Detective Training Manual

Chapter 125: Detective exam (3)

Soon, the examination room was full.

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And this old lady invigilated, in the ten minutes before the exam, she gave all the examinees present in the room.

I saw her standing on the podium, looking around all the candidates below.

"Introduce yourself to everyone. My name is Millhouse Kelly. You can directly call me Mrs. Millhouse!

I am a detective, at the level of Marple, and my main area of ​​responsibility is smuggling! Contraband carry! Anti-drug! steal! And check the undercover criminals in the police system! "

Zhou Yan heard these short sentences, and a few air-conditioned "hiss~hiss~" sounds came from behind him.

Mrs. Millhouse's self-introduction continues...

"I am 55 years old this year, and I have no friends for most of my life, because I am a person who never knows social etiquette and does not show mercy to anyone.

I once took over the cheating of my partner in public.

Although he parted ways with me after that, I haven't regretted it so far!

I think there should be no deception in this world!

When I say this, I just want to tell everyone that if I find someone cheating, then please don't have the thought of "moving me with a poor life experience", because I can't listen to a word!

Oh, yes, and to advise those naive children who are trying to cheat, don't think how smart they are.

The criminals I faced back then, as long as they were discovered, they would go to jail or even the death penalty. It is conceivable how exhausting it was for them to hide things.

But... no one can escape my eyes! "

Her voice was getting louder and louder, and her tone was full of an aura of disrecognition.

"Moreover, I am a man. If I catch anyone who cheats on an exam, I will definitely be punished severely. I have been in this circle for decades. Trust me. If you still want to be a detective, don’t Deceive yourself and others under my nose!"

And haven't waited for her to finish...

"That...that..." a voice came from behind, and everyone looked at it, only to see a man of about 30 years old standing up tremblingly: "I... The exam has not yet started. If I give up the exam now, there should be no problem."

"Heh." Mrs. Millhouse smiled: "No! From now on, no one should think of this door, even if you don't want to take the exam, you will sit there for me until the end of the exam!

Of course, if you are the kind of salted fish that will never pass the test if you don’t cheat, then I advise you not to mess around, because if I find you write a word on the paper, I will pass it, and All the tricks all over your body have been found out and thrown in your face!

I... especially enjoy this process! "

The whole classroom... silent.

After this simple pre-examination declaration, Mrs. Millhouse obviously achieved the result she wanted.

The papers were issued, and no one dared to follow the chaos, for fear that the menopausal old lady would stare at him.

Even if I didn't want to cheat, my heart was fluffy when I thought of a fierce eye sweeping around my body.

And sitting in the first row, what about Zhou Yan under Mrs. Millhouse's nose...

He is not at all shocked.

With the fierce gaze above his head, he was shaking his legs rhythmically.

This kind of exam... is actually similar to the exam before the rebirth. It is made up of multiple choice questions and short answer questions.

First of all, there are some simple logical multiple choice questions.


[Look for the pattern and guess what the next word is?

Ai, Bo, Ce, Germany, Er, Go, (?)

A: Purple

B: Ge

C: Lu

D: Thinking]

For this kind of simple sub-question, Zhou Yan almost wrote the answer after reading the question. He didn't bring the check. The check was an insult to his IQ!

There are also some more moderate thinking questions.


There are a pair of twin brothers, the older brother was born in 2001, and the younger brother was born in 2000. is it possible? why?

This kind of question is actually a test of the detective's common sense knowledge. You can, even if you can, no, you can't answer it.

However, those who can come to get the detective qualification must be prepared. For them, this kind of question is considered to be a sub-question.

The answer is naturally possible.

The elder brother was born on January 1, 2001, when he was born on a passenger ship or plane that was traveling from west to east and was about to cross the date line.

The younger brother was born after the plane passed the date line, and the time at that time became December 31, 2000. So counting on the year, month and day, the younger brother was born a year earlier than the older brother.

Of course, as the exam time continues to advance, the questions will become more and more difficult.

Some more mind-consuming logical thinking topics have also been brought to the table one after another.

For example, the following question...

[There is a king who wants to marry the princess to one of the three princes.

The king put out a test, whoever can give the answer will win.

Three princes sat opposite each other in a circle, and the king showed them 5 hats.

Two tops are black and three tops are white.

Then they were blindfolded, and everyone was covered with a hat. The remaining two hats are placed in another room.

The king told them that whoever can infer the color of the hat on his head the fastest can marry a princess.

But if you make a mistake, you will be kicked out of the castle.

Now, you are one of the princes, and you see two white hats buckled on the heads of the other two princes.

After some time, the whole room was silent.

You knew that the other two princes were very smart people.

So, is your hat white or black? 】

【A: White】

[B: Black]

You see, it is this kind of question, do you think it is difficult?

It's not difficult at all.

But it takes time to think.

So this kind of question is often just after reading the question, just skip it directly, saving time to think.

Wait until all the questions have been answered, then look back and think.

But don't underestimate these questions, because people who usually take the exam know this routine, so the high points of scores are often those questions that don't have time to do.

As for Zhou Yan, he didn't care, he didn't care about this question at all and left it blank.

Oh, yes, there are some memory problems.


[Which month and year is Holmes' birthday? 】

If you look at it, this question is actually useless for detectives, but it's just to test you, which is not annoying.

But Zhou Yan still didn't care at all.

He tilted his head generously and looked at the two pieces of paper he had brought...

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