Detective Training Manual

Chapter 296: The whole city is targeting me!

"You..." Zhou Yan said, wanting to ask some questions.

Unexpectedly, I just made a sound...

"Be careful!" Li Huan suddenly pressed his voice and said.

Zhou Yan was taken aback: "What's the matter?"


Zhou Yan subconsciously looked to his left. Then, he saw a few people who seemed to be looking to his side.

"There are also behind me!"

Zhou Yan quickly cast his gaze behind Li Huan, and he found that several people seemed to be pointing here.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yan frowned.

He looked around and found that there were still a few small people staring at him, and even one person had already picked up the phone and was taking pictures here.

These people should not be policemen or ordinary passers-by.

But... Do these passers-by know themselves?

Zhou Yan didn't dare to stay here more. He quickly grabbed Li Huan's hand and squeezed toward the denser crowd.

But in the process, Zhou Yan found that more eyes were focused on his body, and some people exclaimed from time to time after seeing their face.

"Damn, what's the matter?" Zhou Yan lowered his head and quickly got to a small street vendor. Under the cover of the crowd, he quickly took two hats.

"Bring it on." He handed one to Li Huan, and the remaining one was buckled on his head, pressing the brim of the hat very low.

But even so, those sights still haven't diminished.

Finally, no one in the crowd yelled: "He! He is the Zhou Yan!"

Zhou Yan's mind was buzzing. He didn't know what was going on, but as the man yelled, the surrounding crowd suddenly stopped. Everyone was looking at each other. It seemed that everyone knew each other. [Zhou Yan], and looking for him.

Within a few seconds, a middle-aged uncle next to him noticed the pair of people wearing hats.

He patted Zhou Yan on the shoulder: "Little brother, take off your hat." He said tentatively.

"What the **** is going on!" Zhou Yan shouted in his heart, how dare to stay, and quickly broke free of the uncle's hand, grabbed Li Huan and ran towards the edge of the crowd.

This run! The crowd suddenly boiled.

"Zhou Yan! That kid is Zhou Yan!" The uncle yelled while pulling his neck.

"Zhou Yan is here! I saw him!"

"Where is Zhou Yan?"

For an instant, the crowd was yelling and chaos, and Zhou Yan pressed the brim of his hat tightly, holding Li Huan in his other hand, and quickly rushed out of the crowd and ran into an alley.

He walked through the alley and ran into another alley. He didn't know where he went. When he turned around, he found that no one seemed to be chasing him. He was finally relieved.

"Huh-what's the matter?" Zhou Yan gasped and murmured.


Zhou Yan is depressed, what happened?

I was chased by a ghost again, and framed again. Now it seems that the whole city is arresting myself. Could it be that I have been in a coma during this period and have been wanted by the police?

It shouldn't be. Even if a wanted warrant is issued, the popularity is not so high, right? The people on the street just now seemed to grab me.

I was wondering...Suddenly, several figures appeared at the entrance of the alley.

There were three people, all young men in their early twenties, wearing very uniform leather jackets, with nail-like decorations on their shoulders. At first glance, they looked like the kind of punks who drove around on motorcycles all day long.

"Hey, it's really easy to come by." A little **** in the lead smiled and shook the baseball stick in his hand.

Zhou Yan saw this posture and quickly dragged Li Huan behind him. "Yeah, brothers, did you admit the wrong person?" Zhou Yan pretended to be very innocent.

"Zhou Yan, right? You are the one looking for!" Mixed.

Zhou Yan was shocked in his heart. He was quite sure that he had never had contact with these little gangsters, why did they look for themselves.

What happened during the coma? !

He forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart: "Uh, I don't know why some brothers are looking for me?" Zhou Yan wanted to figure out what was going on.


"Stop talking nonsense!" The first **** obviously wasn't ready to push more, so he rushed over, and the baseball stick in his hand went straight to Zhou Yan's head and smashed it down.

"Damn!" Zhou Yan didn't dare to neglect, and flipped the trash can next to him.

Suddenly, all the trash that hadn't been recycled all the year round was splashed on the little bastard. The stench and the thick water produced by the rotten food directly splashed him. The cockroaches and flies in the trash can were like stabbing their nests. Buzzing flying out.

"Oh -" The **** who rushed to the front vomited directly, desperately trying to take the disgusting thing off his body, but he also got a sticky hand.

The remaining two thieves took a pitiful look at the man, but they did not stop the disgusting thing that jumped across the ground, and continued to chase.

The alley is deep enough to escape, but Zhou Yan is really exhausted these few days. As soon as he ran, his muscles began to hurt. Li Huan, a girl, naturally couldn’t run too fast, so gradually, Was pulled closer by the two gangsters.

"Hahaha----" The laughter behind him got closer and closer: "Look where you are going!"

The little **** speeded up, squeezing the stick in his hand, and rushing towards Zhou Yan's head as he watched.

At the moment of the electric flint, I saw a corner of the wall, suddenly a hand stretched out, and five fingers accurately grasped the brutal stick, making it difficult to enter any more. At the same time, a hand was stretched out. The figure flashed out, and a thunderous kick slashed down from the air diagonally.

The **** didn't even react. He slammed his whole person on the ground and passed out with a sound of no pit.

And the one behind didn’t seem to be able to just felt a strong wind passing by, and the world turned upside down in his sight. Accompanied by a momentary pain, he flew out and hit the wall. Shang also lost consciousness directly.

There was a lot of talk, but in reality, it was just "ding! Boom!" two muffled sounds.

Zhou Yan heard the sound and turned his head subconsciously. Then I saw a tall and slender figure facing away from him, and the two gangsters were already lying on the ground unconscious.

" did you find it?!" Zhou Yan didn't believe his eyes, he almost asked in a shouting tone.

Lin Xi turned around...

"I went to the Najia Detective Agency."

She said lightly.

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