Detective Training Manual

Chapter 331: Hurry up for the old lady!

In the night, Zhou Yan looked at the detective's notes with a few light sources.

   [How difficult is it to change a nickname: you didn't reject me that night, and I didn't bring Durex that night. 】

   hiss...This brother is from the atmosphere group at first glance.

   [The heart of the book has a soul: When these people are holding their mobile phones and typing, their hands have replaced their brains]

   Zhou Yan smiled bitterly. Indeed, in this era, public opinion and the Internet have become a channel of catharsis, and people don’t have brains on the Internet.

   can't say the same. In fact, they often have their brains. They clearly know what kind of feedback they will get and what impact they will have.

   Whether these effects are good or bad, they know well.

   But they just want to do it...

   When did people become like this?

  【20200715090219441: Note the Orphans】

   "???? Who are you talking about, it's not me, right?"

   [The person in the false book: Xiao Zhou, after Lin Xi hung up the phone, his face was very red. 】

   "Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "She...she blushed? Really or not, hey, this lady is not interesting to me, right?"

  【Little O bask in the sun: Accept incompetence. . . Just throw it away and send it to the police station. Why have to wait until 18 years old? Too abnormal]

   Zhou Yan also sighed. In fact, he somewhat understood the mood of Lu Zeng's parents.

  Lu Zeng, this child, shouldn't exist, he was born in a mistake.

   Lu Yiming and his wife want to get rid of this child, because his existence has changed the taste of the family.

   If Lu Zeng was reported to him when he was 4 years old, then he would be released in a few years. At that time, he will still return to this family again.

   That way, this family still hasn't changed after all.

   [An Xia Jiusheng: The man by the woods in the community is a long ghost. 】

   Zhou Yan looked at this message and was also taken aback...

   [Lian Yue Zhi Zhi: Zhou Yan, on the road by the woods, there was a man wearing a long dress and a hat, walking alone on the road. He is probably a lanky ghost. 】

   Zhou Yan lowered his head and looked at the long dress he was wearing...

   "Uh, what's the matter, you are talking about me, OK?"

   He smiled awkwardly...

   Then, he took off the hat on his head.

   That's right, the man in the long coat is Zhou Yan, and he has returned to this place again...

   A few days ago, the elongated ghost image disappeared in this area.

   He had injuries on his body at the time, and then he was smashed, electrocuted, and knocked into the air. No matter how tenacious his vitality is, he still needs cultivation.

   may be on the roof of a certain building, may be under a manhole cover, or may be hiding in the woods.

For a person who can survive in a dull cave for more than ten years, there are too many hiding places around here. These days, he must be in an unobtrusive place, quietly. Quietly licking his wounds.

   At the same time, he was also waiting for the prey to appear again.

   A trained beast, [Kill Zhou Yan] may be the only thought left in its mind.

   So Zhou Yan is back again.

   The night wind was a little bit cold, and the rustling in the woods was covered by the wind.

   A shadow quietly appeared behind a certain tree, and in the next second, it blended into the darkness again.

  [Jiancran: Here comes, in the woods]

   Zhou Yan looked at this message and smiled.

   "Are you here? Good luck, he hasn't left yet..."

   He said, put his notes in his pocket, and then faced the rustling woods.

   "Hi~ I am here!"

   Before the words fell, a roaring gale hit!

   The speed is too fast, the black shadow almost surpassed the limit of Zhou Yan's visual capture.

   No one knows how strong this guy's muscles are. With the addition of titanium alloy steel plates, his power can be more unscrupulous.

   A beast rushed towards Zhou Yan and left a deep scratch on Zhou Yan's chest at the moment when everyone did not react.


   Zhou Yan flew upside down under the huge force, and then slammed into the street lamp sturdily. The recoil was so hung that all his food for the day was sprayed out.

   Fortunately, Zhou Yan wore a bulletproof vest with a buffer layer in advance, otherwise, at least two ribs would have to be accompanied at this time.

   However, the ghost did not seem to give Zhou Yan a chance to breathe. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he suddenly culled again.

   It may be that the wound made his upper limbs uncomfortable. This time he opened his blood basin directly!

   If you bite this one, you will be torn off a large piece of flesh.

   And looking at this posture, Zhou Yan seems to be unable to avoid it.

  This set of surprise attacks is slow, but in reality it is just like sparks and flints. The ghost has eaten raw fish and insects for more than ten years, and the blood erodes from his mouth and the rancidity in his stomach went straight to Zhou Yan's neck.

   I'm ready to go up as soon as I see it!

   at this moment...


   A leg whose strength is disproportionate to its slenderness, smashed firmly onto the side ribs of Ghost. One staggered that ghost image, Haoxuan fell to the ground.

   "Why did you come here, I was about to be eaten by him!" Zhou Yan looked at Lin Xi who appeared suddenly and stood in front of him, yelling in sadness.

   "I came early, what should I do if this thing doesn't show up?" Lin Xi swayed her leg. Although the bones wrapped in titanium alloy are not bulletproof, it hurts enough to hit them.

   Zhou Yan stood up with difficulty: "It's okay if you block for a while, I'll run to the trap first."

   said, Zhou Yan limped in the direction of the path...

   In a small alley a few hundred meters away, a live cage has been set up. As long as the ghost is drawn over, he will definitely not be able to run.

The reason why it is so troublesome is because this ghost is not completely IQ. If you send a team of people to ambush him with anesthesia guns, he will probably not show up. If you arrange a sniper in the distance, it is not estimated. It's a good hit, if he ran then it would be a bit hard to catch.

   Therefore, Lin Xi was arranged to come by himself as a protector.


   Zhou Yan had already ran a certain distance. The ghost seemed to want to chase after him, but because of the appearance of Lin Xi, he dared not pay attention to the prey completely.

   Maybe in his consciousness, this woman who appeared suddenly has the possibility of causing harm to himself.

   Now the ghost image is too weak. The continuous pursuit and injury for a week has made his body weak to the extreme, so a woman makes him dare not take it lightly.

   If you want to chase the prey, you have to kill the woman first.

   Maybe this is what the thin ghost can think of at this moment.

As a result, a miserable inhuman howl erupted from his throat, and the ghost's feet slammed to the ground. The boots could no longer stand the damage and exploded on the spot. At the same time, the ghost cannonball Generally swept towards Linxi.


   Linxi's eyebrows exuded a trace of sweat, and in a blink of an eye he was blown dry by the night wind.

   This is the first time she has seen the true appearance of a long and thin ghost...This kind of oppressive feeling, is Zhou Yan really always fighting against this kind of thing?

   She didn't dare to hesitate any more, her seemingly weak waist was tightened in an instant, and then like a mechanical bearing, the power that drove the whole body greeted her.

   "Asshole Zhou run to the old lady faster!"

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