Detective Training Manual

Chapter 136: The countdown begins again...

Zhou Yan's fingers forced involuntarily and crumpled the paper.

He raised his head and glanced at Liu Zhiyuan who was still looking for a camera on the wall, frowning.

In fact, speaking of it, he still agrees with Liu Zhiyuan's approach, no matter what, hide the bullet first.

There are guns and bullets, so it is a threat to everyone.

Including people with guns...because if someone really gets the gun and bullets, then he will definitely become the target of the public immediately. Just Zheng Gangtie’s grid, if he really wants to find a chance to press Fell you, you really may not be able to punish him, even if you are holding a gun.

So, the question is, why does the criminal leave the bullet in the house?

Does he want to see these people fighting each other?

There is no reason. It took a lot of effort for the boss to select a group of people who can escape, and then let these people kill each other. Isn't this just enough to support you?

Zhou Yan thought, for a while, he hadn't figured out the meaning of the existence of this revolver.

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"Hey, I... I seem to have found it." Liu Zhiyuan called out suddenly.

Everyone's eyes all looked over!

I saw Liu Zhiyuan was pointing at a wall.

Zheng Gang had a big iron step, and he took a few steps. Then, he saw a small round bulge on the wall. He reached out and touched it. It was slippery. The material seemed to be glass.

"It's a camera!" Brother Iron said angrily.

Zhou Yan also walked over. He looked at the small circle, and when he thought that he was sitting on the other side of this gadget, at this time, looking at himself through the screen, he was still a little excited. .

"Anyway, no matter what, let's take this thing first!" Zheng Gang railroad, then took off his clothes.

That muscle mass just leaked out.

But the embarrassing thing is... he found that he could not cover the camera because it was on the wall and there were no hooks or other things on the wall, so... he could only stand By the wall, you can hold your clothes by yourself.

"It's really annoying!" Brother Iron muttered, walking quickly to a chair, trying to pull a few chairs together, blocking the camera.

But... at the moment he dragged the chair away!

There was a sound of "di~".

"What...what's wrong?" Brother Iron was taken aback: "Did you hear any noise."

The others must have heard it, because they have already started looking everywhere for the source of the sound.

In less than a minute.....

"" Li Lei said lively, and at the same time stretched out his hand and pointed at the top of his head diagonally.

And there, a small box exactly like the previous room was fixed in the corner of the room.

Because of the high position and the dark color, you didn't notice it just now.

But after that ‘drop’, this thing suddenly became the most noticed thing in the whole room.

Because the above shows a string of numbers.

It is......


Then I jumped to


"Countdown..." Zheng Gang's eyebrows were twisted together. He knew that the countdown started because he moved the chair.

So for a while, he didn't want to use a chair to block the camera, but put it back in place.

But... the countdown still didn't stop.

"Why... why is there a countdown?"

The survival mentality that Li Lei had just accumulated seemed to be shaken again: "Nothing will happen again."

In fact, there is no need for him to ask, the countdown has come out, and it definitely indicates that something is going to happen.

Everyone looked at each other, and at the same time looked around cautiously, waiting for something to happen suddenly.

However...same as the previous room, nothing has changed, only the countdown clock keeps counting down, making people more and more panicked.

"No, this criminal doesn't seem to like to give us tips. He wants us to reason out by ourselves what we should do at the moment." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, and according to the situation in the previous room, if the countdown is over, then this room should also be locked, and we will be sealed here." Sister Yazi also said.

"But!" Zheng Gangtie roared, but his voice was slightly weaker: "But what are we going to do? There is obviously nothing here!"

"No, at least there are these chairs." Zhou Yan pointed to the nine chairs on the ground.

Then, he put his hand in his pocket, took out the revolver, and the giant shook it in the air.

" didn't find out, is there a correlation between the number of these things?"

"Yes... indeed..." Liu Zhiyuan said, "Actually, I found out as soon as I entered the room. In the hall, there are 6 iron doors, one of which leads to this room. , That is to say, there should be candidates caught in the other 5 doors.

If you follow the two-person group model, there will be a total of 10 people.

When designing the room, it is impossible for criminals to know how many people will be able to leave the first room...

In other words, the number of people entering this room is a variable from ‘10’ to ‘0’.

If these chairs are for our group, then I must prepare 10 chairs. "

With that said, Liu Zhiyuan sat on the chair, pondering slightly...

"But there are only 9 photos here. In other words, if all 10 people successfully escape into this room, there will be one person sitting without a chair!"

This remark also made other people think about it.

Only Zheng Gangtie was very upset and angrily said: "What? There are only nine chairs here. How do you know that this chair is for people to sit on."

"Of course it's for people to sit, otherwise why are there chairs here? Could it be that we fight?! If that's the case, wouldn't it be good for us to use the gun directly?!" Sister Yazi said equally unhappy.

"Wait!" As she said, she suddenly realized something.

"Gun...?" She murmured, "Up to 10 but there are only chairs...that is, one person needs to have a gun... ...."

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and they all thought of a very frantic development.

Without a word, Zhou Yan pushed the revolver out.

There are a total of nine holes in it, exactly corresponding to nine chairs.

"Haha~" Zhou Yan couldn't help but chuckled: "It seems that what the designer wants us to do is obvious...He wants us to sit on a chair, one of whom is holding a pistol. ....."

With that said, Zhou Yan raised the revolver and gestured towards the chair where no one was seated yet.


He let out a sound from his mouth.

"I don't know if you have heard of a game called [Russian Turntable]."

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