Detective Training Manual

Chapter 210: Brother 3 has plenty of time to kill~

A large pool of blood is stuck on the wall, it is really invisible, and there will be traces behind it.

But where is this trace?

There is no definite location, only one centimeter by one centimeter.

If you want to find it, you must ‘shovel’ the blood on the wall.

Of course, if you remove all the blood stains from top to bottom, the traces will naturally be easy to find, but the crime scene will be completely destroyed.

Zhou Yan hesitated...

"Brother Xiao Chen."

"Oh, what's the order?"

"Find something and clean up the blood on the wall." Zhou Yan said.

"What?!" Xiao Chen was stunned: "Clean up... these blood stains? Then the scene is completely destroyed?"

"Don't worry, I am a detective, do as I said." Zhou Yan said, and then drew a circle above the outline of the corpse: "Clean up this circle first."

"Okay... okay." Although Xiao Chen felt that it was a bit inappropriate to do this, but the detectives had all spoken, and he could only follow suit.

Therefore, he immediately found a few professionals and began to clean up the blood stains in the elevator.

During this time, Zhou Yan felt that he could not help, so he said to Xiao Chen: "Brother, I'm going around in the hotel."

"Okay." Xiao Chen responded.

Next, Zhou Yan first went to the backyard and found that the area of ​​the backyard is actually not large. The flower bed is in the center and is still in a state of being excavated. The yard is surrounded by walls with protective nets on it. Normal people It is indeed impossible to climb up.

Zhou Yan opened the book again...Some new messages appeared.

[Dian: Buried the axe is outrageous, can't I see the newly dug ground? How big is the hotel yard for these people in the city? 】

"This sentence...what does it mean to bury an axe in a flowerbed? Is it wrong to bury an axe in a flowerbed?

But... the murderer must have a place to hide the weapon. Under this circumstance, it doesn't seem to be difficult to bury it.

As for the fact that the soil in the flowerbed was newly dug, it must be obvious, but again, the murderer has to hide the weapon and bury it in the flowerbed, which is better than throwing it in the corridor. "

And the sentence behind this brother [How big can the hotel yard of these people in the city be? 】...After reading Zhou Yan several times, I found that I didn't understand it, so I ignored it.

In this way, Zhou Yan finished looking at the backyard of the hotel, and then walked up the stairs again to the fourth floor.

After entering the fourth floor, I found that the design of this floor is a straight corridor, on both sides of the corridor are the rooms.

At this time, all the doors of the room were open, and the police should have searched them before they came.

Zhou Yan walked directly to the elevator door, and the opposite of the elevator door was indeed a room. The police had put on a small yellow and white label on the wall with the words [Suspect: Zhang San] written on it.

Zhou Yan looked at the door number on the door again, it was room [404].

It seems that the third brother lived in this room and didn't run away. This house number is really unlucky.

The distance from the elevator door to the room is indeed very short, only about one meter. It only takes two steps to cross the corridor with small steps.

If you are careful, these two steps should leave one or two blood footprints and a string of blood ticking down.

But the material of the ground is ceramic tiles, not the floor. It seems that it is not bloody, so it is really easy to wipe.

After reading the corridor, Zhou Yan walked into the third brother's room again...

Just like most hotel rooms, a big bed, a TV hung on the wall, the toilet and toilet are together.

It is worth noting that this hotel is even equipped with a bathtub. This is probably a very high standard facility in this small town.

On the third brother's bed, the bedding is messed up, you can feel that this guy's sleeping posture is definitely not good.

Zhou Yan walked into the bathroom again and found that there was only a large bath towel inside.

Because this is a big bed room, so according to the standard configuration, there should be two bath towels.

So...Where did the bath towel go?

Did he really wipe the blood with a bath towel?

Zhou Yan is still not sure now, so he followed the stairs again and climbed to the sixth floor.

This is the top floor of the hotel. The structure is the same as the fourth floor. It is just a corridor with rooms on both sides. There are no exits on the roof.

Zhou Yan walked to a room, still with a police label on it, saying [Dead: Li Xiaoli].

Zhou Yan also checked the house number by the way. It was room [603].

Walking into the room of the deceased, I found that the contents still remained the same as when the deceased left. The quilt on the bed was not folded, and there was a lot of cosmetics in front of the bathroom mirror. It can be seen that the deceased was extremely concerned about his appearance. .

But which girl would not care about her looks, this is normal.

After roughly looking at the deceased's room, Zhou Yan continued to walk along the corridor until he reached Room 607.

There is also a small sticker attached to this room, which says [witnesses: Mr. Wang, Mr. Wu]

"Hiss..." Zhou Yan looked at the names of the two witnesses and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

Although there is a saying in the countryside that'a cheap name is easy to feed,' are these two names too sloppy?

Or is it said that the weird phenomenon of ‘naming and abolishing’ also exists in the 19th city?

Zhou Yan shrugged and walked into the room of the two drunks.

And this entry...

Good guy, you deserve to be a drunkard, there are wine bottles in the room, roast chicken, ham, peanuts... the mixture of various flavors made Zhou Yan frowned unconsciously.

Moreover, these things are not neatly laid out on the table... well, there is no table in this room either.

Anyway, these things are piled up on the ground in a mess, and there are also on the windowsill. Hey, Zhou Yan looked at it and felt that it was not easy to check something. Let's leave it to a professional So far, Zhou Yan also finished looking at the hotel occupants' rooms. As for the couple who just checked in this morning, they did not go upstairs at all, so the room is still in the state that no one has ever lived.

Zhou Yan went down the stairs again from the 6th floor to the 4th floor.

At the top of the stairs on the 4th floor, Zhou Yan suddenly began to speed up and sprint downstairs.

He wanted to try, how long it would take to get to the first floor quickly.

As a result, he found that the time required to get from the fourth floor to the first floor was faster than expected, and he only took 15 seconds.

"Fuck?" Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment. As a result, the third brother's time for committing crimes seemed to be more abundant.

I was thinking...

"Detective Zhou." Xiao Chen's voice came, and there suddenly seemed to be a little ‘respectful’ in his voice:

"The traces of the axe...found..."

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