Detective Training Manual

Chapter 129: Meatloaf~

"Hey! Brother, come and help!" the man yelled while lying down.

Press hard against the hydraulic press with both hands.

But everyone knows that no matter how hard you try, it is impossible for the big Tito to slow down for even a second.

Zhou Yan hurriedly ignored the roar in his head and ran in the direction of the brother.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely help you!" Zhou Yan shouted.

He ran to the side of the brother, did not bother to look at him more, and hurriedly put his hands on him and touched him randomly.

Don't think about it, Zhou Yan is looking for any other clues about this person.

After all, the hands are so long, it is impossible to search so carefully when they are tied.

"Hey, don't touch me, I'm a man!"

"Shut up! I'm saving you!" Zhou Yan yelled.

Five seconds later, he found that there was nothing useful in himself and the other person.

Then Zhou Yan quickly raised his head and looked around.

And here is a room that is not too big. Looking at the bald appearance of the wall, it seems to be a warehouse that hasn't been renovated much, or an unfinished building where investors have run away before completion.

In the entire room, there are only two huge hydraulic machine tools and two messy tool tables.

In addition, there is an iron door on the wall, the one that opens on both sides, but it is closed now.

Just these things, nothing else.

Time was pressing, and Zhou Yan ran directly to one of the tool tables without saying a word.

This tool bench is really a mess, with screwdrivers, electric drills, wrenches, hammers, and everything on it.

Zhou Yan hurriedly turned around, trying to find the key on it.

But no...

"Brother, hurry up!" the people over there began to yell again.

"Don't make a noise!" Zhou Yan roared, and then rushed to another tool table.

This tool table was messier than the last one, Zhou Yan quickly searched for it, but still couldn't find the key...

"What are you doing, why isn't there?"

There was a drop of sweat on his forehead.

However, as he became nervous, Zhou Yan's mind seemed to become more and more calm.

There are no tools on the table, is a blindfold, the designer of this room wants me to waste time on it.

So, according to the general thinking, I should have hurriedly shifted my attention to other places.

So, if I were a designer, I would use this psychology of the victim to continue to delay time.

So I will hide the key in...

Within a second, the above brain circuits flashed directly in Zhou Yan's mind.

Then, Zhou Yan didn't go anywhere, and went straight to the waist and got under the tool table.

That's right, if the normal thinking is to look elsewhere, then the key will be hidden in the same place.

Because of this, after the victim has no way to find the key and causes the death of his companion, he will blame himself very much. When he discovers that the key is actually hidden in the original position, this self-blame becomes more and more serious. strong.

This is exactly the result that the room designer wants to see.

Even if a person is alive, he must be burdened with the death of his companions and suffer repeated psychological torture.

In fact, Zhou Yan didn't know why he was connected to such a frenzied brain circuit so quickly, he just thought of it anyway!

Not much to say, Zhou Yan found nothing after getting under the workbench, so he turned around and let himself face up...

Sure enough, he found a small hidden grid. Next to the hidden grid, there is a light spot, which is flashing red at this time.

"Found...!" Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when he wanted to pull the secret grid away, he was depressed to find that the secret grid still had a password.

A small cipher disk is just below the flashing red light.

"password password!"

Zhou Yan's mind spun quickly.

There are no hints around this cipher disk, not even the number of digits in the password, let alone other clues.

However, in front of this desperate puzzle, Zhou Yan didn't seem to panic. He even felt calm in his mind and a little cold and comfortable.

He slowly closed his eyes.

There must be a code in this room, otherwise, it would be meaningless for the designer to install the code lock.

So... where is the hint for the password?

There is no in this room, so the hint is the room itself!

Such a brain circuit was matched by Zhou Yan again in an instant.

So the next step is to make this room itself a password...what is it?

In an instant, everything in the room was passed through Zhou Yan's mind.

Two people, two hydraulic machines, even a workbench, and the door is double open.

Is the password [2]?

At this point in his thoughts, Zhou Yan directly clicked [2] on the password disk.

He didn't even open his eyes, because in his mind, he could easily correspond to the position of each number on the code disc.


There was a rapid alarm tone: "You have two more chances..." The mechanical recording sounded.

It seems that the password is wrong, and there is a limit on the number of times of this lockbox.

"Hey, brother, don't mess around!"

It is estimated that after hearing the sound of the wrong prompt, the person on the iron bed yelled again.

Zhou Yan's brain automatically blocked this guy's complaint.

"No, it's not [2], so, what else is there?"

Next second: "Location!"

This answer automatically appeared in Zhou Yan's thoughts.

Yes, there are no hints of numbers in this room, but all items have locations.

Divide the layout of the entire room into a nine-square grid of ‘horizontal three vertical three’ according to the pattern of the code disc.

So... the two hydraulic beds are placed lower in the middle, which is the position of [5] and [2].

The location of the two tool tables is the upper left corner and the upper right corner of the room.

That is, the position of [7] and [9].

So, the hydraulic bed I was in was the first to work, so the password also starts from [5].

After that, I had to pass another person on the hydraulic bed to get out, so... the next number is [2].

But there is no sequence between the workbenches.

Under this idea, the password is [5279] or [5297].

It is precisely because there are two possibilities that the number of passwords is designed to be three times!

The above reasoning process took Zhou Yan about five seconds.

He opened his eyes suddenly!

At the same time, the finger was ready for a long time, and quickly clicked the number [5279].

"Di~di~di~you have another chance."

There is only one chance left. If you enter the wrong one again, the lock will automatically be locked, and the key will never be available.

To be more cruel, the brother who was still tied to the hydraulic bed would become a thin layer of ground meat because of Zhou Yan's mistake.

However, Zhou Yan's heart at this time was as if it were still water. In his mind, he had completely determined that the password was the number [5297].

In fact, if logically speaking, there are probably other options, but Zhou Yan is 100% sure of the password.

This feeling is like a doctor. The moment he saw the patient, there was already a voice telling him where the patient's fault was.

The rest of the inspections and tests are just to confirm one's own guesses.

Of course, doctors never tell patients about this feeling, otherwise, wouldn't they be blind.

But... the doctor is sure, there is such a thing as "intuition"!

Therefore, Zhou Yan almost didn't waste any time, so he directly typed in [5297].

You say that he is arrogant or disregarding the lives of others. Anyway, he just pressed it down.

If that brother knew that Zhou Yan was betting his life here, it is estimated that he would not let Zhou Yan go.

Uh...As for the result...


There is a soft sound of music, and then ‘] Give you a red envelope in cash! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

The little door opened.

A key fell off.

Well, it seems that the brother can't be a ghost for the time being.

Zhou Yan quickly picked up the key and rushed to the hydraulic bed.

"Don't worry! I found the key!" Zhou Yan shouted.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, hurry up and save me, save me!" The brother trembling, motioned Zhou Yan to open the lock quickly.

At this time, the big Tito, it is estimated that in a minute, he will stick to his face, Zhou Yan can clearly see this man's sweaty forehead.

He didn't dare to neglect, and quickly inserted the key into the lock on his chest.

Immediately after...


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment.

Can't plug in?

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