Detective Training Manual

Chapter 310: There was a kid who lied

Asia-12- Old Town.

The old city of every city is like this. Looking over the highway, it seems to be no different from other areas. The dense buildings, the towering office buildings, the intricate streets, after night, the lights of various colors are dotted with neon lights. Rainbow, revealing the most common prosperity.

   But if you go deep into the old city, you can really feel why it is called the ‘old city’.

  Like people, under the ravages of time, no matter how beautiful you were when you were young, you are still old when you are old.

   Once upon a time commercial districts have become unpopular, and pedestrians on the road rarely see young figures. Only those old people whose souls have been trapped by the years will choose to live in such a place.

   There is no development, no hard work, and no pressure.

  [Yucai Primary School] is located in such an old city. Most parents like to put their children in the elderly's home so that they can work more attentively. The elderly also have company and are not so lonely.

   As for the quality of teaching, the living environment, and the future of the child, these are all things to do. Even my own future is at a loss. How can I think about the future of my child?

   It is four o'clock in the afternoon, which is the quietest time in this school...

   Because school is about to be over in one hour.

   All the children were too lazy to make noise again, quietly waiting for the most beautiful bell tones.

   But just outside the campus, a parent seemed to come a little earlier. He carried his hands on his back and walked around the school fence, circle after circle...

   When he turned to the third lap, the doorman finally asked curiously...

   "Excuse me, are you here to pick up the child?"

The scale of this elementary school is not very large. If the teachers and students add up, it may be less than 500 people. And this uncle doorman has been in this school for half his life, and the parents who pick up the children can see it every day. There must be some memories of raw and cooked faces.

   But the one in front of him, he is very strange.

   looks like he is in his 30s, but he looks young and dressed up. It is estimated that he is similar to a young man in his 20s.

   "Oh, yeah," the parent said.

   The doorman looked at each other again: "I haven't seen you very much."

"Hehe--" The parent smiled awkwardly: "I am Chen Hao's father. This child is usually picked up by his grandmother. Today I come, um...hey, because the teacher is looking for a parent... ...."

   "Oh~" The doorman understood immediately.

   This kind of child troubles and finds parents, he is naturally familiar with it. As for the child named Chen Hao... it's from a few classes. There seems to be a child named Chen in the second grade.

   Whatever you want, I was called by the teacher, and I definitely couldn’t hold back my face, so I’d better not ask too much...

   "I said, brother, how many years has this school been?"

   Sure enough, this parent also changed the subject embarrassingly.

   The guard smiled, "Don't you think this school is not big, but it's really not young. It's more than forty years now."

   "Then, how long have you been here?" This parent seemed very talkative.

   "Thirty-five years, this is half a lifetime."

   There is still one class before school is over. When a doorman, the biggest worry is boredom. Now there is a little brother who is chatting with him, and the doorman seems to have opened up the conversation.

   chatting and chatting...

   "Hey? I said, brother, this school has not taught any celebrities for so many years?"

   When he heard this, he grinned happily: "Hey, don't tell me, there is a celebrity."


   "Lu Zeng..."

   "Hiss——" The parent seemed to flip through his mind, and then he was taken aback: "Lu Zeng? Is that very famous and especially rich Lu Zeng?"

   "That's not right. Back then, this kid went to this school for four full years. At that time, I was still young and I didn't even notice that this kid could be so promising when he grew up."

   "Do you still know Lu Zeng?"

   "Of course, the scale of the school at that time was not as good as it is now. There were only three classes in one grade, and there were only a hundred or so people coming in and out. How could I not know it.

   Besides, Lu Zeng, who was back then, can be regarded as a celebrity on campus. "

   "Oh? He was famous when he was a child?"

   "Hey." The doorman said, "Famous is famous, but it's not the kind of reputation you think. He was in school, because everyone hated him."

   The parents suddenly became interested: "Everyone hates him? Why?"

   "Because of this kid, there is something wrong... he likes to lie..."

   "Uh...what's the matter, kids love to lie."

"No, no, no." The old doorman waved his hand: "His lies are not the same. He didn't lie because of poor exam results, truancy and was arrested, these things lied, but..." The doorman organized The following language: "But he lied as if to lie.

   For example, when he goes to school in the morning, he passes by the guard room, and I meet him by accident.

   Then, he could come over specially and tell me...Uncle, uncle, you know, yesterday a big spider over one meter long came out of my cabinet, but it frightened me. "

"Huh?" At this time, the parent frowned, "This is a lie, isn't this just nonsense? There is a metre-long but that's why I said this. The kid is a little weird, and it's not just a spider, what it looks like...'Yesterday I saw a ghost in the corner of the wall','The reflection in the mirror smiles at me again. There is a lanky ghost The shadow is following me'...this kind of nonsense, he just said every few moments, you said this kid is always such nonsense, can other children like him?"

   The uncle doorman was talking while recalling, but he suddenly noticed that the parent seemed to be stunned.

   "Hey? Brother, what's the matter?"

   The parent was relieved all of a sudden: "Ah, nothing, but you just said... the lanky ghost followed him?"

"Yeah, I still remember to hear it clearly, because I didn't know what the long and thin ghost is, so I asked him, and the child Lu Zeng was very excited and told me that he was a faceless man with very long limbs. Weird man, he spoke vividly, and then the class bell rang, and he reluctantly ran back to the classroom."

   The parent's brows frowned tighter.

   "In other words, when Lu Zeng was very young, he told you about the elongated ghost, and in order to let you know more about the elongated ghost, he was late for class?"

   "Yeah, are you weird?" The doorman shook his head with a wry smile.

   The parent was silent for a few seconds without knowing what he was thinking.

   After a while, he raised his head and asked.

   "Hey? Uncle, have you heard of Guangming Electric Factory?"

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