Detective Training Manual

Chapter 146: Everyone voted for me!

Silence enveloped the room again.

No one speaks...All hope seems to fall on this child who has always been timid and fearful, even speaking very little.

In fact, this is also thanks to the criminal's lack of knowledge of medicine. He just knew that Li Lei's mother had cats at home all day, but he didn't know that her cat was at home because of a cartilage disorder.

At this moment...

"Uh... uh uh uh..."

Because no one can see, no one knows what Li Lei is doing, but judging from that voice, he must be working hard to overcome the pain and fear.

At the same time, he didn't dare to make too much noise, because he didn't know if the door was soundproof, and if his voice was too loud and the criminals found out, then everything would be over.

Passive acceptance and active application are two completely different feelings.

Just give two examples.

First: Take a gun alone and blast your dog's head directly.

Second: You take a toothpick, place it in the gap between the big mother's toenail, and kick it against the wall.

No matter who can understand these two things, it must be the first thing that is more lethal.

But the second thing is more unacceptable.

Because sometimes, the harm done by others is unavoidable, you just have to bear it, but it is very difficult for you to make yourself suffer.


The groaning turned into a wailing. No one here knows what the experience of rickets is. Anyway, judging from the determination and strength shown by Li Lei, even if he failed the exam this time, he only relied on the courage to break his phalanx. , He is absolutely qualified to be a detective.



There was a heavy sound, but the extremely long muffled sound pulled by the sound line sounded.

Zhou Yan could hear that the chairs on the opposite side tremble violently because of shaking. The person sitting on it must be so painful that the whole person was trembling.

But even so, Li Lei still did not make much wailing.

"Success?" Zhou Yan asked tentatively.

"Also...Almost..." Li Lei's voice seemed to be weaker than before, and then: "Uh uh uh----" A series of humming:

"I...I took it out!"

Sigh softly.

The atmosphere in the entire room changed instantly, and the previous depression and despair were wiped out.

"Awesome!" Zheng Gangtie exclaimed in his throat, "You will be my elder brother from now on! Hurry up, let me go first!"

"Wait...wait a minute, my feet haven't been untied yet." Li Lei said hard.

"Then you quickly solve it!"

"I...I can only use one hand!"

"Um..." Zheng Gangtie was speechless for a while.

"Okay, don't be nervous, take your time to understand, who counted the time just now, how long has it been now?" Sister Yazi said.

"In the past 22 minutes, there are still 8 minutes." Zhou Yan said, he started to time the clock in his mind from the moment the criminal closed the door: "But we can't confirm whether that guy will come in early, so time is running out. "

"But I really can't help it. My hands have no strength at all. I have been tied for too long. The rope is too acquainted." Li Lei said, his voice seemed to become tense again.

"Well, it seems that time is not enough, but no matter what, you should untie the rope on your feet first and leave us alone." Sister Yazi said calmly: "Oh, by the way, you should have taken it away. Go blindfold, and help us describe the surroundings."

"Okay!" Li Lei said weakly, "Actually, there is nothing to say. This is still a room in the abandoned factory. It seems to be 30 square meters. There is a workbench next to the Zheng brother's chair. We are all tied up. , The door is the iron door we saw before, and it is now closed." Li Lei said as he untied his feet.

"Let's do it then." Sister Yazi said: "It is enough for you to untie yourself. We will help you count the time."

"it is good!"

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

In order not to disturb Li Lei, everyone stopped talking and held their breath. In the darkness, only Li Lei suppressed the painful groan.

Five full minutes passed.

"I... I seem to have untied."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a bang.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't make such a loud noise!" Xiao Gang was frightened.

"Yes... I'm sorry, my feet are numb, I just got up and I sat back!" Li Lei explained: "I will take your blindfolds off after a while."

The voice has not fallen yet!

"Don't! Don't move us!" Sister Yazi said: "Now you don't have time to untie any of us. If we take off our blindfold first, the criminals will come in soon. I found something wrong!"

"Then...then what to do?" Li Lei was also panicked.

"Don't worry, didn't you say that there is a workbench? Hurry up and see if there are any tools on it. If there is something that can quickly untie us, then do it."

I have to say that Sister Yazi's thinking is still very clear in a critical moment.

"I...I'm walking." Li Lei was extremely nervous. He forced his aching lower limbs and walked towards the workbench.

However, he walked to the workbench and searched for a while, only to find unfortunately...

"There are no knives, only wires, locks, wrenches, and some things like circuit boards. I can't name them."

Li Lei said.

"Take the wrench and quickly return to your seat." Zhou Yan also joined the conversation: "Don't ask why, do it quickly!"

"Oh, good~" Li Lei did, and then returned to his seat with difficulty: "Well... and then?"

"Tie yourself up!" Zhou Yan said immediately again!

"What...what?" Li Lei was taken aback.

"Ah, I didn’t want you to really tie it up. You first make yourself as if you are still tied up, put your hands behind the chair, hold the wrench, oh, yes, put on the blindfold, hurry up !" Zhou Yan urged.

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"What are you doing? Sneak attack?" Zheng Gangtie seemed to understand Zhou Yan's plan and said: "What are you doing so hard, hiding directly behind the door, as soon as he opens the door, it's all right with a wrench!" he exclaimed.

"Fart, you think everyone is the same as you, big five and three rough!" Zhou Yan also yelled: "There is just such a thing in this room. You let Li Lei hide behind the door. When the murderer opened the door, he would directly see Shao. It's only strange that he can enter the house.

And he was here to kill, either with a knife or a gun in his hand.

Li Lei can't use one hand now, you let him fight the criminals? Are you crazy? ! "

After Zhou Yan's words, he directly held back Zheng Gangtie's words.

"Then...then what do you say?"

"What else can we do." Zhou Yan said: "Li Lei first sit back to the original position, all of us pretend that nothing has happened, and then... the murderer didn't want us to vote for the person who is going to die. Huh! Okay, everyone voted for me!"

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