children’s thinking is sometimes simple, but it is really uncomfortable for adults to think about it. "

[Ordinary humans: Does it mean that the thirteenth child is different from the twelve children]

"Well, it should be different, but how is it different, I don't know yet."

[PDC Chapter Beihai: Anyway, I haven't kept up with this child's brain circuit. 】

"Yes, the child's brain circuit is really difficult to deal with."

at this time......

"Hey?" Lin Xi was taken aback suddenly.

She shoved Zhou Yan, then turned the small note upside down and pointed to the stickman on it.

"You look at the stickman... does it mean the toilet?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "Toilet?"

"Yeah, outside your men's room, isn't there a pattern that resembles this stickman?"

Zhou Yan frowned: "Then he writes the toilet two characters badly..."

"Children, I haven't gone to elementary school yet. Who knows how to write so many strokes in the toilet!"

Zhou Yan blinked his eyes: "Fuck? So, this means, let's go to the men's room?"


Lin Xi nodded: "No matter what, let's go take a look first."


In this way, under Lin Xi's brain circuit, the two came to the men's room.

This is a corner of a corridor, and it is not connected to any place. That is to say, unless you are a person who goes to the toilet, you will never go here.

And on the door of the toilet, there is really a little figure drawn.

On the side representing the lady, there is also a small figure drawn, just a circle head, a triangular skirt, and two legs under the skirt.

"Heh...this kid's painting is too different. The arms on the door are obviously not so wide." Zhou Yan muttered.

"Don't complain, how many art cells can a child have. Go in!"

"Um..." Zhou Yan just wanted to ask, why didn't you enter, but you knew the answer all at once, so he had to push the men's room door angrily.

And this men's toilet...Let's not describe it, it's the same as 90% of men's toilets.

On the wall facing the door, there is a glass window, but the glass is pasted with a plastic sheet to prevent someone outside staring at you and peeing through the window.

Zhou Yan pushed open the partition door of the toilet and found that there was no one inside.

"Emmm...Is it wrong? The villain represents, not the I was thinking about it, suddenly...


A knocking sound suddenly came from outside the toilet window.

Zhou Yan hurriedly turned his head, and then through the plastic sheeting on the window, he saw something round and round outside.

Okay, that's a child's head. Because of its height, it can only leak out.

Zhou Yan quickly opened the window.

He saw a little boy standing outside...

The two are just one big and one small, looking across the wall of the men's room.

The young boy is older than he thought. He should be about 6 years old, and he is about to go to elementary school.

And this child certainly does not belong to any of the 12 children before.

He is the thirteenth child!

I saw him standing outside, looking at Zhou Yan very nervously, and looking around from time to time, as if he was afraid that someone would notice him.

Zhou Yan's expression became serious.

"Is it your commission?" he asked.

"Yeah." The boy nodded nervously, Zhou Yan could see that his chest was rising and falling quickly.

Zhou Yan didn't care about anything else, so he waved his hand and motioned the boy to come over.

The boy did.

Zhou Yan dragged the boy and carried him in through the window.

In the process, the child was also unambiguous. Just ask.

"Have you found the lucky star?"

Zhou Yan put the little boy on the ground: "I said little brother, let's not talk about anything else. You want us to find lucky stars, but you have to tell us what the lucky stars are!"

The voice just fell...

The little boy stretched out a hand...

"This is the lucky star."

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