Detective Training Manual

Chapter 316: The Mystery of Ghost (Part 1)


   [Luo Anlan: I can’t give it, we don’t have any clues either]

   "Um..." Zhou Yan was slightly embarrassed.

   [Ming Mo Mo: We are still waiting for you to give clues]

   "This...what should I do? I'm stuck."

  【? ? ? :it can not be helped】

   Zhou Yan just flipped through it, and found that the brothers in the book couldn't help.

at this time......

   [The person in the false book: Xiao Zhou, go and investigate the beauty salon. It is possible that the operation to remove the facial features of the elongated ghost was performed there. 】

   "Hey?" Zhou Yan was surprised: "Love the beauty salon?"

   He didn't know where this brother got the clue, but he quickly took out his cell phone and checked the [Amelia Beauty Center].

   Don’t tell me, there really is such a private clinic. The address is on the 12th city side, a few hours’ drive away.

   In order to verify the authenticity of this clue, Zhou Yan approached Wang Dabao.

   "I said Dabao, have you heard of the "Aimei Beauty Center"?"

   Before he finished his words, Wang Dabao was stupid. He looked at Zhou Yan with an extremely shocked look.

   "No...I haven't heard of it! I have never been to this place!" He denied desperately.

   "Thank you~" Zhou Yan nodded in satisfaction, got up and walked towards the door.

   "Hey! You...why are you going?" Wang Dabao yelled.

   With such a shout, Zhou Yan actually stopped. It seemed that he had suddenly thought of something, and he walked back to Wang Dabao, stretched out his hands, and touched Dabao arbitrarily.

  Wang Dabao was trembling with fright, for fear that Zhou Yan might have any bad habits.

   Fortunately, Zhou Yan just touched it. In the end, he found a mobile phone in Dabao's trouser pocket.

   "You can borrow my mobile phone to use it."

   As he said, Zhou Yan ignored the other's slaying pig-like roar, and left the door directly.

   As for Wang Dabao's actions, it depends on his good fortune. The soundproofing effect of this room is not so good. It is estimated that he called for a few hours, and he will be rescued when the neighbor next door gets home from get off work.

But if the neighbor next door is working at night, the Dabao brother may have to be **** so dryly, if he wants to pee and urinate during this period...emmm...that's himself. The problem is.

   Less gossip. After Zhou Yan left the apartment, he took a taxi and went straight to the [Aimei Beauty Center].

   Due to the long distance, it was already night when Zhou Yan arrived at his destination.

The location of the Amelie Beauty Center is not bad. It is a five-story building with a detached door on the side of a commercial area. Although the floors are not too high, it is already very good for a plastic surgery center. Coupled with the simple and tall decoration, this private plastic surgery organization looks special and stylish.

"Is this the place for plastic surgery for the lanky ghost?" Zhou Yan muttered to himself: "It doesn't look like it... a place that can do things like'cutting other people's facial features', isn't it? It should be the kind of perverted clinic that is hidden in a small alley, the environment is dirty and bad, and the doctor is smiling strangely, right?"

  While vomiting, Zhou Yan also walked to the front of the plastic surgery center, which is now closed, but there are some publicity advertisements hanging on the wall of the clinic.

   Zhou Yan leaned over to take a look.

   "Huh~" He was surprised.

   Don’t think this is a private cosmetic surgery institution, but the doctors here are quite strong. It's not a master's degree from **** university, or the retired director of the plastic surgery department of a certain hospital.

   The photos of these people are posted on the advertisement column, and there are even contact information for each person below.

There is no way. For things like plastic surgery, the most difficult step is to make up your mind. So often a person who wants plastic surgery has to have at least a dozen consultations before lying on the operating table. Therefore, plastic surgery doctors often have a job number. , Used to soothe or seduce these boys and girls who want plastic surgery.

   Zhou Yan stared at the doctor's resume column in front of him. At the same time, he took out Wang Dabao's mobile phone and searched it in his address book.

   It can be seen from Wang Dabao's cell phone that he really has no social circle, because if we exclude the take-out call, there are not many people left in his address book.

   So Zhou Yan found a number without remarks effortlessly.

   This string of numbers coincides with a phone number on the billboard in front of me.

   That is a cosmetic surgeon, in his thirties, and his surname is Zhao.

   Zhou Yan took a deep breath, and then pressed the dial button.

   "Beep~beep~" After a short busy tone, the phone was answered, and a man's voice was on the other end: "Hello?"

   "Doctor Zhao?" Zhou Yan pressed his throat, pretending to be very alarmed, and said, "I am Wang Dabao!"

   "What's wrong, did something go wrong after the operation?" When Dr. Zhao heard it, he seemed a little nervous.

   With just such a sentence, Zhou Yan has already affirmed that the person who performed the operation on Wang Dabao is this Doctor Zhao!

   " nose collapsed." Zhou Yan continued to talk nonsense.

   "What!" On the other side of the phone, Dr. Zhao was also taken aback: "How can this happen? Did you sneeze hard?"

   "I...I don't know. Anyway, I'm at the door of the hospital right now. Come here quickly. My nose is about to poke my eyes."

"..." There was a moment of silence on the It should be in the brain to fill up the ten postures of "the bridge of the nose poked into the eyes": "Okay, wait for me, I will immediately Go over!"

   After speaking, Dr. Zhao hung up the phone quickly.

   After that, Zhou Yan didn't put Wang Dabao's phone in his pocket, but walked to the small alley next to the clinic and threw the phone on the ground.

   Then he walked out of the alley again, crossed the road, found a bench on the side of the street, sat down, buttoned his hat, and quietly stared at the door of the opposite clinic.

   About 15 minutes passed...

   A small car stopped by the side of the road, and a person got out of the car in a hurry. Zhou Yan's eyes were pretty good, and he could recognize him across the road. This person was Dr. Zhao.

   As soon as he got out of the car, he looked around, probably looking for Wang Dabao.

   As a result, I searched for a circle, but didn't find it. Dr. Zhao could only take out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Dabao's number.

   The call went through soon... but no one answered.

at the same time......


   A series of ringtones came from a small alley next to the clinic.

   Doctor Zhao was taken aback for a moment, then unconsciously walked to the entrance of the alley and looked inside.

at this time......

   Suddenly, a force came from behind him, and then Dr. Zhao was pushed into the small alley by someone...

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