Detective Training Manual

Chapter 185: Will be buried forever

Mrs. Qian said... I don't know.

Then, she just didn't know.

Now she is just a poor mother who has lost her child. The murderer is dead. Everything is what Madam Qian said.

Zhou Yan looked at the beautiful woman and hesitated for a while...

"Can you hear me a story?"

"..." Madam Qian didn't say anything, just nodded faintly.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath.

"This story is about a mother. She has a baby who is just a few months old.

But unfortunately, this baby...dead.

There are many possibilities for the death of a baby.

For example, when shopping for vegetables one day, the baby was put in the car. The temperature in the car reached nearly fifty degrees because of the sun's scorching, and the baby was heated to death.

For example, this woman is driving and puts the baby in the safety cradle of the back seat of the car, but due to brakes and other reasons, the quilt covers the baby’s face, or the baby’s posture changes. bored to death.

For another example, because of improper care alone, the baby fell from a height, or coughed with water, or even because the baby’s body was not bleeding from a woman’s husband.

In short, this baby is dead.

And this woman panicked...

She didn't know what to do with this matter.

But when she was in a panic, she thought of someone!

This person should be a thief, because a few days ago, this woman could always see this person wandering around her home, and he seemed to always stare at her car.

The woman's perception told her that this man was a car thief.

Therefore, the woman thought of a very good way to bury the child's death.

She...hid the child's body under the back seat of the car.

Then, pretending to go home, he deliberately didn't lock the door and didn't remove the car key.

This seemingly careless behavior naturally did not hide from the eyes of the car thief. The thief entered the car quickly and skillfully, and then drove the car away with a kick of the accelerator.

The car thief was very happy, because today's harvest was too easy, thanks to the careless woman.

However, the car thief soon discovered that he had stolen not only the car, but also the body of a baby in the car.

This time, the car thief was also dumbfounded, he had never encountered such a thing.

Just as he looked dazed, the car thief discovered that the woman's bag had also been forgotten on the co-pilot.

He felt that this matter could not be finished so hastily, this was a corpse! If you call the police, you must be unclear, so what should you do?

At this moment, the cell phone in the woman's bag rang.

The car thief answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone was the woman's voice.

She wanted to ask the car thief to conceal the child's body.

And the car thief certainly wouldn't dare, it was a human life, he was just stealing a car, but he never touched the business that had something to do with human life.

The car thief said that he had parked the car on the side of the road, and he didn't want to mix up with the kid what to do with it.

But... what the woman said made the car thief hesitate.

The woman seemed to be threatening the car thief because he had stolen the car. He said that the body of the child inside had nothing to do with him. Does anyone believe it?

If a woman has money, she can hire the most professional team of lawyers. She can also pretend to be a mother who has lost her child and throw all the pots on the other side.

At that time, people are more willing to believe in a car thief, or more willing to believe in a tragic mother who has lost a child?

But this woman didn't want to do this, she negotiated a deal with the car thief.

That is... if the car thief can dispose of the child's body, then he will get 7 million yuan in cash.

Under the temptation of huge money, the car thief agreed to this request, but the woman said that she had to do what she said, and the money had to be divided twice.

The car thief also agreed, because reselling a stolen car is usually the same process.

After the deal was concluded, the woman reported to the police that her child had been stolen.

The police, the detectives, all came.

Car thieves are naturally veterans for stealing cars, but they are novices for kidnapping and extortion.

But he still followed the woman's instructions, pretending to be a kidnapper, calling the woman, and the woman taught him what she said on the phone.

In this way, it went smoothly, and things proceeded to the step of ‘paying the ransom’.

According to the agreement, the car thief drove the taxi to the door of the woman's house. After the woman got in the car, he exchanged the pre-prepared package containing the old book.

The woman got out of the car and began to play the role of a woman who is not afraid of hardships for her children.

She plays very similarly.

But the car thief didn't see it. He just felt that this woman had spent too much money to cover up her accidental killing of her

Even at this time, the car thief didn't know that he was in danger. He followed the woman's instructions to dispose of the child's body.

However, the car thief is only a car thief after all, he will not deal with the corpse at all.

So... he threw the body into the river.

During this process, the car thief was also very panic, but the child was not killed by him after all, so he always had a mentality of ‘I’m just helping people’. Even if he was arrested, the woman would bear most of the consequences.

During this period of time, he didn't even know that the woman had already staged a scene of ‘car roof tuning’ in front of many police officers.

After dealing with the baby, the car thief got in touch with the woman again, and he smoothly moved the policeman away from the mountain and led him to a far place.

Create a space where you can meet with a woman alone.

The meeting place is a park.

Soon after, the car thief met the woman.

The car thief helped the woman dispose of the body, and the woman also brought the money as promised.

Everything seemed to be going well, and both sides achieved the results they wanted.

Maybe, I won’t have to steal the car anymore, because as long as I don’t have any money, I can come to this woman and say, as long as she doesn’t pay, she will kill the child.

Haha, the car thief definitely felt that in the second half of his life, he would have nothing to worry about. In order to conceal the mistake of killing the child, this woman had to listen to her own everything.

But what the car thief never expected was that just after he got the money, when happily thinking about the future, the woman suddenly changed her face...

She took out a knife...!


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