Detective Training Manual

Chapter 122: The storm before the detective exam

Zhou Yan looked at this message and was stunned for a while.

"Ren... mission?"

Is there such a thing in this "Detective Notes"?

But... how does this task seem so strange.

The task is to find Lin Xi's father.

But they have been missing for 7 years. Famous detectives all over the world are looking for them. They haven't found them for 7 years. Isn't it a pitfall for you to post this kind of mission to me?

All right, if you insist, you can make sense.

But this [reward] just doesn't make sense.

What is [Reward: Lin Xi]?

Did I find her father, she is mine?

Stop making trouble, you say it's mine, it's mine?

In case I do find it, walk over and tell her, ‘now you are mine, come on, give me a smile! Then she smiled and lifted my heavenly spirit cover. Whose thing is this?

Do you dare to leave your phone number, ID, name, address, etc. If the reward is not redeemed at that time, I will find some masters of cultivation in the book, let them take me for multiple lives, and come to your house to find you Go afterwards!

As for this punishment...

Oh, become a fat melon, yeah, want me to go back to the mental hospital again, yelling that I am a fat melon, right?

If you are really capable of this, you can tell me where the bar is on Sunday.

Zhou Yan didn't mean anything anyway, so he complained in his heart.

Before he knew it, he arrived at the station.

It is 8:50 in the morning, and the Xiyan Detective Agency has already opened its doors.

With a bet on him, Zhou Yan swaggered open the door of the detective agency without any fear.

Lin Xi was drinking coffee as usual, and after seeing Zhou Yan coming in, he gave him an uncomfortable look.

"Hey~" Zhou Yan smiled and sat in his seat.

This kind of lateness, the boss can only watch, but can't say anything, it's really cool! !

As for Lin Xi, she seemed to have completely returned to her normal appearance. The little girl who was lying on the sofa yesterday has disappeared.

"Why, I'm very unconvinced when I lost the bet?" Zhou Yan still owed a beating.

"Heh, am I the kind of person who can't afford to lose?" Lin Xi chuckled lightly.

"I don't know, I just persuade you, if you are not convinced, don't hold yourself in your heart, hit the wall, or shout twice, it will alleviate a lot, hehehe~"

Zhou Yan said without a sense of danger.

But the voice just fell...

"Okay, I'm fine." Lin Xi said suddenly: "I know, you owe you so much, just want me to be angry with you, by the way, you can turn your attention to you, so that you can take me little by little. I forgot yesterday’s news."

"Um..." Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment.

"I'm not as fragile as you think. My **** father has been lost for so many years. I actually didn't expect him to stand in front of me again. It was just a whim when I heard what was said in the news yesterday. I’m a girl, and I cry once in a while, and I’m not so embarrassed, right."

Lin Xi said with a smile.

"This... okay." Seeing that Lin Xi had already seen his intentions, Zhou Yan shrugged his shoulders angrily: "I'm the one who talks too much."


"No, you didn't talk too much, because you have successfully made me angry." Lin Xi said.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was surprised: "I...I just want you to change your mind."

"Yeah, you succeeded." Lin Xi said, and then took out a stack of books from under her own work: "You really helped me a lot. Just now, I was still hesitating. Is it too cruel to you? Now, seeing you owe you so much...I don't feel sorry for you at all!"

While talking, Lin Xi walked up to Zhou Yan while carrying a stack of books, slammed the book on his desk.

The entire desk flicked up.

"This...what's this?" Zhou Yan was shocked.

Lin Xi stood beside him, looking at him condescendingly, with a wicked smile on his face: "Assistant! Guide! Book!..."

She said these three words very hard, and with each word, Zhou Yan's brain buzzed.

"Fuck? Why do you want to give me a tutorial book?!" Zhou Yan's volume went up.

"Obviously, because you are going to take the exam." Lin Xi still smiled and said, but Zhou Yan looked at this woman's smile, how is it so similar to the perverted woman before?

It's chilly.

"I... can I not learn." Zhou Yan asked tentatively.

When he read the stack of books, his head hurts.

In a person's life, if the pressure in life is not counted, the most unforgettable thing is to learn.

Learning this stuff has a magical power. Even if you know that learning can make life easier in the future, your parents and teachers will tell you that learning is extremely important, but... you just don’t want to learn.

Is it because you can't understand it?


Are you stupid?

Not really!

This is the magical power of learning itself.

Even if you travel through time and space and go back to the young learning period, you will probably eat all the words Zeng Jin said, "If I could study well in those years," everything in my stomach.

You still don't want to learn.

So... Zhou Yan persuaded.

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Even if he had forgotten his own various past lives, his fear of learning has not diminished at all.

Lin Xi looked satisfied with Zhou Yan's appearance. She smiled and replied: "No, you must learn!"

"Why, can't I be a salted fish myself?"

"Of course not. I'm a detective agency. Do you think that I will keep you for nothing? You work hard and study hard, and then you will be admitted to the detective qualification. You are considered an apprentice.

But if you don't do anything, and you really have been hanging around here, then it will be a bit of a downgrade of this ‘Xiyan Detective Agency’. "

When she said ‘Xiyan Detective Agency’, she also deliberately increased the tone of the word ‘yan’.

The meaning is obvious, that is to say...

The name of this detective agency, but you have a copy, and in the end you are not even a detective... is it a bit unreasonable!

"But..." Zhou Yan still wanted to argue, but after seeing Lin Xi's eyes, he could only sigh helplessly: "Well...I'll learn."

"Hehe, that's the truth." She said, "Don't be so sad. If you pass the detective exam, your salary will naturally become higher."

"Really~" Zhou Yan shook his head, not high in nature: "But...I am a lazy person. I can't guarantee that I can really learn if I say learning. Go in."

The voice hasn't fallen.....

"It's okay." Lin Xi smiled and comforted: "Then, subconsciously squeezed her fist...I will accompany you to learn~"

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