Detective Training Manual

Chapter 257: Obviously, I worked very hard...

   Zhou Yan doesn't understand love, he doesn't even have a girlfriend, so when he sees Huazi kneeling on the ground, hiding his face and crying, he is helpless.

   Things like taking care of your wife still have to be entrusted to the husband. The two old people who have been together for half their lives huddled together. Perhaps in the past few decades, they have never expressed their emotions in this way.

   Zhou Yan can't help thinking

   If you are at this age, what kind of state will you get along with your wife?

  Who would his wife be?

  This kind of puzzle seems to have no answer before the dust settles. Fortunately, Zhou Yan didn't care either.

   After a while, Huazi's mood gradually calmed down, and everyone was ready to move on to the next coordinate.


   "Wait!" Rose suddenly shouted!

   Everyone was taken aback, cast their eyes over, and then they saw Rose squatting under the root of the tree just now.

   "There seems to be something buried under the soil of the flowers that Sister Huazi dug up just now." She said, digging down again.

   Then... in everyone's astonished gaze, she dug out a wooden board.

   Zhou Yan quickly walked over and took the wooden board. This wooden board looked the same as the one stepped on in the hot spring before, except that it was not written with a number, but a letter...x.

   "Liu Zhiyuan!!" Zhou Yan shouted out without even thinking about it.

   This kind of thing must be handed over to math geeks...

   Liu Zhiyuan ran over quickly. He looked at the x on the wooden board and was taken aback.

   "What's wrong?" Zhou Yan asked.

   "That's not right, why did you go back again?" Liu Zhiyuan said.

   Zhou Yan blinked his eyes: " what are you talking about? Where are you going back?"

   "Go back to the hot spring..." Liu Zhiyuan replied: "If you put this x into your formula, it becomes x2y3x

   In this way, there is only one answer to the formula, that is, 0, 0.

   But on our map, coordinates 0 and 0 are the hot springs where the board was first found.

   Zhou Yan recalled the map, and sure enough, the location of 0,0 was just behind the villa where they lived, and it happened to be the hot spring area.

   ", did we turn around and then back again?" Zhou Yan frowned.

   Just when the reasoning fell into a dead end for the second time...

   "Well, let's go to the other two places to take a look first, don't we still have two coordinates in our hands." Jack said.

   "I have to do this now." Zhou Yan nodded helplessly.

   So the group went to the next coordinate.

   The map was originally small, so after a few minutes, everyone came to another coordinate, and the things in this coordinate were very conspicuous.

  Because...just on the clearing, a piano was obviously placed.

   "This..." Zhou Yan looked at the piano: "According to the previous urine sex, there should be one of us who can play the piano..."

   The voice did not fall.

   I saw that Jack in the crowd had already walked over, and then sat down in front of the piano by himself.

   This behavior shocked Rose: "Baby her dad! You can even play the piano?"

   Jack smiled: "Yes." As he said, he stretched his fingers and picked up a sheet of music on the piano.

   "Oh Chopin's."

   With the score being straightened, Jack's hands are already on the piano, and a second later, the beautiful melody has sounded.

In addition to mathematics, Zhou Yan is basically ignorant of music, but he can hear it, Jack, this little bullet is pretty good...A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese mx/8/1/ z/wc/o/m/

   When the song ended, everyone couldn't help clapping their hands.

   "It's amazing! Are you a musician?" Uncle Hirata said in full praise.

   Rose ran over...looking at her husband with a shocked expression.

   "You...when will you play the piano, why don't I know?"

   This book is organized and produced by the public account. Follow vx Book Friends Base to receive cash red envelopes!

   "I have been since I was young." Jack shrugged.

   "But why did you never tell me?"

   "This..." Jack hesitated: "Because playing the piano doesn't make money..."

   "..." Rosy was shocked.

"You are a salesperson, and you don't make a lot of money. If I continue to play the piano, I don't know when I will make money. Xiaomei's tuition and living expenses can't be paid out..." Jack's A little sadness on his face:

   "When I was with you, I actually wanted to move the piano from my hometown.

But you also know that the house we rented at the time was very small. If you add a piano, it might be crowded and unseemly. I also think that being with you is enough. Not so important.

  So...the piano was just kept there, and on the day Xiaomei was born, I...sold the piano. "

   "What?!" Rose was surprised.

   "Ah, it's nothing to be a pity, anyway, I won't play anymore, so I might as well sell it. I can give Xiaomei some milk powder money..."

  Speaking of which...Hua Zi couldn't help but interrupt.

   "But, you still feel distressed. If you play so well, you can imagine how hard you have put in to play the piano."

"..." This sentence made Jack seem to be stunned suddenly, but the decline in his eyes was fleeting: "No, I still think that being with family is more important than piano! And Rose, didn't you also give up studying history because of this family!"

  Jack changed the subject abruptly...

"I..." Rose seemed to be speechless: "Indeed, before I met you, I wanted to go to the European region to continue my studies, but at the time my father disagreed and said a girl, why It’s not a good thing to stay at home. If you have to go to such a far place to study, it’s fine for a woman to stay at home and teach her children.

   In the end, I did not insist on my position and chose to stay.

   Then I met you, and then fell in love, got married...I also became an ordinary salesperson!

   But I really regret it all the time! If I persisted a little bit back then, maybe my life would be better!

   So... I can’t let Xiaomei follow my old path no matter what, I’ve been like this in my life, how can you let me watch our children and regret it for the rest of my life? ! "

   Jack finished listening to Rose's and lowered his head: " can we make our children regret for the rest of their lives?"

   He murmured... and then let out a deep breath.

   "Okay, I agree, you can take Xiaomei to study in other continents... She has the right to choose a better future."

   The voice hasn't fallen...

   "Why do you always choose to compromise?" Zhou Yan suddenly interrupted inexplicably.

   Now you still don’t know the answer to your question?

   "Problem?" Jack was taken aback suddenly, as if it was only then that he remembered, he still had a question in his pocket.

   He quickly took out the torn envelope...

   It says why you have worked hard, but have not been able to succeed?

   Yeah, why didn’t you succeed even though you worked so hard?

   Why did I try hard to learn piano, but sold it?

   Why is it that I have worked so hard to run this family, but I can’t get the approval of my wife.

   Why did you work so hard yesterday to let your daughter stay, but just now suddenly agreed to her leave.

  Obviously, I have been working very hard...but...why? The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   "Because you love this home!"

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