Detective Training Manual

Chapter 292: The first confrontation (3) The first line of life and death

   There are no street lights on the mountain road, only the bleak moonlight, and under the hazy night, a very strange figure is lying on the door of the car.

   Yes, that thing lay vertically on the door of the car. His slender hands clasped the top of the cab. His feet were like beasts, but they were twisted to the waist, like a four-pointed spider, hung on the door.

   At this time, the door glass has been broken, and the whole head of that thing has been stuck in, accompanied by the towering and towering of the body, there are bursts of chewing sounds!

   "!" In the crowd, who did not know who reflected it first, he yelled while pulling his neck.

  Actually, according to the general process, when you see the criminal, you must first order him to lay down his weapon or throw it at it. The other party resists violently before shooting.

   But in this situation, who would communicate with the thing in front of you!

   And the long and thin ghost is also strange. There are no ears on the head, but the hearing is extremely keen. Just before the firing word was finished, it suddenly pulled its head out of the car window.

On the face without eyes, there was only a huge **** mouth. At this time, a large piece of flesh and blood was torn between the teeth. It is estimated that the tearing directly broke the driver’s artery. In an instant, the blood came from Gushing out from the car window directly dyed half of the ghost's body red.

   "Bang!" Until then, the first shot finally appeared.

However, the sharpness of the ghost completely surpassed everyone's expectations. It is certainly not as fast as the bullet, but this does not prevent him from escaping from the direction of the gun. The biggest disadvantage of the bullet is that it does not turn, so theoretically speaking , As long as your movement speed is faster than the speed at which the gunman can turn the muzzle, then you can dodge bullets!

   In the darkness, gunfire suddenly filled the sky, and under the interweaving of light and dark, people's brains were numb, and people couldn't open their eyes.

   But the ghost image looked like a ghost. The slender limbs were crazily changing positions around the prison vehicle. At this time, the bulletproof function of the prison vehicle actually became an obstacle that prevented bullets from hitting the ghost image.


   exclaimed, another police officer was dragged into the underside of the car by a huge force, and blood flowed.

   Ten seconds later, there was another miserable cry.

   In the darkness, the ghost is like a fish in the water, there is no light, but it can still accurately capture the silhouette of the explosion-proof crew.

   Fortunately, he just reacted quickly, but in the face of a lot of firepower, this ghost was still shot a few times.

But it was because he was shot that everyone realized the most terrible thing...that is, this guy doesn't seem to care if he was shot or not. That should be painful. Yamaguchi, who couldn't stand up, didn't affect his actions at all, but made him more and more excited!


   Finally, some people in the crowd persuaded.

This is not to say that the people in the serious crime team are timid. In fact, even if the opposite is a group of desperadoes with bombs wrapped around their waists, they dare to go up and go desperately, but in the face of such a thing, people’s fear of unknown things finally takes over Up points.

   " support! There are monsters!!!"

   The line of defense in his heart was defeated, so the result seemed to be doomed.


   Actually, this period of time is a long story, but within a few minutes, in the senses of Li Huan and Zhou Yan, the car suddenly stopped, then the gunshots were loud, and then the sky was howling!

   Zhou Yan only felt that things had gone uncontrollable. He deliberately locked the prisoner car and hid in it waiting for rescue, but he was afraid that the prisoner car would not be able to stop the monster.

   In desperation, he could only lead Li Huan to jump out of the prison wagon.

  At this time, the last few gunshots disappeared, and the night became quiet, but the smell of blood permeated...Zhou Yan subconsciously looked behind him.

   I saw a long and thin figure standing under the night, and its feet were already covered with corpses. In the moonlight, the suit that the ghost had originally put on was riddled with holes and was stained red with blood.

   It... just stood there, and then... turned his head, and the corner of his mouth was filled with joy at Zhou Yan's side.


   Zhou Yan yelled, and then pushed Li Huan hard, telling her to leave her alone.

   Li Huan’s eyes were big, she had never seen this kind of formation, but her mind was blank, and she subconsciously ran in the direction of pushing.

   On Zhou Yan's side, I don't know if it is good luck or providence. There is a pistol at his feet. It is estimated that a brave brother threw it over during the fight just now.

   Zhou Yan did not dare to hesitate, picked up the pistol and shot at the ghost. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   He has never used a gun before. It stands to reason that the first few shots shouldn't hit the target at all, but somehow Zhou Yan's accuracy is pretty good.

   But even so, it was of no avail, because the ghost didn't care how much gunshot wounds were on his body. It just raised his arm and blocked his head, and then ran towards Zhou Yan quickly.

   After this run, the muzzles on his body began to bleed together, but it still ignored it.

   I also understand this next week, the pistol is useless for this thing, so I can only hold the gun, turn my head and run!

   Soon, Zhou Yan caught up with Li Huan, and at the same time, the ghost behind him also caught up with Zhou Yan.

   At the moment when he took his own life, Zhou Yan made a decision that took his own life even more.


   Yes, Zhou Yan shouted and jumped, and at the same time he jumped over the mountain road fence and jumped down.

   Li Huan's head is blank now, and he jumped down with Zhou Yan.

   fell, the howling wind passed by her ears, some branches from the mountain ridges rubbed against her body, like a knife cut pain.

   "Am I going to die?"

She thought blankly, and then realized that even if she was about to die, she was powerless, so she could only close her eyes and waited for her ending quietly...then...with a puff, she fell into it. Into the water.


   Under the mountain road, there is a river...

   A few hours ago, when Zhou Yan and Lao Guo were studying the route, he looked at the map and finally chose to walk the mountain road.

   One is a hidden spot on this road, and you don’t have to worry about red street lights and pedestrians, you can reach the safe house by stepping on the accelerator.

  Second, even if there is a battle on this road, it will not hurt the people, and the brothers in the police station can fight without reservation.

   The third is that even if there is an emergency, there is a river below, the height of the mountain road is not too exaggerated, and the running road is guaranteed.

   At that time, Lao Guo still laughed at Zhou Yan, he didn't need to be so pessimistic.

But I really did not expect that the ghost could catch up with the speed of the prison car, and even ignore the shooting of the just so abruptly that Zhou Yan and Li Huan were forced on the last road. .



   With a long gasp, Zhou Yan poked his head out of the water.

   Although it was water, he fell from such a high place, and he fell apart.

   "Li Huan! Li Huan!"

   Zhou Yan cried out as soon as he was breathing well.

   Soon, he saw not far away, Li Huan was thumping, he probably didn't have much water, and he seemed to be out of strength.

Zhou Yan hurriedly swam over, grabbed Li Huan in the water, and then desperately went to the shore...Fortunately, the lanky ghost did not follow, Zhou Yan and Li Huan finally got ashore. .

In the past few minutes, these two people are like jumping horizontally on the edge of life and death. Don’t be irritated. Now they relax a little, and the buzzing of sore brains all over their bodies suddenly hits Zhou Yan. fainted.

   Fortunately, Zhou Yan held on. He only took a moment to slow down and picked up Li Huan. He had to hurry up and stay away from the river bank. Who knows what the ghost is, if it really catches up. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   At this time, Li Huan had fainted because of shock or a brief drowning. Fortunately, his breathing was steady and he didn't seem to be choking.

   But when Zhou Yan was holding her, he suddenly discovered something...

   "Hey? Where are these girl glasses?"

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