Detective Training Manual

Chapter 194: [Najia Detective Agency]

"?????" Zhou Yan was stunned.

His head is full of question marks now.

While observing the fish-seller up and down, she was pushing herself.

Well, it's not a spur, but an uncontrollable complaint!

"I'm still too young, I'm still too superficial to the world, I'm really just a beginner in the detective industry. Why can this aunt be a detective! No matter how you look at it, it's just a fish seller. That's right! How are you going to accept the commission? When you commission again, the stall is no longer needed? When you come back after finishing the case, the fish will be stinking!"

Zhou Yan was almost irresistible, roaring wildly in his heart.

What is even more frightening is that in such a short time, the aunt sold a fish like no one else...

Sell! Out! Up! One! Article! fish!

Zhou Yan seemed to hear the sound of something shattering in his head.

Finally, when the old lady broke the fish, she packed it up skillfully, put it in the bag, and came back to face Linxi Road.

"Ah, this girl, what do you commission!"

There are fish scales on the old lady's scarf, and when she speaks from her mouth, the sense of contradiction will be sprayed out.

Lin Xi didn't care much: "Oh, we want to find a place."

"Oh oh oh, finding a place, finding a place is simple." The old lady wiped her hands directly and took out a mobile phone from her pocket, which was an old-age model.

She squinted her eyes and dialed a series of calls seriously.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Hey, that old Wu, there is a commission here, what? You went to get the eggplant? Then you let Lao Li come. I have a good business today and I can't go away!"

With that, the old lady hung up the phone.

Soon, from the other end of the vegetable market, an uncle over fifty came over, wearing a white kitchen apron with a pinch of flour on it, a stretched noodle .

"Then what ~ who has a commission?"

Well, the uncle's accent is heavier than the aunt's.

Lin Xi waved his hand: "We."

"Follow me~"

The uncle was anxious and led the two to the back of the vegetable market, then came to a supermarket, and pointed to: "Hey~ it's that one. After you go in and say there is a commission, the boss will solve it for you."

After speaking, the uncle turned around and left, Zhou Yan watched him, watching this man ran into a ramen restaurant.

It seemed that the noodles were being cooked in the pot, so they ran out to pick up the guests.

"Let's go." Lin Xi greeted Zhou Yan and walked towards the supermarket across the road.

"Hey! Wait!" Zhou Yan called to the other party: "Um...what the **** is this detective agency? How come it is a group of old men and old ladies? Is this detective agency reliable?"

Zhou Yan asked involuntarily, because after a few minutes, he felt too weird.

Lin Xi smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, this detective agency can be said to be a dusty existence in the industry of'finding things'."

"But... these detectives, are they too... too old?"

Zhou Yan pondered his words for a while. He was really not as embarrassed to say that this group of old ladies and old ladies all run supermarkets, sell fish, grow eggplants, and make ramen.

Is this Nima really a detective?

Lin Xi seemed to see Zhou Yan's doubts.

"Haha, don't think this group of grandpas and aunts look like detectives?"

"Yes." Zhou Yan nodded nonchalantly.

"Indeed, they don't meet the standards of detectives, doesn't require too much ingenuity to find things. The most important thing is...too many people!"

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback.

Lin Xi continued, "Do you know how many years [Najia Detective Agency] has existed?"

Zhou Yan shook his head...

"Speaking of which you may not believe it, it's been more than 200 years?"

"Puff!" Zhou Ya didn't drink any water here. If he drank any water, he guessed it would just squirt out.

"In the late seventeenth century, West August Dubin founded the world's first detective agency.

At that time, all cases were resolved by the police alone.

But Doberman’s talent has given the police and the masses a lot of help. Gradually, the world government felt that this approach was pretty good, and began to develop the detective agency system.

After that, the detective industry gradually emerged, and it continued to integrate with the police, and this continued to develop, forming our current system.

When the detective system was just established, the [Najia Detective Agency] already existed.

In more than two hundred years of changes, all other detective agencies have experienced glory and decline. In short, no detective agency can last such a long time.

Only [Najia Detective Agency], to this day, still stands tall.

Do you know why this is? "

Zhou Yan shook his head.

"It's because the Najia Detective Agency does not rely on brains to handle cases at all!"

"Um..." Zhou Yan was embarrassed. As a detective, he didn't rely on his brain to handle the case... Isn't it a bit unreasonable?

But Lin Xi directly gave a positive answer: "Yes, Najia Detective Agency has only had one advantage for a long time, and that is the number of people.

What kind of brains, clever, in their detective agency, they are all secondary.

[Najia Detective Agency], the original name was [Najia Village Detective Agency]

In fact, by listening to the name, you can guess that this detective agency was originally a village.

When the ‘Detective Code’ was just promulgated, there was a person in this village who was lucky enough to be admitted as a detective, so he happily set up a detective agency in the village.

But because of lack of business, the detective agency was on the verge of bankruptcy.

But the detective thought of a good way.

That is... he gathered all the people in the village together to serve as the ‘trainees’ of this detective agency.

Because interns do not need to have detective qualifications, just like you did before.

Therefore, there is no upper limit on the number.

Anyway, gradually, all the people in the village were members of the detective agency.

They went out to work, went north and south, gave birth to children, bought vegetables everywhere, did business, set up shops, anyway, each had its own business. After hundreds of years, the number of people spread across all corners of the world and became the largest detective agency in the world. . "

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Zhou yan listened, his brain buzzed, it turned out that the detective agency could still play like this

"Then...this [Najia Detective Agency], how many people are there now?"

When he asked, he was very cautious.

"Emmm...the number of people can no longer be counted, because for hundreds of years, this detective agency has become an information network all over the world.

If every ‘interns’ is recorded, it is estimated that the database of "Detective Network" is not enough. the last century, it seems that the government has spent a lot of effort to calculate the number of ‘helpers’ that this detective agency temporarily has in the sub-region.

About... hundreds of thousands..."

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